Monday, March 20, 2023

Spring has arrived with a bang


My Spring sacrifice will be
Each and every one of the girls
Who claim I am their mother

For the last time I have not given birth
Nor have I been pregnant
If I hear you held my mothers hand

Or sat on her lap
Then I will have you put in prison
For elder abuse

She had Dementia and brain cancer
She ended up adopting more than two hundred
Different girls all who wanted to be the one and only

Selfish real princess behind my back
There is not a single female on any 
News show including Kelly 

That has not challenged me 
As they assume they have been given the right
To get in my face about me refusing to feed them

Which is why they steal my food
And eat off my plate even though
The judge already told them the truth

They are just drug addicts
With little bundles of burdens
Which I am not happy to suffer

I have no reason to be called
Grandma and if they think 
They are going to get away with it

They are crazy and there is always 
A mental ward for them 
Those who cant just move on with their own lives.

Spring time used to be a good time
My grandfather would visit 
All the way from Tennessee

It is his birthday and he spent 
It with some years as his step daughters
Always forgot where they came from

He wanted his son not forget him
Even though raised by his uncle
It also meant a double birthday

For my sister and myself
We could choice any day 
And enjoy it as a special day

For ourselves but equinox
Was the day our parents wanted
For us to go to the beach 

To watch the sunset
We often watched the sunrise as well.
 Our family had so many enemies

It is amazing it was never noticed
Until it was too late
We used to have friends 

From overseas who wanted to spend time
With us in our family homes
Until Jimmy came with his spoiled wives

He is going to have to be taken care of
Now that he cant keep his tongue out of others
Lives to the point that we suspect

Him of everything under the sun
If I could prove he was responsible
For the World Court decision....

He has many strange friends 
Who don't realize that he is classified
As a homicidal maniac

He has been convicted of attempted murder
He is supposed to be incarcerated.
Somehow he got outside and wont go back

He has a few special friends somewhere
When they are caught and their crimes known
There wont be an arrest warrant issued

They will simply disappear
His crimes are so great and so long
That finding the source of his power

Will end in a final decision 
By those in power who have had to suffer
His decisions such as crying about things

That have anything to do with anything
And then we find out someone on the other side 
Of the world has been given a demand

How did it start?
No one seems to remember
But I am exhausted from it all.

I cant go anywhere in my hometown
Without wanting to cry about something
It is so hard not to be clinically depressed

But just grieving for the past what ifs
And wondering about the future what of's
Exhausted when I wake up from the worry

That has set in deep
That even a day at the beach 
Wont erase anymore 

A walk on the beach relieves 
My soul as does knowing their are responsible
Journalist and commentators and diplomats

Who will  have the real view towards 
Life and what is occurring in the world.
If I was Mrs. Zelensky 

I would cover my head in shame
And hide my face from the world
Her husbands lies have caused so much trouble

Instead she stands proud in front
Of a camera as they fake alarms
Asks people to cry for them 

But they don't take care of children themselves
Those kids should have been in orphanage's
Not left to a wandering woman seeking to please

In some fashion what was expected
All those homeless women with no future
All those dead bodies who have not had burials

All for her husband to win another talent championship.
She has no redemption standing next to him
And some of us have stopped crying. 

For her and her family 
When they get their property back
There will be too much blood 

Spilt over their spoiled view 
That they deserved freedom 
But not their neighbors at all. 

Perhaps she should go to the beach
And bare her soul to the world
As Kate did in France 

And is now going to be called 
All she did was show her tits.!

No one is interested in anorexia bitch
Nothing can repair the damage done to the Queen
Who is now dead because of the elder abuse

She suffered without any one taking care of it.
Just because she was the Queen
She was made to suffer from too many grandchildren.

Who just want to have their way.
Rachel Meghan had better not have me called Grandma!
He little one is not a princess either

Oh, Connie, when are you going to take care of her?
History will see this as a civil war
That got out of hand with everyone else's opinion

While the land dispute is so typical
Donetsk was settled by Welsh industrialist workers
They never went home nor did his family 

Get to retain their family property
Once Lenin whose real name was Ulyanov
Jewish but ashamed of it 

He had plenty of opportunities. 
To make grandchildren without his wife
But never gave back anything to anyone

Just as this spoiled univeristy student
Has no plans of being fair with his neighbors
He did not pay for the land when they left

The Soviet system 
It was just assumed they could claim it
Somewhere there is at least one Hughes

Family descendant who has issue 
With this refusal to have their family land
Released from enslavement. 

When are we going to see his kids
Do any work at all?
Not even serve their country

While Kim's adorable daughter
Stands next to him despite
The threats to her father

She will probably see him 
Burnt alive if there is ever a coup
As Zelensky chose to do for his little group

Who have probably gone so far
As to eat the family pets left behind
While those initials photos are still suspect

I will probably be arrested, huh?
I don't have problems with the Bidens
Nor with the America either

I am a descendant of Pocahontas. 
And expect to be treated badly
Meanwhile Jimmy just can't deal. 

With being just captain Kangaroos
Son, Robert James Keshan junior
Is what he was called? 

What will be on his tomb.
When he dies but his body might not be there. 
Mr. Xi, I have a question.

What is Chinese? 
For Jimmy Hoffa?
I bet you have his bones in one of those storage jars somewhere...

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