Friday, March 24, 2023

What does it mean to be Russian?


Who has not seen Fiddler on the Roof?
Or Anna Karina?
Or a few of those Connery Russian films?

What does it mean to be Russian?
Who has ever really lived in Russia?
But does that qualify?

The world news has become a burden
To watch they think they know 
What they are covering 

And yet, not too long ago
We were enemies with all things Soviet
Or just before that Best Friends 

With those guys who defeated the Nazis.
Where does on draw the line?
It is like asking someone who has been to Paris

If they are French now.
Even Lucette who came to us forty years ago 
Still speaks with a German accent

Her story is that she was in France not Germany
Got work at the American base
Got pregnant and than married one of the guys

Every time her paperwork comes up
She has to hire a liar named Gabriel.
To sit there with the paperwork

Altering the facts to fit the one her husband
Was forced into after  he must have gone to her home town
As was customary at the time to see where they came from

Before bringing them to the United States
Anyway, Lucette always comes across as sweet 
Unlike Jacoba who is an obvious liar

No one believes her that she is Dutch and not German
But with a retarded son and a American husband
People just stopped talking about it or to her.

As for the Russian Jewish guy 
Running a nation as a puppet
Whose people are now coming out

And explaining how they really feel
Lifting their flag over someone's elses 
Territory just because they feel they can

Crimea was never theirs 
Even when they left their mother country
And ventured out on their own 

But they want land and not people
Killing off those in the way of their 
What, world power?

They were the ones who started
This battle with their rhetoric
Towards Crimea belonging to hem

Now they have proved that is their goal
Who cares about Donetsk
Certainly not the world court

Who used to be good about arbitration?
But everyone today is on one side
The one that does not allow

For the big bad enemy
As they have now painted 
The man who brought Russia

Into the modern world 
After Gorbachev began the journey
Even Medvedev only made it obvious

That the world was not ready 
Full a fully modern Russia 
But wanted it to sustain their belief

In an old fashion monarchy 
That had little influence upon the world
When in fact they had a lot more influence

Than historians credit them 
And they were also more advanced than Germany
Or even Victorian England

Then we have the other ones 
Who quietly go about their business?
The famous explorer Konyukhov 

Is getting ready for another trip
Another balloon trip 
To break another world record.

Bless him for his efforts
He has left all the others behind
Foster died suddenly from an imploded engine

While Branson looked terrified in his space Odessey
He does well enough for a Brit but the Russian
Has been running circles around everyone else

He is both Russian Orthodox, a priest on his off days
And a former Russian Naval Marine
He did his time at war and now spends

His retirement learning about the world
And bringing it back to those of us on earth.
Where else would we go for such knowledge?

Not everyone can be a flower seller 
Living off of nickels
Nor a fancy sexy prostitute

As many attempted to create 
An environment of those who were Russian girls
So much of Las Vegas invaded the imagery

Of the films such as a the ones that 
Viggo Mortenson was making
Compared to the more somber ones

That Sean Connery was making
With Russia House of those who wanted to escape
But to where?

Most girls who make it to America
Become prostitutes or live as homeless women
Without a husband they have no options

Unless they have a talent or skill
College is fine but goes nowhere
Without someone giving them a chance

And al of those spots are taken
By those whose don't have the skills
Just as in France where once

They were considered so lazy
The French that the country
Almost shut down due to lack

Of filling the employment 
All those empty offices 
When the Americans finally went home

No one wanted to work!
At least that was the image we were given
They promised that those who went to college

Would be provided jobs 
Then they had all of those filled
The student protested that they had no jobs

Now they don't want to work a few more years
What is the difference of two years?
The economy cant handle all of them going 

On their form of social security at the same time
We are told we have already run dry 
All those who paid in have nothing to get back

Those who are receiving it are getting it from 
The grandchildren generation
And in America they started encouraging 

The ones who were 62 to go on SS
Instead of waiting until they are 65
This is because it is less money for them

And more money for the government
To save for the future generations
That is if there is not another money demand

From an unnamed person 
Whose people have no way of working 
Dragging the rest of us down

Meanwhile King Charles III
Has had to cancel his first state trip
Due to the riots going on in France

Who wants to set fire to their city hall?
Who is going to pay for it to rebuilt?
Meanwhile Biden went to Canada

Some see it as a British province
And others as a French colony
After having the Australian and British Prime Ministers

Came to visit 
He has been busy with the lifting
Of the Coronavirus 

Where will we be next year?
No one expected the Pandemic
No one knows where these people come from 

Who show up at the border 
But Jimmy showed up all the time
He got someone to let him in

And he not only stayed for fifty years
But has never done any real work
Except extortion and blackmailing

But everyone is proud of him
Everyone should be frightened of him
He bragged about a lot of crimes

He even said he Shanghaied Hoffa
Imagine a big criminal boss like Jimmy Hoffa
Disappear and a young kid shipped him off 

To China! Where he would not speak the language
And could not come back without help
From his own people who probably 

Had already replaced him instead of seeking his location.
How long do you think he would survive?
A long time if he had a stolen wallet

Or hooked up with an equal criminal. 
In China, getting accustomed to the lavish lifestyle
Until his demise we he would end up in one of those

Temporary things called storage jars
China has little room for burials
Most are ether cremated or put in jars.

What does it mean to be any nationality
Some are born and never fit in
Others move and become closer than anything

It is a question of travelers. 
And immigrants who come and go.
While Journalist often take on the persona

Of the country of which they cover. 
As if they are one of the people themselves.
What is America fighting, past demons? 

Or future imbeciles.
Imagine if Jimmy got hold of those reigns.
We would all quickly jump off .....

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