Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Gentle winds reveal hidden depths


There are storms.

Then there are seasons

And also, those times 

When everything is just 

Not there at all

Blown away by the high winds.

Leaving behind a tranquil setting

For most to enjoy

But not for others to wonder.

What ever happened 

To so and so

Or when did they forget?

Everyone has their day.

Even locals get a celebration. 

Or two during their life

Where did Jimmy come from?

That every day is his day

Nothing can go wrong

From morning to night

He just winds along on gentle winds

Never once considering. 

What other might go through

He just wants to be happy.

All the time and everywhere at once

There are those who struggle

Their entire lives

For that one moment of freedom

Only to have it removed

Because it did not meet someone's 

Expectations or interfered with their happiness.

Some fight for righteousness

So, they can go home feeling.

They have accomplished something.

Only to not be allowed.

The truth is those they saved.

Have already been slated for doom.

Too bad, too bad

It was not meant to be.

This sliding out of hell

Into the sunshine 

To experience a little bit of rain

Is nothing compared to a deluge

What more can a persons sould

Want then to be free of someone else

Demise and decision making 

Towards a day when we have become slaves

To the wills of others 

Just because the others wont acknowledge

What they have already been told

The Judge declined your request

The Lawyers from the company

Sat down and told you the truth.

Why are you spying on her

What is it going to give you

Except the idea that you are more important

Than another human being

That your will ascends that of God himself

To continue on your quest 

Of demanding someone else be made

To feel your pain 

When in fact they have done nothing wrong

They did not even bring you into the world

But you won't acknowledge it at all

Nulliparous is what my records.

Indicate, never been pregnant.

Not that you care at all 

Only controversy will do

For all those former communists

Who just wanted to sit down

Next to a good Christian family

Destruction and mayhem

Is what it was all about?

Now their kids believe.

They are going to  rule the world

Evan now they are making plans

To have your entire family

Obliterated from the records of time

So that no one will recall those who did the fighting

Nor the sacrificing much less the work

One little fight between a couple

And all was lost at sea of their life

For in a moment of haste

He threw her. bible out the window

It included all their paperwork. 

Including his passport 

What it takes to get through

Regular customs when someone puts 

The authroiteis on to a suspicious character

Candace knows nothing but remorse

For not having thought of it sooner

To sit there pretending to be someone else

While the Demis of this world 

Lead a tranquail life of nothing going wrong

And yet she has been visited by a qiet storm

She will not survive at her current rate

Of sail through time

Where did I lose my companion?

In the swirling fog of mysterious smoke

Arising from a false fire 

He lives in his own universe now.

Tranquilly believing he escaped

Whiel I work out how to get even for us all.

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