Wednesday, March 29, 2023

And we just buried one


There they go again,

Cant get any rest at all.

Another one has gone to hospital.

So very sad when it happens,

But they cant be with us forever.

They say the head of the church

Is Peter who was handed the keys 

To the kingdom of god.

But it is a hard line for many

To accept that the Pope

Gets sick at all, much less dies

Francis just got his training wheels off

His predecessor retired

The first in hundred of years.

Benedict could not handle 

All his duties so, he elected

To have another one chosen

While he rested his feet.

He is now buried and gone.

His sister and brother were also both

Part of the Catholic church

His only surviving relatives

They say are two cousins

Whom he has left a fortune

But five individuals have stepped forward!

The Bishop of Rome

Is what they have called him since

The eighth century when the west

Went their own way

Leaving the East 

Which became known as Orthodox.

This little guy heads the church

Of the people throughout the world.

At least the Catholic Roman world

Now one sits in a hospital 

Instead of the heavily guarded

Vatican City with its own everything

But a hospital

Having seen Italy shut down 

For the coronavirus 

And the Pope go without 

Catching the nasty bug

He is now gotten a respiratory infection.

Not sure if they are telling us the truth.

How many of them died of the Plague?

While the Eastern church stayed loyal

To the original Constantinople

Having been created by Constatine

Whose mother converted him 

The head of the Roman empire

Created his own religion from 

The stories of Christ

The Hagai Sophia used to be 

Christian and then the Muslims

Took over hanging their banners.

Over the Icons on the walls

Which included Constantine and his mother

They have no centralized leader

Every section has its own patriarch

Father of the people in thier own area

But no head of the church

Hence in Ukraine where they have

Always been Orthodox 

But now are Catholic

They have been asked to quit

Thier monasteries which are centuries old

Abandon their people

And leave Kiev in particular

Being defrocked by the Jewish rebel

Who has lead his people into beleiving

They are doing a good thing

Instead of freeing the people

Just as the Pharoah did when Moses

Asked for them to go free.

No, No he said 

Until the Red Sea came crashing

Down on top of him and his men.

We do not expect a tsunami.

In the Black Sea to overtake

Odessa at any time soon.

But having to bury another Pope

So soon after the other one.

It is a problem in not 

Even considering Jimmy had

Anything to do with his death

Or this ones sudden ailment

So close together

And with the Dalia Lama

Getting so much older

Than the normal age of religious leaders

Jimmy doesn't believe in god 

At all but he does understand

That other do and just wants 

To have his way.

And the idea that a man represents

God on earth is appalling to him.

He wants to be Caeser, Kaiser and Christ!

Never put one past him 

Keep a watch soldier on your man!

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