Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Who wants to be the next Dalia lama?

There are people in the world who are special
For no reason at all 
But they make a difference in the world

Some people are just there 
Others are world leaders
Or about to become an important person

Peter Jennings was one of those people
Who grew up as the son of the Voice of Canada
Charles Jennings was a well known radio journalist

His son was one of those who was always around
People and got accustomed to being on hand
When things went wrong 

He became one of the better known world Journalist.
A leader in a field that had only a few who could make it
Now there are so many journalist 

And foreign correspondents
Most of whom he either trained
Or was used as an example 

His best thing was getting into the politics
Unlike nowadays where they do interviews
He made his way through till the guy

Just wanted him to sit down and have supper
Then he would squawk at the live interview
But Peter always got his man

And eventually we the viewers 
Got to know what was really going on in the world
We all grew to trust the young man

Who did nothing but cause problems for his own parents.
He also was a connoisseur of culture and arts
As an older man who did much for keeping

The life of the town alive
Unlike the newer generation 
Who don't know what to do 

Unless the celebrity can do something bizarre
Such as play the piano 
Without hands or pants...

Then there are those such as Jacqueline 
Who made a world of difference
To the world as the first lady

The press hated her and then could not get enough
Of her or her lifestyle
While there are a lot of heroes back at home

Who continue to pick up the kids on time
Or go to work no matter who is aiming
To shoot at them on the job

Thier used to be school teachers
Who were leaders and not followers
Or nurses who cared to at least make

Themselves look good instead 
Of causing the doctors to look bad
Politicians ahve alot on thier plate

Some make it through 
Only looking a little bit foolish
While others cant get anything right

Does not matter who handsome they are
Nor how much money they have
Or how intelligent or educated

It is the facts that go on around them
That lead others to believe that something is wrong
That and bad management 

Now we have a former president
Up on possible charges of a criminal nature
While his vice president is not being pleasant

What went wrong that day?
No one told those idiots to enter
And take hostages in the Capital

Not even the President told them to use guns
But it endangered the Vice President
And  his family who with him at the capital

Along with the entire Senate chamber
And the Speaker of the House 
Who also had her grown daughter with her

It was a bad situation and people were killed
Just as those school shootings 
Were former students are coming back

With guns and getting even with their teachers
Whom they disliked or disliked them
It is no longer a safe world out there

When one cant trust their own teacher
Not to steal or lie about you behind your back
Or the trusted elected politician

Cant get past the crew who appear
To like him but just want to cause mayhem.
Who is left in the world to trust or believe in?

World religious leaders?
Such as the Pope?
Or the Dalia Lama?

They don't have much of a life
The last Pope retired whether than end
Up being pushed around in a wheelchair

As his successor has done due to his pain level
The Dalai Lama lived in luxury 
While he was raised as a child

Chosen to be a spiritual leader
Got to go to University and study
But also has to come up with peace plans

Was exiled due to the war 
Between China as a communist country
And the others 

While the Pope has to earn 
His place through diligence 
The Lama grows into his position.

Now he is 87 and checking out children
They must decide whom is likely
To be the chosen reincarnated one.

Not an easy job nor does it come 
With a permanent place in life
As an exile he must move around

One must be from Mongolia 
Or Tibet or China in order to qualify
Unlike the Pope or Patriarch 

Who come from the Western world
With hard work as a novice
Until he is noticed for his leadership as a chosen one of god.

Who would want to be any of these guys?
They have the weight of the world on them
And they dont usually get to retire 

Work til they drop is the motto
Most specail people are that way
One day they are there doing what they need

And the next they are dead from cancer
Or a plane crash or auto accident
No one knows who will be the next one

Unlike choosing a successor
Most of those individuals 
Who set the world on fire 

Simply arrive out of nowhere
This in no way describes jimmy
Who has never been charming nor a leader

Just a saboteur who wants his way
To the harm of others 
Who just get in his way.

When are those school kids 
Going to stop shooting things?
When are we going to feel safe again?


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