Monday, March 13, 2023

Sunny skies arriving


The Brits are coming.

The Brits are arriving.

The Australian is already. 

Strolling along the embarcadero

While the Londer is arriving 

At any moment

Airforce one is expected. 

To land on Coronado

Flying right over this beach

They are going to inspect.

Our Submarines off to the side

In order to provide us with 

A government order of them

At least five are expected. 

To be bought by these two PM's

And America really needs.

The money right now

After all they had two banks 

Fail over the weekend.

They are lying to us. 

When they say there is no reason

To run on the banks

And remove our cash from the ATM's.

Like Jimmy Stewart who stood

There in a Wonderful Life

With his own wad of cash

Giving out what he could to his neighbors.

This guy named Joe is ensuring.

That the depositors will get their money

But he cant do that with all of them

How many more of them are there out there

Who have been floating during the Pandemic?

With all those free loaders

Taking advantage of having a home

Racking in all those stipends

No foreclosures much less taxes

Who are now being mean to everyone

Because they are out of money

They have lots of toys at home

All they did while the rest of us waited.

Was exercise, exercise and exercise

They filled the parks and parking lots

With their sweat while they ate 

Unlike others who were waiting in line

For anything to be handed out

Only to find it was uneatable

Now they don't want to share their wealth.

Because they don't have anything to share

Silicon Valley is an important

Place where the technology is developed.

That their bank closed is an issue

It is not like a farmers bank

Just because this country is still based

Upon farming as well as technology

Don't believe them at all.

Take your cash and keep it 

In your shoebox or somewhere

Although those home invaders have already

Taken their share of other peoples wealth

Torn down buildings just to see what 

Is inside the walls and under the floors.

Well, we hope the PM's have a nice shopping trip

It is sunny skies today and a good day 

For a trip aboard a submarine

AS for last nights fiasco

Blame it on Lindsay Davis

She insists on holding amicrophone

Even though she was not hired

But arrived with the rest

As if her skin color made it okay

Unqualified for the job

She just kept gabbing last night

Let Angela walk into  a trap

Who expected her to win anywyas?

All things come to an end sometime.

This was not her night.

An all-white cast were the winners.

Jamie Lee Curtis beat her out 

AS an immigrant descendant

SHe has been waiting a long time

While Angela is half white 

It was not good enough for the club

They had enough of hte slap

As well and I do belive Kimmel

Needed a good kick in his pants

I was not amused by his treatment

Noe were the Asians unaware 

That it was thier day at the office

But they are also considered white

In the long run they have been in America

Almost as long as Native Americans

Who appeared to be frightened

In thier presentation of thier rights

What wnet wrong?

In bringing everyone in to enjoy

The goodness and the joy?

Another day Angela 

Is not the answer you want to hear

But Cruise did not even show up

Branden got his oscar

For playing a fat person who eats

Instead of a war hero

What gives?

Just understand even those with the Oscar

Still go home empty handed sometimes.

Best to you and your career

As for our lives watching.

The little kid of Indiana Jones

Stand there and hug his former master.

As an adult receiving an Oscar for his role

While Harrison Ford is only

A nominee and not a winner....

When are we going to be paid 

By Zelensky anyways

He has robbed us of our goods

Forcing our banks into Closures

 While he wants to appear at the Oscars himself.

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