Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What was once Muscovy

In 1147 it was just a mosque built far to the north of Mecca.

By 1177 it had developed into a nice little village and was burnt down for its efforts.

Batu Khan visited in 1156 where he liked it so much that he burnt and killed its inhabitants.

The Mongol invasions were numerous, and Kiev shuddered from the idea of themselves.

A century later Daniel in a bid for Grand Duke of Vladimir which is what the area was called.

He built monasteries for the Eastern religion by 1256, then became a monk himself.

Rurikids arrived by his death and contested the right to rule this place.

More fortifications were built along the riverbanks and the great fort Kremlin were installed.

The Golden Horde came calling and then sat back and watched them build.

Every twenty years or so someone's wood stove would burn the wooden city down.

By 1380 They beat back the Mongols and another 100 years broke free of the Tatars as well.

1462 Ivan III fought both the Lithuanians to the West and the Novgorod's to the North.

He was victorious as the Grand Prince of Moscow rebuilding the trading village into a settlement one of the largest in the world.

He invested in the Kremlin instead of monasteries with Western architects from Rome. 

By 1600 the bell tower had been built to its present height, and the Hollow field where they gathered for their trades of fruits of the field for those furs from the forest became the Red Square.

A moat was built, and a three-way lime lined barricade was instituted for the new Tsars of Moscow.

Only to have the Crimeans come in and burn everything except the Kremlin. 

Then the Poles came a visiting with their terrible plight of jealously, spending two years attempting to take the throne of Russia away not that it was no longer in the hands of the Kieveians.

There was also a great famine which made it difficult to feed the people causing an uprising to occur.

They threw out both the Poles and the former Novgorod's installing instead the Romanovs as rulers.

The population rebounded and doubled outside the sides of the wooden fences.

Plague and more turmoil caused the city to become a failure by the time of Peter the Great.

In 1700 Saint Petersburg was built on a marsh land not unlike The District of Columbia. 

A new city for a newer more modern government, since Moscow was occupied six times.

In 1812 it was burnt down again, after it survived another plague and built itself a 25-mile-long fence.

It upgraded to cobble roads and a water duct brought fresh water inside the city left behind.

They now had gaslight streetlights and 16 gates with tolls to enter its inner circle, and they even built themselves a road or highway to Saint Petersburg in order to travel to the capital.

Then Napoleon came to town, forcing the Muscovites to evacuate, they set fire as they left forcing Napoleons French troops to retreat as well.

Sanitary conditions almost completed the conquest of this city, but Catherine the Great allowed them to clean up the sewage from her vantage in Saint Petersburg.

Then the lost the Crimean war down south where they needed the Russian navy to be successful.

The Farmers got frustrated with all their work going for nothing at all, listening to those boys from the Universities who had never worked in any industry at all, they marched upon Moscow.

The Bolsheviks won the day and reestablished Moscow as the Capital for the Soviet system.

There have been no more fires since then, actually they have had entire buildings burn down.

But the city itself has been rebuilt of steel and hardened glass replacing the fragile wooden. structures.

Only San Francisco seems to have kept their wooden ladies as even New York went all brick.

Mongols, Tartars, Scythians, Poles, Lithuanians, Crimeans, Nazis and the French have come to see this city in the middle of nowhere only to go home again.

Until the day he got what he wanted, little Jimmy just wanted to destroy the thing that caused him so much sleepless nights.

Finally, his Puppet Zelensky got those planes, and he immediately used them without warning upon the fair city that brought so many together in the eastern world.

Only Kiev a former capital of the Russian people would consider such a thing, not even the Nazis ventured as far as they did.

They did not even leave the Kremlin standing, complete inhalation is what was required to satisfy his people who had to suffer a few missiles thrown at them.

They joked about the great navy port of Sebastopol and how they were going to throw the Russians out now that they had gotten their freedom.

As a people seeking freedom, the Kievan's were allowed to be independent. Then they became dependent upon Europe all over their wanting more than just their freedom.

They also wanted to become dictators not monarchs, they refused their neighbors the same allowances.

Everyone went to war for this little guy whose wife was so beautiful that not a thousand ships sailed for her, but the one hundred billion dollars disappeared from the American banking system.

The bank closures began and quiet desperation of the younger ones who wanted nothing of either Moscow nor Kiev.

They began to burn their connections to the whole situation, no more jokes about hacking from Germany and using them to keep both sides at each other so they could make millions.

Silicon Valley could not handle it at all and then those submarines went to the British in order to suppress the Chinese.

The final straw was those submarines that Jimmy had desired to rule the world from his own domain.

He just got those planes for his guy in the middle and then they completed teh final conquest of Moscow.

The Great city was no more, and neither was those pesky farmers, not even the monks were left to survive. 

Everyone was wiped out to the satisfaction of the Zelenski's. Then they tuned Bonaparte on everyone, making themselves into the newest Monarchs of the Russ people. 

They went on to include not only Donbass, Crimea into their realm but also Moldovia and Belarus.

It happened over night during the Purim season of righting the wrong of the Babylonians Queen Esther, celebrated as Easter by the Christians.

Jimmy picked his time well enough to surprise everyone and got those nuclear codes as well from teh ones who did not even know they had them.

Sadly, there was still at least one bunker left from the demise who put his finger on the red button.

Now Kiev is nor more either, was it was foreordained they would never rule again from the Black Sea.

Rome did not even shudder at all but made the call to Constantinople who agreed to join forces now. without their backers being present.

The world changed without the protector on the Eastern Front, the West began to crumble while the fallout from the Jimmy tantrum of radiation fallout infected the Volga and the Danube.

Those Berliners who wanted to go topless got skin cancer and the French were warned not to go to the beach again for at least a decade.

Meanwhile, Hungary, Turkey and all of the Middle east went running for their bunkers built into the sand.

There was no way that much of a blast could not get into their air. They knew they would be spending the next decade inside cement buildings. 

A complete wasteland from Moscow all the way down through the Black Sea towards Turkey.

All because they did not take him seriously, that he was going to have his way no matter what.

Saint Petersburg did survive and eventually the real wise men emerged from their submarines they had run off to, in order to begin the rebuilding work.

Meanwhile Jimmy had learned Chinese miracously from his vantage point along the Yellow river in his new accommodations called prison.

Leaving the Hindu hopping mad for their own homeland not to become a wasteland nor was Britain pleased as Australia seemed to have developed a tilt from an unexpected object falling, upon them. 

Jimmy had decided to bring down the Chinese space station but forgot his geography. Wrong large continent, oops so long little cousins.

The entire east coast of the United States is bracing for not another season of hurricanes but the nuclear rain that is going to hit them any day.

While those on the West now what to do, they went out and set fire to all of their forests, burning down any possibility of another situation occurring for one man to just have his way with the world.

Only the navy is in full command at any given time with the rest of the commanders being shuttled back and forth waiting for one more miserable missile strike to be launched before the capture of Jimmy. 

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