Monday, March 27, 2023

Mom, did we ever...?


My poor crazy mother

When she crossed over to that point

Of  no return, no one seems to know

But she was somewhat normal

Smart and insistent one day

Then she became consumed in having her way

All the time and every day at everything

She lied so often she would get caught in her own lies

And those stories she told would return upon her.

Lobster! She is eating lobster!

She is sitting with a small child

And telling the child, that I her real mother

Is sitting in a posh place

Eating lobster, while she sits outside

With  nothing but a pizza in her lap.

Everyone of those children 

Were told the same sad story

And each and every one of them 

Bought the White elephant 

Whole heartedly, no compassion.

I am not allowed to go back to my old life

I am not allowed to have a life.

I am never going to get 

These two hundred plus

Individuals to believe me that I am not

Thier mother nor have I ever been pregnant

They want to believe a woman with dementia

Who died of brain cancer.

I do understand she was unwell

It does not excuse everyone else 

Who can you trust if you don't listen

To the doctors, lawyers and judges

It does not seem to matter

If I can prove it or not

They don't care what they say

They only care about the Lobster.

I hate lobster!

I have always hated lobster.

In fact, I think they look like giant cockroaches.

Dinosaurs in the ocean of one of the worst 

Things one can encounter anywhere

How could she sit out there and tell such a tale.

Anyways, these little beasts keep multiplying

There could not have been they many

Foolish women who let my mother 

Take their child for a walk!

Actually, it was Jimmy who started 

Taking them for walks and endangering their lives.

Now someone is being accused of stealing

Children from a war-torn country.

Has he made them into dog food?

As in Mexico a whole bus load of college kids

Disappeared on a bus to the capital for a protest.

All those buried bodies are beginning to surface

But not the group of 40 who boarded a drug lords bus

By accident apparently without their knowledge

And Vamos, gone into thin air

The kids are also not being used for sex trafficking

As so many children are around the world

Or those child factories where they make 

Macy's clothing for nothing to be sold

To middleclass midweight women 

With huge credit cards they have no intention 

Of paying off, as Macy's keeps going 

Into bankruptcy but never closes their doors.

What would we do without the Macy day parade?

They appeared to be orphans from the war

Collected by a woman who worked for the big guy

They seem to be feed and cared for while ....

If they have parents, it is assumed they could

Be reclaimed by them at the end of the war.

No one has said otherwise

The question is why there were sixteen thousand of them

Available for pick up by the other side

The Ukrainians were not taking care of them?

The Russians wanted a good  media pic day

They allowed themselves to be seen picking them up

Removing them across the border is up to question

Who says who these children belong 

And why has it taken so long for it to be a problem

Why has Ukraine not demanded them back

They have done several prisoner of war exchanges

But not one word about the return of the children

And what are they going to feed them?

Pizza brought in by the world media?

Zelensky keeps going begging for billions of dollars

All because he wanted Crimea for his own selfish means

He cant pay for anything at all,

Not ammunition nor vehicles 

Not electricity for a city nor 

Pizza for a load of kids sitting 

Not going to school with no parents.

At least this the story my former colleagues

Want the world to accept 

That the children were not starving

That they did have places to stay

But of course it is a media storm

And those pictures of her with them

Are precious to observe.

But why the arrest warrant 

For her boss?

He appears to be paying for the gasoline

And the housing of these children.

Has anyone asked where they will be going

When it is over?

Instead, overnight Putin became the big bad

Wolf next door who has no good intentions.

Everyone is jumping onto the same small boat

Just because he is bigger? or badder?

Without Russia the world would not be a better place.

Zelensky has not proven he can care for his own people

Being elected out of nowhere as a comedian performer

He cleaned up fast and he did earn a law degree

Before he started his entertaining.

But the world court and the world press

Were once my playground

Where I knew when not to cross the line

But still get the facts from both sides.

Lobster, she is eating lobster!

They have their pizzas delivered.

We get the same news from all of them.

While that dingy is getting a little bit full.

What happens when someone makes waves?

Or a tsunami occurs?

Meanwhile, Netanyahu was reelected.

And the new generation hates him.

They have closed the airports down

Because of fear of the thousands of people

Fulling the streets with their bodies and banners.

And poor Macron has had not one good day.

His life has nothing but difficulties.

First thing that happened?

The Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire

And the steeple collapsed.

They have spent years rebuilding the inner roof section

With only the front still standing. 

And he is expecting the Olympics

To arrive in the next few years

Meanwhile, King Charles III has canceled

His first state trip due to the rioters

They set fire to their town hall!

Pension reform.

They don't want to wait two more years.

The country is going broke supporting.

Ukraine with their little problem

What difference is 64 from 62?

Most dont want to be told to get lost

At 62 or 64 when they are still working.

Those yellow vest rioters did a lot of damage as well.

Blocking traffic and causing alarm bells to go off.

They have had a few shootings as well.

Mother did I go to that school as well?

The private presbyterian Christian one 

In Nashville? Sounds like something you 

Would send me to in order to make me

Understand that I was expected to not go

To any school at all.

Koonce, she looks really familiar.

A white female shooter.

Sounds like Cathy M. 

Who was hired to harass me

But went to far in her involvement.

With underworld groups 

Of criminals such as that Oklahoma kindergarten.

She actually threatened me with that one

And a decade ahead of time.

Nashville, Tennessee.

I have lived there and recognize the buildings.

Another school shooting.

Another set of kids dead.

Another school official shot.

Are they aiming for the kids

Or the adult in the group?

The janitor, the substitute teacher.

If it was a movie script

It would be one of the adults

And the kids are just extra.

If I did not know better

I would be suspicious of Jimmy

Or one of his crazy women who help him.

Every single one of these shootings

I swear I was enrolled as a student

My school transcripts by the time 

Cathy got done harrassing everyone

Excluded all those extra schools

Left me with little proof of doing anything.

Except attempting to avoid her.

I still cant find evidence of being

In San Diego my home town.

But this is the place I went to with

My real siblings and is also 

Where Demi M and Thelma L

Went around claiming to be the real daugher

And stealing the information for themselves.

Somewhere they is a newspaper picture

Of a young Demi Moore sitting in custome

Having just won a talent contest of something.

And myself having just been accepted by the tribe

An Indian registration is so valuable

That dozens are willing to commit murder 

For the suggestion that they are the indian.

No one seems to remember me 

Instead of the other girls and I need

To reestablish my identity

Jimmy does not have a real birth certificate.

I do have one of those and my authentic California id

Now required by law, officially identifying yourself

Through a real ID.

I get the feeling as I use it that it is not accepted.

It is not really mine.

How can I prove anything? 

With county clerks selling their services

So many documents disappear. 

Or false ones are created.

Such as the one Jimmy

Has for my now dead sister

They went to court in the old days.

About her being his daughter

He has a birth certificate that says

She was born on Leap year

February 29 and keeps after me

About not being old enough

The imbecile is actually counting

Every four years instead of just allowing 

The years  to be realized.

And it is not my birth certificate.

So many people cant recall there were two of us.

Nor was my mother going to allow me to  have

My own unique identity.

All those girls who believe they are the real daughter

And all those kids who think I am thier mother.

Stolen children from the arms of their own mothers.

If I did not know any better 

I would also believe Jimmy was behind.

That little arrest warrant as well.

By the way, lobster is a poor man's food.

It used to only be feed to the slaves.

And the servants or the poor in seaports.

It was not a luxury item until recently. 

Who cares anyways? The world has gone to the dogs...

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