Sunday, March 19, 2023

I was dreaming again last night


Opening line of Rebecca
"I dreamed again last night."
Of Manderley....

The Winters estate in the film
And book it was adapted from
Had a beautiful old house 

Which was set on fire by a witch
Cousins married but only one 
Was the true heir 

She did everything she could 
To him even though his wife
And then set the place on fire

When she learned she was dying
Not her inheritance but she just wanted
It so much she had married a man she did not love

Jimmy for some reason
Has been after our little seaside.
Property which value was the fruit trees

He stooled the horses or killed them.
Destroyed the orchards. 
He even pulled up the antique roses. 

All so he could build a Hilton.
Where it wont be allowed to be 
In order to satisfy himself

In doing a good job 
In taking down a fine family
Who were once wealthy enough

But not would famous 
Nor even in a state of power
They were just original inhabitants.

He just could not understand.
The Hollywood boy
That he could not move in on someone.

Like they did there in Los Angeles 
Where everyone dreamed of making it big
And ripping it out from under them

He thought of destroying those more talented
Then himself, or more handsome or more capable
Whatever it was he was spoiled rotten

By his parents and did not care nor understand
She spoiled him and gave in to him
Until even she began to be afraid of him

His own mama and then she died 
Of a massive heart attack 
When she found out what he had done.

His father would then get him back
Overly strict due to his job 
Of being a Kids show captain

He had to make it look real
He knew his kid was bonkers
And set him to the mental wards

As often as he needed because
He would not stop playing 
With little girls dolls

And stealing their underwear
What could he possibly do with underwear?
A lot of harm 

An entire world lost their beacon of hope
He just had to interfere one more time
I was 39 years old 

And size zero for some reason
I entered Menopause early because of it
Only to have it last more than a decade

I was a late bloomer 
But always had horrible pain 
And headaches 

Faced with tumors growing
Where they out nought to be
Almost as if someone had planted them

I would not put anything past him
He has a way of getting nurses and lab techs
To sign their lives over to a jail cell

I kept finding needle marks
Then my thyroid stopped functioning
Then my abdomen grew overnight

As if someone had inserted a balloon
By this point I could not eat
Without vomiting or worse

Fast forward
I sought help in my hometown
Not my mothers place of play

He just kept showing up 
And having me removed 
Every time I had a treatment plan

I would wake up with a really bad 
Headache and a place I did not know
It could have been worse but I was just too sick

To have everyone keep playing this game
Then he hired Janet P
To come after me with needles

She would steal my food 
And my wallet every time I went out
Starving inside was not an option

Because then her aunt Candace would show up
It was a horrible carousel ride with no end
I went for several examinations.

One was signing me up to get a MRI-FUS reduction
They zap your tumors down to size
Better than the chemicals they fill your body with

I am still nauseated from the other thing 
But it was going in for an ultrasound.
A locked door in a training hospital

He let himself in and sat down
While the doctor had me on the board
I closed up like a clam

Making the doctor very unhappy
He called the cops on me
I still had some of his tools 

I screamed until the forced Jimmy
Outside into the hallway
Then I let the doctor have his things

But noticed my underwear was missing
As I attempted to get dressed
Sweaaiting bullets the doctor did not know waht to do

He knew I needed treatment
But he man wanted to have control of the situation
He is not even a relative nor is he my husband

And it is my body to do what I want
He wants a hysterectomy. 
I am not giving hm my ovaries

You don't understand
This guy even took my eyes out of the sockets
I am missing other things 

But he could not get those eggs
Buried deep inside
Besides I don't have cancer

They escorted me to a side door
To avoid the cops in the hallway
Where I could have gotten my panties back

But instead Candace and her niece Janet
Where waiting for me to jab me 
Prevent me from having any memory 

Of jimmy getting rough with me again
He showed up repeatedly 
Wherever I went for supper

With nicely dressed people
Waving a dirty pair of underwear
At first I could not figure out how he got them

It is hard to explain in a fancy restaurant
Even to those who have known 
You sine you were a small child

Much less a man who is actually showing real interest
Why this idiot is waving a pair of panties
In front of your face while you go frigid 

How many times has he done this to me
He has always kept after me about being 
My little daddy who is not going to allow me

Which is why his daddy made it certain
Then he died suddenly when it was not certain
How he died but too late to take care of jimmy

How many examinations do I have to have
The report said I was uncomfortble
That is putting it mildly

I just want the damn things taken care of
If I have to have surgery 
There will be three rules

No jimmy in the room at all
Under any circumstances
That includes any females of his

No blood as he likes to use his own
I have woken up with him draining his blood
Into my veins and this from a guy

Who does not give anything away
No misunderstandings about the procedure
If I am missing anything at all

Heads will roll and no sorry's
I don't have my own nose
Because of one of those mistakes

I have a nose but not the one I was born with.
I was dreaming again 
Of women getting treated by doctors

For their problems and not the man
Who claims he for his own
It is my body and my insurance

Which is paying the doctors student loans
I was dreaming again that woman practioners
Actually, cared about other women

Instead of impressing the men in the field
Sitting there as tiny queens in the occupation
My families name was once on that building

It has been replaced by a Jewish family
Of Jacobs not bad people
But I was trained since i was little 

In the sciences and introduced by a man 
In the field who thought I was a good candidate
For the advancement of women

I might have been but I prefer 
My bodies not living and yelling at me
Archeology was my preferred study

I ended up in the Morgues most of the time
Dead and gone they were
Except that one that came up out of the bed

To strangle me named Jimmy
He even snuck into my laboaratoy
And it was filled with dead bodies

Creepy bastard does not even come close
I got my degree in forensics. 
Somewhere there is a happy doctor

Playing god with my degree
Not noticing that it does not say
MD as in medical doctor

But ME as in examiner
I was draming agaoin of going home
To my families homestead

They worked hard at getting it 
And then keeping it 
Only to have in laws and step families

Take it over 
Entering it without our consent 
Then throwing away everything

I would at least like to be allowed
To examine the contents before they tear down the building
I have two dreams of my "Manderley"

One is going home and all the old friends.
Arrive for the first time in decades
As most of my family have been killed off

The other one is that it has also been torn down
Leaving those buried on the grounds
To rise up and kill me for not protecting the place.

I have no husbands 
Just an old business partner 
That jimmy got rid of a long time ago.

I have no daughters
Even the one I attempted to adopt
Ran away a long time ago 

From the constant abuse by Jimmy
I cant have children and am still barren
Although my own mother did steal 

And egg or two when I had my kidney transplant
No one knows what she did with them
But I have my suspicions  

That is another story 
Because I am going to start 
Chopping off heads of any girl

Who calls me mama
Introduces me to their little brats
Or introduces themselves to any one who might

Be related or a friendly towards me.
They dont understand that I am serious
And within the law of not being stalked by them

As well as Jimmy and his little hoard of horrors.
As for my romance it went sour
Who wants to eat an excellent dinner

With the image of those panties 
Swirling through the air?
One day when I wake up 

Jimmy will no longer by living
Nor will Candace or anyone of those people
By the way, one of my family names is Winters...

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