Saturday, March 18, 2023

Life is so bad now


Long live the king of ridiculous
Zelensky's rendition of chopsticks
With his pants and his hands in the air

He is playing the piano 
With what?
His nose, no it does not look as if it is his nose

Life is so bad that this image keeps
Repeating itself over and over again
During his campaign for President

It was one of those questions 
All one could do is offer sympathy 
To his loving wife and adoring kids

What else was one to do with this kind
Of propaganda?
He has made himself into a king now.

The US is having failed banks 
If it continues the entire stock market might crash
While in France they are rioting over pensions

They don't want to retire at 64 
They want to be young and spend time 
Rolling around in the sand at the beach

I did not know French people ever
Acknowledged defeat in anything
As I lived in Paris when I was younger

Who wants to look at a bunch 
Of 62 year olds at those nudist beaches?
Honey I grew up in California

I know what men look like
Young or old 
And as for women who don't want to wear their bras....

Germany can have their middle class
Topless public pools 
Full over overweight aging beauties

I belong to a club with a membership
Keep those things on your body!
Britian has decided to buy 

Submarines in their fight against China
Which is supporting Russia
In their fight for democracy

And against dictators 
Suck as this smuck has become
He and his military attire

I grew up around military bases
I know a thing or two about them
I also remember Fidel Castro

While the world is loosing money 
Over this guy needing to protect himself
He deserved what he got from his big mouth

If he had not been making threats
None of this would have happened
The world bank collapsing all for this guy

Who plays the piano with his what....
Hail the King Charles III
I wis him well in his Coronation

At least he has some training 
Even though he did badly in his marriages
Marrying the wrong girl first 

His sons should know better
Than to also marry badly 
And then get themselves in a snit

Really, I would whether not have Rachel Mehgan
Nor Crazy Kate in the news at all
They have done nothing to deserve it

My life is so bad 
I have to buy Vodka 
Made in Texas!

I grew up in an international family
We did not go to war unless we had to 
And then we supported the sane side

Who the hell is this guy anyways?
Now he has gotten the other guy
Slapped with an arrest warrant

Oh really, this is how he plays 
Politics with raids and rapes?
I understand his treatment of his prisoners.

Is not desirable either
And why were there so many children.
Without their parents?

Did they get left behind 
When they ran away from what they caused?
Blaming the bad wolf after crying wolf?

They wanted their freedom and got it
They now wanted someone else's 
Naval port and wont stop till they get it

They are cry babies who don't deserve.
Anything more after all the homeless
Orphan children 

As for Mr. Putin he felt it wise
To go against the West
This is as it goes in any country

His decisions are meant for his people
Which once included Ukraine 
Who did as Texas did

Declared their independence 
From bid daddy
In the case of Texas they first 

Declared war with Mexico
Then declared themselves the Lone Star state
Free and independent is how they still see themselves

But they had to do as the others 
And ask for Uncle Sam 
To step in and save them 

Not from the redskin Indians
But those made bull Imperialist. 
Across the border whom they refused

To acknowledged as their owners
Now they are part of the United States
While Donetsk or Donbas

Asked for their freedom and independence
Even asking for help from next door
Declared themselves free of Ukraine

Only to find the world does not care
They prefer this guy with the piano skills
They want him to become king of the whole area

And for what?
For what are the countries risking their own finances?
The chance to steal the naval port in the Crimea.

So famous Sebastopol
Books have been written about it
Cities named after it 

It is a beautiful jewel of a thing
For those who desire to control 
The Black Sea and area around it

I have already suffered a defeat
Of having my very own stalker
Listed in every world country.

Be allowed to take control of my life
What once was hunted is not longer
He is now allowed to control  my medical appointments.

If I dd not have these uterine tumors
I would not be sitting here 
Doing nothing but whining 

About my drink of choice
Which is actually white wine
But occasionally want something stronger

I prefer not to have sweet drinks
Nor do I like fruit loops showing up
Acting as if they are gods

Who let him out of his jail cell?
Where was he put for killing my father?
Or the Mental institution for attempting to kill

My mother? and grandmotehr?
He just walks around looking stupid
In his suit and glasses 

He is over sixty and has never held a real job
He had rich parents who did not have 
To anything but pay people off for their baby

While this kids mother probably
Engaged in unnecessary Soviet things
During her time as engineer

She might even have held a Western engineer
Hostage and at gun point in order to have her way
While he young son watched and did nothing 

And what about his grandpa?
What did he do for the Nazis during the war
Seek to kill Eisenhower the General

Who was a going to bring it all to an end?
Now the world court has decided 
Putin is guilty of stealing children

I am not aware of child camps in Russia
Nor of him being cruel to kids in the past
What is this new crime?

Baby snatching and buying children
Have gone on for a long time 
In America where they steal them from the wombs

Of pregnant women and then sell them 
Or kidnap them as Betty A 
Did and then refuse to give them back

Following the family around the world
I am not going to like a knock on my door
But I am not anti American 

Just anti stupid 
I dont understand why the cry baby
Was allowed to speak to congress 

Now Pelosi is no longer in power
Nor are we likely to get out of debt
Any time soon from the historic loans

They are loans?
I keep asking this question
But even my old companies 

Have girls who cant read 
He is getting loans isn't he?
Mr. Zelensky?

He is going to repay the money being provided?
It has now cost both the US and France
Thier stability with finances 

What sort of economy does he have
To repay this amount of money?
None and the world press does not care

He is clever with his chopsticks
He can do anything as far as they are concerned
The big bad wolf is all they want

The truth is that my former collegues
Only want blood and nothing else
Even silly Lindsay is getting obvius

In her pure delight at owning
The right to make an announcement
That he has been arrested

Stood on my toes
Stood in my way
Shoved me out of the way

Because she wants to be there
For Jimmys sake she wants to be the one
To make the big reveal

Better not be saying I am her mommy
I just went through another ordeal
What women have to endure 

That men don't have and don't understand.
It blows my mind when I walk back into 
A situation only to realizes I have already been here

And done this and done that
I felt as if I was having a nervous breakdown 
But it might just have been the drugs talking

Even Miss Davis has those  nasty needles
They use to keep others quiet
A quick jab and the explanation 

You wont be remembering anything
Because she is one of those who just 
Decides who gets what in the world press

To be kept quiet 
When the world was falling apart
After being trained to take care of it

When I wasn't working as a journalist
Reporting the news not causing it
I also worked for the government 

At least i thought they were government
I walked into building that appeared to be real
But I did not meet real people afterwards

One does wonder where the world is going
Who do they plan to take over once they get rid 
Of Putin? 

They clearly are just out to get even with the guy.
What is next?
Even I liked the PM but he does not have enough

Power to pull off the kind of thing needed
Folding now on the Russian people is not going 
Help them or the world

If the country erupts into chaos again
Just because the West is tired of the same guy
In power then they have already lost themselves

Enough is enough
Be wise my sons
Don't go to war over a woman

Come on 
This guy is not worth it 
Nor is his little plastic barbie wife

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