Wednesday, March 8, 2023

And it happened again


Ye old soup kitchen

Once an elegant dance hall

The starting point of the bid

For presidency of John Kennedy

Most people don't even remember.

The little community

Which was once full of houses

And families who played ball

In the local park with their kids

Now a dog park with an unfriendly

Tower climate of buildings

Meant to discourage any of loitering.

Also, the main avenue of the homeless

Encampments due to the closeness

To the Father Joes location

It was a homestead at one time.

With a large square were 

There was a police station.

But now only a few woods houses

Stand amongst the ruins of the cities.

Decision to keep people from staying.

In the historic houses as families

But instead making the into businesses.

Even the Windsor's were given a walk through.

As Post World War two American communities

Shown in old videos of them as a young couple.

But even those videos are probably no longer.

Up in flames last night

No longer even used for the homeless

But an empty building.

Signs of the times 

How the young want to show up

With their hand out to get your wallet

But they don't take care of the homes.

Nor the community

Just want to be in the now 

Not even alive at all.

Just like Kiev

They ran like bunny rabbits

As soon as they got caught

Being just a little bit too much

In the now of the times

Who threatens someone's 

Naval base anyways?

I feel as if I am being followed

All the time when I go out

Just a phobia I presume

But even Zelensky would take offense.

Of my words, would he not?

I don't believe he knows what he has engaged.

All this begging and all this poor boy nonsenese

It has to be repaid at some point.

How are they going to do it?

With the blood of his own people?

Or the sweat of his people?

One way or the other it will be repaid.

Or is he another? Noreiga

A golden boy of the moment

To be blasted with Michael Jackson music?

A Jehovah's Witness, you know.

The who family converted.

When Joe was young and needed an edge

But the boys had a hard time keeping to it.

Mama Jackson is a fierce one. 

If one has had to meet her in person.

Best of wishes Mr. Zelensky

To your preference in music.

Prince is not better by the way.

Where were we.....

Oh, I feel as if I am being followed

Africans of all types 

From the continent of Africa

Are popping up everyehwere I go now.

I did travel a lot when I was younger.

Then when I was going back to school

I got hacked and had all kinds of things.

Go wrong with my email account.

Which is why I don't have a social account?

At least not one I use of my own.

Wonder who has gotten me in trouble this time?

Probably just Jimmy again, huh?

Always a spoil sport 

Which is why another building in the old area

Is a concern as he is one who threatened to burn 

Us out of it, if he could not get his way.

Those were the days he was not allowed

To be with us nor use our name.

Then a new power swept

Through the old Russian refugee section

The Russians moved out

And the Baptist moved in.

I used to think I had friends 

But now I wonder if they were even allowed

To be anything but polite themeselves

In retrospect were any of us in control?

The AIM days are forgotten

Especially among the younger ones

They don't even know what the initials. 

American Indian movement

Mean, nor what Alcatraz is to them

Too far away in San Francsico

Too long ago, before they were born

The Native americans of today

Don't remember anything. 

They are not taught about. 

Nor does the media want to revisist

It did get bloody one afternoon.

And the rest of us died on that day as well.

No marched on Washington 

Nor restitution available

I am now being asked for my tribal information.

It used to be registration number.

All we were to the American government. 

Was a number written down in the Dawes roll

I might not ever recover my stolen identity

Now that Candace and her daughter Lisa

Have been allowed by thier religion 

To do what they want 

Whenever they want 

Wherever they want

Despite the lawyers demanding

They cease and desist.

Merry they go along. 

Robbing and raping as they please.

Another fire in the old city

No one left to mourn for it except myself.

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