Saturday, March 11, 2023

Clouds on the horizon


Joy of all who sorrow.
Holy Virgin Cathedral
Largest Russian Orthodox church

San Francisco California
Completed in 1965
By John of Shanghai

I had several nicknames
Lady of her sorrows
Was one of them...

I was not allowed to go to a Catholic school
Instead, I went here on Geary Street
One of the oldest neighborhoods

With a new addition
While the Russians had been in California
For a few hundred years

At least the time of Peter the Great
There are a few places still with Russian names
Most concentrate on Fort Ross

Which was a fur trade sport
In between Alaska bought from the Russian
And Baja where there is evidence of their presence

San Francisco was a prized port
The Presidio of the Spanish invasion
Is better known than some of the others

It is said that it all came to an end
When they cut off supplies to the Russians
Starving them out and threatening war

The Russian comandante 
Became engaged to the daughter. 
Of the Spanish Governor at the time

Neither ever saw each other again
He left for Moscow
Never making it there

Dying of pneumonia, it is said
While she went to a covenant 
Never to marry any man

A true romance of the time?
It is said that some are still waiting.
For their return to the Federation of Russia

But of course, they have been forgotten
While others have jealously 
Stolen the few records for themselves

Even the only thing left in the old neighborhood
Has been set on fire and nothing left inside
While the Russians are now in hiding

Due to the support for Ukraine
No one wants to get caught
Being on the wrong side 

Nor causing pain for the others
My family were originally Kievan.
Then Saint Petersburg

Not Moscow where the Kremlin sits
I later went to a Russian High school.
For the language of course

To get a fresh update for my career
As a photojournalist
They were Catholic and appalled.

Even in America it gets confusing
There are two different sections.
The far East are Orthodox. 

Before the break with the West
Then there are those along the border
Who are Catholic supporting the Pope?

Never a dull day nor a clear record
My records were culled and I got 
The worst of both worlds

I had to work through several different colleges.
When in fact I had the credits
But they wanted to hide the cultural high school

I also went to Native American schools
And even a Danish Lutheran school
As well as a French language one

My family expected me to travel
Really, I was hoped to get the message
To get out of the house and stay out

My mother was not forgiving. 
Nor was she going to relent on her mental?
Mind condition of my guiltiness

Innocent and natural unaware
Of what the other girls were doing behind my back
No one remembers anymore where any one came from

There are so many jealous little girls
Running around causing trouble
Because they believe they are the only one

This baby business of stealing someone's child
Then raising it as someone else child
Has caused so much trouble in the world

I bet I am even believed to be the mother
Of the gunman in Hamburg
I recall being driven to a building. 

Similar like that one 
And having a confrontation 
about an abandoned baby

I cant have babies. 
But there must be at least 
One thousands of them now

And counting because it had not stopped.
Not with my mothers death
But instead it seems to have mushroomed.

Money is being made by a whole lot of people
Who wants to give me odds 
On Putin's girlfriend?

I notice all of the weathergirls.
Are familiar to me
As if we have already been to court.

One looks just like Geena Davis
Another one like Debra B
Whose sister Ann would not leave

The bookstore coffee house
Where my boyfriend worked 
Near the University

Loud and obnoxious
She appears to be having a baby
I am not the grandmother

Nor am I obligated to hold it at all
Look up the law dear, it is true.
Grandparents law.

The President is coming to town
He is going to show off his submarines.
To the Prime Ministers of Britain and Australia

I am not sure even Churchill.
Got to look under the hood
On his visit to the Potomac

Wish someone would look under
Jims hood and find out why he is still
Under the impression his behavior

Is charming much less normal
He was supposed to be locked up a long time ago.
Someone forgot to lock their own back door.

Thier own children now keep them. 
From having their way 
Those who once sore vengeance 

Upon Jim and his crew
Upsetting the cart
Is always me and I am not going. 

To take it at all his type
Of punishment as discipline
His girlfriends need to meet

Because there are too many of them
Sorrowful for my own family
Who have lost thier lives

I cried for them when no one else 
Was around and was seen as sadder than normale
But what it there to be happy about

When a trip to the laundromat
Brings out the Mexican cartel
One area was a little too much Africa

Switched to a different area
Ended by going through my favorite
Boutique looking for lost itmes

A young man asked me a question
He had a brand new pair of spiffy shoes
A suit with a red tie

He might have been 18. 
But I was not sure with his tattoos.
His age except his mom was in the store.

He wanted a hanger for his suit
He also had been shot in the face
Which he told me as he asked me 

If I was still in line
I had moved for a moment
I let him go ahead of me

Even though I still feel as if I have a concussion.
From an unknown incident in my room.
I am not going crazy again

I am just sad and sorrowful.
I might even get dressed to see
If the Biden knows he is stepping 

On an area once called Roseland 
After the Ross or Russians who wore red coats
Maybe I might go out to a museum as well.

Live it up a little bit.
Easter is coming. which is my favorite?
Holiday not for the chocolate but for the religious ideal of renewal...

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