Sunday, March 5, 2023

If lightening were to strike


If there was ever a single woman
Whom I would want to get even 
This one would qualify

It is not that she was married to Putin
It is that she is Jimmies first wife.
To my knowledge she has had at least six marriages

Perhaps more due to her uniqueness
A former Pioneer Soviet school girl
They don't have Brownies or Girl Scouts

They are called Pioneer's 
As they were going to be modern girls
In the soviet world

She moved on to Airline Stewardess
Where upon she scared many of us
With her allowing Jimmy with a lunch sack

Over his head to hold a gun to her head
They pulled this stunt so many times
He would get up and threaten

Someone would tell him to sit down
He would make his demands
And then we would all sit they waiting 

To land without the guy being arrested
He was supposed to get lost on board
Who gets lost on a floating box?

Besides he never changed his clothes
But no one could arrest him
Instead he would allow the CIA 

To interview him where upon
He would rat out everyone he could
Especially those on board the plane

Who then come under investigation
By the United States
While she moved on into the entertainment world

Getting several children
Who are now part of Hollywood? 
Two of them appeared in Royal Casino

Her Airline executive husband 
Was found hanging in his own place
Another one of jimmies stunts

He was often found hanging
Somehow, he always survived.
Because he is  the one who put himself

Up in the tree.
All those old stories of jimmy
Just wanting to belong to our family

She was one of the girls 
Who introduced Shawn to us
Bringing him down to our little ranch by the sea

She drugged everyone she could
My great grandmother began to act odd
She made her will long before she died

There were a number of young girls
Who wanted the property
For their human trafficking hunny

Somehow, she convinced a KGB agent
She was pregnant with his kid
She was not, in fact he is probably not the father

Of any of the claims due to his steroid usage
She moved on to the United. Nations
And the Kremlin after having gotten a tour

Of the Pentagon with Jimmy
Now she has a toy boy 
And is a professor who is a linquist

I remember her speaking to her 
Real mother one day at a park
In Brooklyn New York

Small children often are mistaken
Or forgetten or not allowed to recover
All we were doing was waiting 

For the adults to come out of 
The Publlishing company headquarters
Due to another family from the religion

Demanding they had the right to our land
Just because they wantad to put their feet in the sand
Did not mean they needed ours 

But appeareantly we were the only ones
Who did not particupate in the local ports
Human traffiking and drug smuggling

Via the cruise ships 
Who stopped at Ensenda 
Which used to be a beautiful city

But is now trashed out
Except for the few tourist things
The rest is obvious Catholic communist

Girl prostitutes even on the buses
And male drug dealers especially the local businessmen
We kept having problems with the local authorities

The property was in the family for at least one hundred years
But another person would show up
Wondering what we were doing there

Anyways, Doris Roberts is the name of the actress
Whose family name is Green 
Who married two italians

But shares a face with this woman
Who she must have had as a teenager
Perhaps in Germany

A lot of girls would get on a plane
To Berlin where they would have the baby
Then return without it

Just as they now do in different cities 
Around the world.
What they were talking about

Is not as important 
As getting caught knowing each other
And making decisions as if they were 

Part of an official group
It was not the Russians nor the Americans
That they may have worked 

Unless it was just the organized criminal group
Doris was in the habiat of also dropping by
Whenever she wanted to explain things

My Grandmother was a radio announcer
Who introduced the Barrymore's and the Lindbergs
For some reason a wife of a war hero

Was not seen as good enough
To be kept from being robbed 
Of her parents property 

That they had inherited 
With proper paper work.
Which is now being razed 

For jimmy to build a Hilton
His dream to enjoy a piece 
Of the American pie

By having a Hilton of his own
He had so many bills of this place
His father Captain Kangaroo

Complained to us about it
But he always showed up as if he was homeless.
Someone else would take him in not us

Now they all believe he is my relative 
Or that he is the real heir and I am the fraud
The First-born child often knows things

That the others don't know nor hide
Nicolas, Shawn, Gary, Chris, Peter
And Vladimir

Her list is probably longer
I was sent to the customs 
From the National Parks 

During a government shutdown
Unlike those who ended up at the White House
She was known to parade through

With a number of different men
Whom she had a marriage license
Including jimmy who had been deported

He was also born out of state
By a woman whose husband would not understand
That she found his mistress so she had an affair

My biggest fear of my mother
Would be for her to go to supper
With one of these women 

I dislike with her dementia
Then be encouraged to have sex
Just because it was anti christian

Only to not know what to do 
With an unwanted pregnancy
I still have nightmares

Of finding a newborn thrown
Out the window amongst the rocks
Or in a garbage can as she could not understand

Not to do what the others did
This after she gave her own husband 
A bad time about having sex

Thier love was pure enough
Not to have to you know 
Have to actually engage in sex

All those little brothers 
She gave away to others to raise
Whiel I sat with grandpa

Who guarded me as his first born
And only guaranteed legitimate one
How I hate to tell others what 

I suspect was my mothers mind level
But this type of woman who would 
Take another girls boyfriend 

Before they got married
And produce his look alike son
Or take on a boy twenty years younger 

Then herself.
Gary was the Rodeo jerk.
Who sabotaged the works

Just like in a fight ring
He was the one causing the problems
His daughter has his eyes 

Can't understand that I am not her mother.
Nor can I get Gary from getting in my face
He does not know that I hate him as well.

Chris was a german computer hacker
Who got me kicked out of my own house
To use the computer still attached to a military web

There were a couple of others but it was the sad
Guy who did not have a marriage license.
Who would come through as a lawyer? 

For the UN or the Kremlin
Who would get pulled over
I got a chance to interview 

Him a few times
Mr. Vladmir Putin
What is your job description?

Who is this woman named Ludmilla?
What are you two involved?
He did not know the answers to most

Of the questions because he was unaware
Of her extra marital exercises
He seemed not to have cared 

Except for the children he was raising
Part of rising through the ranks
Of any political career

Was having a family
I am not saying he is homosexual.
But kept his own company. 

Or was celibate on purpose
I bet his new girlfriend
That they keep talking about having twins

Is also claiming me as her mother
I was a medal winning gymnast once upon a time
I am half a twin set 

I was also a journalist. 
Who kept running into trouble? 
On the airplanes which jimmy thinks he owns

And along the routes of certain places
She traveled the world and made her way
Up the ladder herself in her own group

While her mother made it through 
The Hollywood garbage of was once
A beautiful place for others to enjoy

Where or where 
Did she come from?
And why has no one else thought

About striking her with lightening?
She clearly was Jimmies faithful companion.
Now leaving someone hanging for the media to pursue

Meanwhile I went to my gynecologist
Where I am again having the arguement
About a hysterectomy

I have never been pregnant 
Those exams are painful for me 
With my fractured pelvic bone 

To endure but my tumors
Have grown to large
Again being refused my prefereed treatment

Just because I dont list a spouse
Meanwhile I still suspect someone
Is calling to make thier wishes known

Along with everything else 
I have had to endure once Jimmy began
Removing me from my own homes

Throwing out my clothes and personal items
Was a byposy perfomred in office
I have had these before

One is supposed to go home
And stay in bed for three days
I could not get the medical transport 

On the phone
High call volume
Last time it was an hour 

Or more before I got a ride
I waddled down to the bus stop

Just a block away
Then got on the bus 
Got off at the transit center

Waited for the next bus
Which took me to the place 
I needed to be in order to catch

The only bus to my location
It took three buses and two hours
To get home while I bleed the whole time

I went to bed and laterd showered
But when I awoke my eye still had 
Blood from a broken vessel

Three days is not good 
The emergency room thought
I needed to wait three hours 

Just to perfrom a basic exam 
Of my eye in the hallway
As I was not important enough

To even get a room to sit in
I was told to call my opteometrist
Before my appointment in two months

What he saw he did not tell me
But told me just to let it rest 
And not to worry

I felt as if I had a concussion
I condition I have felt since
I was shoved down the stairs by Jimmy

And then stomped on by a little black foot
Her mother is of course one of Ludmilla's
Children and looks just like Doris

She is the one no one talks about
Because she does not match them
Richelle is her name

Rich girl is the transltion
I also had an issue while sitting there
The discharge was smelly and discolored

I did not  mention it to the nurses
But when they checked me out they were jumping
I am scheduled for another exam in hospital

Finally they knew what my problem 
Was while waiting to see if my eye 
Was not going to need to be removed

As the teeth I have had to remove
Jimmy did take my eyeballs out 
When I was younger

My father found me sitting inside 
A place I was not supposed to be at
He walked me outside into the light

Asking me why I was there 
Only to have a heart attack
He had not realized that my eyes 

Were not simply closed.
It is difficult to be a child
Somone else wants to  kill

My mother might not have done
What were worreid about
But with her early onslaught

Dementia and brain cancer
She could not be trusted
Which is why after awhile

My father was not sure what to do 
With himself who was promised
To have a miliatary or political career

Sabotage of a human being 
In order to get even with someone
Who you lost during a war is not the way to go

I am still feeling the affects of the procedure
Now attempting to lay in bed on Sunday
But who wants to know this information?

No one really wants to know
What another woman is going through.
I dont expect sympathy nor want it.

I just want to be left alone about being the mother
Of others unwantead babies
I am not their mother but will abort them

If that is waht they want
For most of them have done nothing with their lives
Except sponge off society

Making it difficult for those who 
Do keep law and order 
To do their job properly.

Even god seems not know
Who to strike with his lightening bolt
And who to rescue anymore...

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