Monday, March 13, 2023

Two Hundred and Fifty anniversary of the American Revolution

Has it really been that long?
250 years since the Boston tea party?
The signing of the Declaration of Independence?

I remember 1976 
All the glamour and prestige

It is also when Jimmy. 
Was already 18 and his father Bob.
Could not get him to behave.

Nor is it a time of reflection?
Of our democratic rights
The right to refuse to pay taxes.

Nor the right to refuse a monarch.
Or even a dictator
It was a special time for the founding fathers.

Jamestown has had their 400 anniversaries in 2007.
While Plymouth was in 2019.
Held off some by the Pandemic.

Already there are groups. 
Minting coins for the big anniversary
Of the Signing of the Declaration 

Freedom from Britian and all it stood for
We wanted to be free. 
We wanted to be a democracy.

We just signed a new declaration.
Making the first time in history
That Great Britian and America

As well as Australia 
Will be friends in a pact.
AUKUS is the name.

Of a submarine contract
For nuclear powered boats
To be provided to the others

For a three-way control of the seas
China has complained about it already.
Russia has refused to comment on its stupidity.

No one else seems bothered by it.
Arriving today in my fair city
A hub of navy activity from before

It was a state of the union.
My own third grandpa
Served both world wars from this location.

Here I was just dreaming this morning.
At the old breakfast place on the Harbour
Which has remained open while the other two?

Have closed and they were not even supposed to be restaurants.
As usual the Old barn is being renovated
Which means altered with inferior products?

While the schoolhouse my grandmother
Attended is now empty as well.
There I was thinking pleasant thoughts.

Of air force one landing across the way
I missed it as I could only linger so long.
Modern ideas of vagrant's

Even when you pay the bill.
Still put down as homeless if one stays too long.
Went out on a shopping trip

Could not get the bus to Shelter Island
And if I had would have had to walk a ways
There are no busses to the submarines.

I know where they are as an old timer
But the Rosencranz cemetery is where I would. 
Have gone if I had not missed the bus.

It is where my grandmother's brother is buried.
Up there on the hill 
An immigrant family from Scandinavia 

And Saint Petersburg
They came and they served.
They were also swindled and scammed.

This as Lutherans 
And Latter-Day Saints
I had hoped for a glimpse of the motorcade.

But the transit system is so horrible.
By the time one finds the right bus
It has already pulled out on one.

Well, I must be dreaming. 
Because I had not known 
We were that friendless in the world.

That a company that returned in 1812
To burn down the newly built
Presidents Mansion now known as the White House!

Would be invited into an agreement. 
With Nuclear powered subs
It is like those electric busses. 

Runing around town
They sneak up on you.
And then you miss them 

Because you were not aware they were there?
Anyways we must be strapped for cash.
Three up front and two more on the way

Well, I do hope my cousins are happy.
They moved all the way down south.
To play in the sun on our winters

And now they are best friends.
Serves them right
They never do write nor call

Unless Jimmy pockets their correspondence
As well as mine, haven't gotten a private letter
Since I was about 10 the year of the bicentennial!

Let's hope Zelensky is not holding hands
With either of them.
Sebastopol was the original name

Of the area down here
They had to move north. 
As lawless men called Friars.

Came along with their brand of terror.
They had been the ones heading the inquisition.
On this side of the Atlantic 

Got caught and shut down.
Branded and outcast.
They found themselves on the far coast.

And the Russians with their small flotilla 
Went north till they hit the Fort of Ross
Where upon they set anchor.

A town nearby was renamed for them.
Out of sympathy of the seize that occurred.
Made Florence Nightingale famous.

But little else is remembered.
Except friends came calling when the least expected.
Now this little scrimmage is supposed to be about.

Donbas and the freedom of the people
Of Wales who never did get to go home
But really it was the naval base.

That got threated by those close enough.
To cause harm to its location.
What are we supposed to do now?

Count our chicken eggs?
They are expensive enough. 
Or just sit tight until they hatch?


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