Thursday, March 30, 2023

Problem child

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th 

President of the United States

He was also mayor of Buffalo

And Governor of New York

He was the only President. 

To enter the White House 

As a bachelor

He got married for the first time at 49 years of age

His wife was 21 and the daughter of his business partner

There was a lot of scandalous comments 

About him being the executor of the will

Then marrying the heiress

But they had five children and a happy marriage

But he is also one of the few to ever

Acknowledge a child born out of wedlock

Maria crofts Halpin 

Was her name, a salesclerk in a retail store

Who claims to have walked past the mayor

One night when he was out for a stroll

Nine months later she produced a baby

A male child named Oscar 

Who in no way looks like the father

As a full-grown adult 

He is thin faced and angular body

Whereas Grover is full figure from his toes 

To his head with no recognizable traits 

Between them but it was understood.

This is how history is written

A powerful man who mission 

Was too keep the country on its toes

He set the gold standard

Fought the pullman strikes

And got the country from going into

A terrible depression which came later

Meanwhile, a man of the law 

He had plenty of time on his hands

So, did alot of other men in town

In fact, it was once thought 

That those men who came to congress

Left one family behind at home

To reside with a second family in DC

So common was it for a man not to wait

Until his wife joined him but to have a mistress

Almost a nineteenth century check plus

He was never charged with a crime nor arrested.

Whereas Grant had his own men 

Get caught raiding the Internal Revenue Service

Actually, stealing from the country's cookie jar

There have been a number of stories

But no one admits to any of them being arrested

By the time they make to the election

They might not be whistle clean

But have their affairs in order.

These newest events are a forbidding

With the Russian President 

Under threat of arrest from rescuing children

And many of the African or Latino guys

Getting arrested but than they are third world

And usually deserve it 

Whereas most of Europe keep themselves

From doing anything elaborate enough

To make their enemies want to arrest them 

Unless their name is Jimmy

I am sure somewhere at Langley.

There are rants by the old Jimmy

Of wanting to kill either guy

And or send them to jail 

As he has so often been arrested

Because he cant understand

That he is neither god nor president.

It is like being issued a 

Witness protection new name

Only to be told they don't need 

You to testify and then find

Yourself faced with at least one

Individual using the identification.

They might not have needed me

But they would have killed the ID

Whether than hand it off to a snotty 

Teenager who just wants to prove

Herself capable of stalking and harassing.

Let me tell you a few things about Jimmy.

He has never allowed me to have anything.

Not even my name nor my eyeballs.

He has taken out my eyeballs 

From my head when i was little

I know these eyes are not mine

They are not even the correct color

Much less the right shape and size

As for names, I had alot of different ones

When growing up as a child 

Shuttered back and forth

He captured each and everyone

Of them including the ones

Used for undercover reporting

And government protection 

Not to mention other honest reasons

Such as attempting to get away

From using extortion or worse

I was a missing child

I made the milk carton

And the IRS paper form booklet

There are hundreds of women 

Who have claimed to be my mother

As well as that many demanding my mother

Was either their real mother 

Or grandmother

I have been to court so many times

And then I got wiped out 

No information is available on me

Just a jimmy fixing his issues

Now he can run around 

Claiming he does not know what I am talking about

Meanwhile, anyone I came into contact

During my younger life 

He has on his hit list

There are a number of people

I have seen hurt in one way or another

Without being able to prove anything.

When did the world stop listening?

When women started finding 

Small penis's under the pillows

And knew they had to protect 

Their husbands son from 

Becoming a eunuch

Or loosing their wallets

And knowing the might 

Become homeless without identification

Even know I get sneered at when 

I pull out my drivers license

With its proud gold bear on it

Whereas I bet Demi Moore 

Still has some of old things lying around

With my picture or name upon it.

What is the world coming to anyways?

Paltrow faking out a jury

Not that the other guy was not an idiot

For showing up with all those Facebook pictures

Nor a bunch of homeless New Yorkers

Getting called to a Grand Jury

All one needs is a mailing address

And some form of registration

To get a jury summons

A grand jury does not mean

The jurors are grand

But that the case is special 

We have no idea who these people are

Except they just came through a Pandemic

Where most New Yorkers were either

Lining up to get inside a hospital

Or sitting at home praying

The landlord would not evict them

Since they did not have employment

But foreclosures and evictions

Were not considered legal for a short period

That emergency situation is coming to an end

On May 11, a special day in Jimmys book

Just as September 11 loomed large in his head

I still say he was behind those men

After all he insists on living 

In my hometown and calling it his own

The airfield has a library and other things 

Nearby which were once part of a life

No longer shared by anyone

The others children grew up

Not wanting the same things as their parents

Meanwhile I have mushrooms growing in my sink

Which is not my fault but get my manager

Not to think otherwise

I have been forcibly removed 

From my different residence by Jimmy

And his crew including this one

I will tell you another story anther time

But there is a midnight train

Someone named Donald needs to catch

New York Officers have been told

To report at 7 am, all of them

For a real estate tycoon

It should be easy

One of the richest families 

Of the area were the Rykers

The had a mansion built for each one of their sons

To live with their wives and children

Then disaster struck with death

Astor captured the island for the Civil war 

With all the men dying off 

The old laws would not allow women 

To own land, gads, that would mean

They could vote!

Only land owners voted in the old days.

Alcatraz was a Civil war fort

One of my g-g-fathers served on it

But Astor created a camp for training

Then went off on a boat called 

The Titanic leaving behind a pregnant wife

The city of New York took over the project

Now instead of a bunch of pre-victorian mansions

There is a great complex of living quarters

He should have no problem 

In underscoring the land rights

Until he as Jimmy would have it

Becomes the legal owner of his new accommodations.

Jimmy was once a residence of the island

He spent his time digging for gold.

Maybe Trump can find the lost loot.

While he has his seventeen-year-old 

Made over into his legal heir

To keep Stormy from acquireing

The Family farm in a legal dispute

Otherwise, he will be one for history making.


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Three times loser

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