Friday, March 10, 2023

Not immune after all


Many despise this obscure religion
It is unsure why except they make it uncomfortable
To be around them or conduct business

Once considered a modest and pure Christian outlet
They came under controversy for their refusal
To comply with the basic laws of their own country

Despite the idea of preaching as Christ
They have dissatisfactory qualities
Such as allowing male relatives to control females

It was bound to happen in any country
But in Germany where Nazism conquered 
Thier early origins as a publishing country

It is not known to be a nation 
Which allows shootings 
Especially mass shootings

Out of nowhere Hamburg 
Is besieged upon 
a gunman or two entered a place

Where they were holding their bible meetings
And opened fire killing at least six persons
While injuring more than two dozen

What was the cause?
No one knows nor will answer the question
Troublemakers such as Candace and her nephew Justin

Go around with malicious lies about others
Get convicted and continue on about their 
Unlawful acts towards the community

All for the sake of proving themselves worthy
Whereas for a hundred years
This was once a respectable study group

Originally known as the International Bible Students Association
They altered their name after one of their own
Judge Rutherford and his fellow team

Were convicted of sedicous acts 
After a length of time the decision was overturned
They were given their lives back

But steps were taken to provide 
Distance from this kind of condition
That see as detrimental no matter what the outcome.

One is no longer considered innocent.
But convicted in the eyes of the public
Once one is labeled a possible culprit

Victims fare little better in modern society
It will be interesting to see if anything at all 
Comes out of this situation where no one seems

To have inspired a night of terror
Not that any other church is not guilty
Of having those among them who are violent

But when people sit down and explain
that someone is not allowed
It is up to them to make a decision

Not a family of wrong doers with a long list
Of complaints but then the likes of those
Such as Suzie and Ken born in the Barbery coast

Of Oakland to a couple who might not have been married
The man was held in contempt by his foster family
with suggestions of a second wife somewhere else

Never mind about them 
Although they have caused so much harm
To the area that no one can be sure anymore

Of room service nor nurses who are just 
going to have their way no matter what
The verdict was or is going to be

A case dismissed is to be pursued out of court
Forgetting of course how many times they themselves
Were put in mental hospitals for non-compliance

Here we are with the world in trouble
And an incident occurs all the way across the globe
But then these Germans bring it with them

America is not good enough 
The talk is extreme never satisfied 
But this group were affected just because

They were there at such a late hour
Nine o clock they should have been heading home
Not standing around gossiping about others

Sad to those who were not able to be immune
To such hatefulness
But all the mas shooting in America 

Were are accustomed to such nonsense
For no reason at all 
Instead of demanding a five year old

Gave birth to a baby
Desiring child support for the thing
They took home not out of love

But out of extortion
What benefit is it if they are to loose their lives
From their own deceitfulness

Or others are harmed due to exposure
Of one individual who is not allowed
To express the depths of emotion

At any given time 
While in the world
There are more problems. 

Such as the nonsense war in Ukraine
Why so many news are supporting it
Is all about money and commercialism?

They need a story to cover.
Not one to walk away form a fight
Unless it embarrasses them

Meanwhile China snuck in a third term
Good for Xi who is now the man
Who will lead his country for another five years

While North Korea is showing favor
Upon his daughter perhaps
To explain he is a father as well

The hardships that some face
Compared to the spoiled conditions
Of self-proclaimed princesses

Who have to be introduced to royalty
Even though they are not anything but trouble
Or who want to keep one from having money

In order to eliminated them from life
Two men died today
Both of them actors

Topol was known for Fiddler on the Roof
He also appeared in a number of films
His death is being touted 

While the other guy 
Robert Blake is being given a pass over
He was known as a child star 

And then for Barreta the series
As well as many movies throughout his career
But all that is remembered. 

Is his second wife being murdered
She had multiple marriages 
But it is his career that was put on hold

Eventually acquitted he has been forgotten.
Not even in death will his life
Bring anything but the shock

Of a woman of many colors
Being killed in public
Perhaps Hypocrisy versus heretic

Such be reconsidered amongst 
Those who want to bleive yet in a higher being
Those who claim to be in powere

Do nothing while the authorites are left 
To mop up the mess
I will assurdily be eliminated form this group

By midnight for my comments 
Which are innocent and wise
But not according to the newer generation

When will it stop
These gunmen who open up on crowds
Or sneak up on single individuals. 

Anywone who has had a suspicious death
In the family knows the years of anguish
It brings while wondering who will be next.

Tomorrow is another day.
But will it bring the answers 
The world needs to prevent an Armageddon from carelessness.

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