Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Hail! We got hail outside my window


They are still expecting snow.
In Julian a little to the north
But in the valley 

We got hail dropping. 
Outside my window
Never do know what is next.

That lightning bolt
Is still waiting for Jimmies.
Current location though

Please, Please
Strike him right where it will
Make a difference.

His Head!
Finland is now building a fence
Next to Russia 

No longer friendly 
All those years of dreaming
And hunting and fishing

Now they don't want to play 
Anymore with their neighbors
Meanwhile Mexico is still complaining.

They did not even own any part 
Of the United States
France was the sole owner.

But they just won't stop
Complaining about their access
Being blocked

One cant even skip.
Across for an hour or two
Anymore as in the old days

Nobody wants to speak.
To you if you have traveled
No doctor at least.

That Iron curtain 
That Mr. Reagan 
Demanded Gorbachev 

To bring down 
Came down in a single day
From a misunderstanding 

About alive political convention
In Eastern Germany
Where one unfortunate soul

Told the crowd.
Let them go if they want!
Just let them go over and around.

If that is what they want!
Must have had Lobster for lunch.
Anyways it was on the radio.

And so, they did it.
Brick by brick 
It came down while the media scrabbled.

One of two stray reporters
Mentioned in their daily check in
By the way

Something is going on at the wall
They appear to be climbing over it
Without being shot at

And well it might be a story.
We did not get the radio channel.
The east Berliners were listening.

Midflight there was a flurry
Of messages 
But it was pre cell phone days

Or at least the new ones
By the time those poor guys landed
The big bosses were already at the airport.

Going the other way
Too bad, the big guy got the story.
All those lights and cameras

Who would have imagined? 
It would take so much time to bring down.
And the crowds were so happy to be free.

To breath the air of freedom.
Of course, all the ones in America
Were too settled to go back home.

They all said they wanted 
A joined country 
And then nothing but too late.

Peter who was there when 
It went up was brought over
To see it brought down

They even handed him a special plaque.
The East Berliners
He had spent a lot of time making sure

He did not get caught crossing. 
Check point Charlie!
Because he was also one of the last ones

Across when it went up
Without his papers in order
Not a spy but a reporter

Now adays it is assumed to be the same.
They are murdering them in Mexico.
Reporters and good ones are hard to come by

There he was crossing over.
With his over coat buttoned
Halfway down revealing.

Two adorable feet
He had brought back with him
A small infant 

Who was on the wrong side
The family made it up to him
And he never did know

That the photograph revealed
That the authorities knew
About his extra cargo!

A great laugh erupted from him.
He had so many takers on those cute feet
He never did get tired of being taken out to supper.

To have yet one more explain
That they were the one in the photo!
What would he say about today

A glass window into the Post soviet world
Was offered to everyone who wanted to know
What was Russia really like?

After all those tours and souvenirs
Everyone grew bored.
It was not Hawaii nor Havana

They wanted sunshine and sharks.
Did I mention that even this quiet 
Little place in Baja 

Now has a family of sharks.
Where once there were surf competitions
There are now drunk Mexicans drowning.

In less than two feet of water
No one knows why they go down suddenly.
But those who walk in the morning.

See the shark fins. 
On dolphin bodies
Swimming to and fro

Exploring their home 
Where they have decided to stay
As well without returning. 

To where they came from.
One of my great uncles
Survived the Great war

He set about rebuilding.
The Western front
Right there on the beach

That once had a dock 
And ferries from the north 
Instead of the torn-up trains

That had replaced boat travel.
He set up mines all along the edge 
Of the normal range of humans

No reason to go past a certain point.
The water line does change over time
Everyone in a while a storm

Comes through and one of them goes off.
Or a little girl steps on one
Causing her father permanent heart failure

Those unlucky not to know their own backyard.
I do believe General Eisenhower
Would probably have known

A little bit about what was left behind.
After World War II
In the Crimea area 

And the Baltic Sea 
Where the Donetsk people
Never got to return to Wales.

Nor will the now have a home land 
That their country has been blown to bits
Just because they might have experienced freedom.

The world never does grow dull
The US is shutting down all those 
Extras that the Coronavirus

And Pandemic has caused.
By summer it will be over
And those who did not get forclosed upon

Are ungrateful enough
Not to want to help
The student debt where they could

Not work while waiting for masks off
The economy is failing because
They are over budget for some reason.

Wonder what sort of wall will. 
Be built next?
One is space or the moon....

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