Friday, March 17, 2023

There was this beautiful village of Ensenada

 Once upon a time a place along the coast

Was so beautiful it made people cry

Not those who came across the deserts to find it

But the ones who came down the coast by ship or by bus

They could not believe this jewel of a village

It was multilingual due to not being really Mexico

Originally it was France who claimed it for themselves

The lower west coast but the Russians had also seen it

As both the Japanese and Chinese have left behind evidence

Of their prior residence on the entire coast 

Opposite of those slave drivers on the East 

Who were still attempting to get people to believe

They were free and independent

Most came by ship and established a Jardin

Of orchards of fruits and nuts as well as grape

They exported their wares of exotic items

Olives, peaches, almonds, wine and even avocados

To those in Sacramento and San Francisco

Seattle, and as far away as Washington DC.

These were the items not grown in the midwest

Nor easily available on the east coast

Then the Pancho Villa and his vagabonds came in

Shooting everything up and causing pandemonic

The railroad had been built a the way to Cabo San Lucas

There were three ferries in the inner Baja sea

To cross from the barren desert to the more lush

Coastal extension of California with lots of fish

Bus and cars had more difficulty in making the entire

Length due to the switch back over the mountains.

But there were electric cars in Ensenada

Where the cruise ships came to call

The first and last stop before America

There is no stop in Tijuana which is an inner city 

And then no real city until Cabo and then Guadalajara

Hospitals and special doctors bloomed everywhere

Arts and Cultural centers along with museums

They even built a casino along the original harbor

Where they created the Magarita cocktail

But then the Wars hit Mexico hard

Many came out of the desert and squatted

In the places that others had not abandoned

But had to leave in order to take care of business

Then after the war there were so many gone

That those Foreign speakers as they were now called

The ones who had been there for at least fifty years or more

Had to import hired help from the smaller villages on the other side

They brought with them these ladies rough men

Who stooled their horses and their autos

Held their children hostage until they got a ride to America

Half of the occupants were without American citizenship.

But these ruffians knew not that as they were themselves

Lying about where they came from 

It appears many of the Middle east and other types

Came back from the wars with the others as if they belonged

No paperwork but settling in with a woman as if 

They were always present in the area

A once heavily foreign natural native village life

Became encumbered by the so called Mexican Muslim men

Who showed up and then the communist ladies came from Germany

All those hippies and hikers were nothing but trouble for everyone

No longer a happy village but a disjointed third world country

All because of the drugs and the drunks

Those human traffickers know not what to laugh at

It is too easy with the Americans who used to come 

All the time, their children were easy prey

Most of them were stolen for a day or two 

Then released but under drugs and control

Others were switched and placed in the wrong homes

Child custody disputes erupted and child support demands

Of the wrong people who lost their own relatives 

One by one they were murdered just for a view

Of the beach where the drug deals go down

For all those German blonds who just fly through customs

After all they stooled the children already

Those don't comply wont ever see them again

And those who do comply will have them 

Become rich and famous

There are no more street cars but horrible vans

Which have caused the air to be permanently polluted

the train was shot up by the drug lords who did not want anyone

To go through without their permission 

They still hang men from overpasses when they are done with them

Then there are those bars and dives which disappeared

The few hotels that survived have their alcohol and food 

But the idea of stopping to get those newspapers 

Or smokes from special places overseas 

Are not existent anymore, the exotic items 

Are long gone, they tore up the trees without permission

It is all those Chinese container ships that feed the local

Mexicans, they even consume rice by the truck load as if 

It was native to America instead of China

Fish tacos can still be gotten but only at the carts

The beeches are full of diseases and the bathrooms

Have men with brooms and payment required

None of the free living nor pretty streets

No kid is safe at eh beach nor the park

Kids don't go to the parks anymore

Nor the libraries nor bookstores as they don't exist

All that good stuff built for the community is gone

Pharmacies are run by the government

Walmart sells food they claim is not dog nor horse

I don't believe them but it is Mexico

The once ideal lifestyle of dancing girls

And singing men is gone 

As is the rodeos and bullfights

No real identity of the Mexicans who forced themselves

Upon the foreign village already established

A lot of Israelites and Iranians came through

Who could not keep up with the culture

My family spent over a hundred years repairing. 

A small compound of buildings 

Which had orchards and horses

As well as ships to care for with schools.

And churches built by hand

Some tart from Egypt walked down the street

With a drugged-out Vietnam veteran

And someone else baby in her belly

She has spent fifty years making our lives miserable

He took pictures of everyone. who dared sleep

Inside private homes while she rented them out

And then sent her children to the same schools.

No one is safe down there with a new manager.

Who even strolled not only the new mattress?

Right from under where your slept

But also the new water heater and put it in his house

And the wood burning stove disappeared.

Asa did all the dishes and furniture.

Meanwhile the spas and pools have been filled in with sand

Just as he buries dead bodies on the beaches.

His daughter keeps a close eye on anyone who thinks

They might take back what was stolen 

But it it is the law in Mexico

If the drug cartel does not get him and her

The military will get him and his new friends.

They even set my father on fire in front of me

This after attempting to rape my mother and grandmother

Robbing my grandfathers as well as drugging my greatgrandmothers

They have arrived with guns and trucks

They have sent missiles and drones at us 

As well as motor cycle gangs 

Not to mention all of the Jimmies of the world

All because a whore and her daughters want

To continue to steal children and sell them in America

For sex while their men get the boys hooked on drugs

Just because jimmy imagined it was a prime 

Moviestar spot for him to control

He just wants to control the world

We were locked inside our homes for awhile

But one day one has to go to the store or the doctor

Then they just come in with their tanks

Tsunamis and hurricanes and earthquakes

There is nothing this tranquil area did not experience

Instead of the nice Comrade of humanity.

This after going around the world

Through wars and natural disasters

All to arrive home to find that they have come back

This wrecking crew who always send out 

To find out what you area doing and who you are doing it with

Never fall in love or adopt anything not even a cat

Because they will murder it one way or another.

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