Sunday, March 12, 2023

Its temperature time


Daylights savings time
My clocks all changed. 
Earlier than expected.

They did not even wait till 
The correct time of 2 am
Instead, they just did it by themselves

It was incredible that they already knew
What to do on their own.
Meanwhile, Hollywood is arriving.

After the Pandemic closed down
The most expensive party in town
Even those kids showed up 

Who had no business to even be in town
Making it their business 
To cause problems with others

Who are now on their own
Being hunted down
Deserving it from their interference

Meanwhile, these guys 
Are not known to hide in their rooms
Waiting for someone to come get them

This is their day to make money
Even the ones who don't win 
Or have a nomination are expected

To be seen and shake hands 
Douglas Fairbanks held a private dinner.
In 1929 where 15 statues were handed out

The next year in 1930
The radio took over with this private affair
And by 1953 when it hit television it was a nation wide 

Institution of a simple act of showmanship
Anyone know who Douglas Fairbanks 
Is?  He was considered the King of Hollywood

He was married to Mary Pickford 
Whom you may have heard of
But he was better known 

For his "tights" roles
Of Robin Hood and Zorro.
Some of the outfits are stunning

Others need to stand in front of a mirror.
And really look at themselves
The forgotten are the ones

Who don't get invited 
But have their own lives
If they are wise enough

To move on from the atmosphere
Where the world news 
Is important enough to stop.

To pay attention 
More missiles have been fired
In both Korea and Russia

What happened to our world
Understanding of each other
There was a misunderstanding

Or do we just need to go back to school?
All these school shootings
And those public attacks

From people not able to be cooped up
And doing nothing all day
What is next on the horizon?

The acceptance of those who tell 
You, no? Not mine 
Not my fault

Go away and find someone else
Have not had a single child
Cant get pregnant.

Still have tumors. 
Which now will have to be removed
By surgery instead of by radiology

These young doctors 
Have forgotten it was their grandmothers
Who fought for their careers

From the time they were adolescents
Until their dying days
Menopause was just another thing 

To endure not a reason 
To be dismissed as a human being
They wont like what they find

When they get to the age 
They have not wanted to embrace
All they had to do was acknowledge.

The schooling they claim to have had.
Instead of going around with all their 
Credit cards and urban lives

Maybe the world leaders will
Maybe not, perhaps
The world religious leaders

Well, perhaps not them either
Who are going to lead us
Now that we survived a Pandemic

But forgot how to be humans?
Not the actors who once fought for us
But now only think of the next handshake.

Once upon a time 
I had friends who stopped by
And offered presents

Usually at my mothers request
Although she had been committed
To a nut farm when I was born

Some never got the message of who 
Was not crazy and who was dying of brain cancer
I received multiple Galileo thermomotors.

I was charmed by them
I had a whole collection of them 
Kept them all and watched them to see

If they gave the same room temperature
They did not, they had their variances.
It told me something about life

To bad there are those who believe
They need to steal houses 
As well as lives because of their world view.

If they stick thier toe out the door
The might find out what is going on 
In their small area or they might get it bit off

Never take the weather for granted.
It rains on the righteous. 
And the unrighteous...

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