Saturday, March 4, 2023



Once a grand staircase 

Rose up from the mud streets

Ascended from the horse and carriage.

To the Romanesque styled

House built during the antebellum years..

Of Washington DC

The District of Columbia 

Sprung up out of the swamp.

Of the Potomac River

Which rises along the Eastern?

Seaboard of the Atlantic Ocean

Deliberately situated where no one 

Would want to live much less work.

They chose this spot. 

As a central zone 

Between New York cities

And Charleston of the south

The thirteen colonies

Were a loose confederation.

Of different souls 

Who fought side by side?

But were ultimately different.

A hundred years after 

They joined into a revolt.

Against mad King George

The rebelled against each other

Not wanting to put up anymore.

The results were an annihilation.

Of a race of people who had once

Been held as unique amongst the world.

The Civil war tore apart.

The Democracy that had been built

On the Delaware river 

Where George Washington crossed

Keeping the Red coats at bay

Til they and their German Hussien's

Were sent packing across. 

The pond to never return.

They did in fact return. 

About fifty years later

In 1812 to burn down

The Presidents mansion

But that is another story.

Here in this swamp

Sprang an entire city.

A few houses or farms 

Existed along with a town

Or two which were engulfed. 

Into the district to create

A unique city designed. 

By a French city architect

Le Enfant finished the project.

The other forgot in his haste. 

To retreat for some reason

He created the circular structure.

The great boulevards

And Du Pont circle was also. 

Created as part of the after math.

Of the inner structure coming to completion

There on the side between

The Original Georgetown

And the new inner circle

Was a rich area dedicated?

To first L'enfant than to a 

American Hero named Du Pont

The French were a great resource.

Having been conquered first.

In Canada and then encouraged

In their own nation to recreate

The great houses which sprang.

In this particular section

Rivaled that of the White House

Itself in their grandeur

They housed the richest of the Americans.

The Ambassadors and the Embassies

As well as the few isolated ones

Of distress such as the Swann house.

It was built by and for Walter Paris

A well-known artists of the time

He never lived in it but sold.

It as soon as it was finished.

It had a variety of owners. 

Including the Cromwell widow

Whose daughter in law was Doris Duke

One of the world's richest female heirs

As well as the Garrets 

The first ambassador to Ireland

It was upon his death. 

It ceased to be a grand house.

Turned into a public boarding house.

For some unknown reason

Amongst the other grand houses

Then into a Boutique bed and breakfast

Where at least it had some life.

Of expensive suitors

Coming to town in order

To rub shoulders with their enemies

Along the corridors of the political halls

Seeing the sights of the museums

And watching the parades of others

Then sadly it too finally closed its doors.

To a nothing of the economy

An annihilation of poor timing

And lack of ability to manage.

While those tall death towers

Were allowed to eclipse the former

Glory of the beautiful city

Upon the Potomac 

That even the Apple Blossoms

Can not repair the damage.

But then the story is at an end

Someone else is going to buy it

As it is on the market again

For over six million dollars

It cost eighteen thousand to build.

No known Swann has ever graced its doors

A name plucked out of the Potomac as well.

What will become of the once stately mansion?

Will it succumb as the older section? 

To becoming a front piece of some cold glass structure?

Or will it be razed as in California?

Completely down to the ground

Without even a thought of the former inhabitants

To build an ugly concrete thing 

No one will know until it is bought.

City planners no longer care about anything.

Except keeping afloat 

Who can blame them at all.

The economy is so bad that they are even.

Speaking of cutting off Social Security

All because they are spending too much.

On some spoiled little bastard

Who can't wipe his own nose?

After throwing the first stone 

Of threatening another's naval port

Annapolis would not like to have. 

Thier city threatened with a utility plant.

Or a prison system replacing their naval history.

But that is the way of the world

What was once grand is now common.

Then it will be destitute, left for the vultures. 

To pick over till they are even disgusted.

As for the former southern hospitality

It never was gracious just kept hidden.

Its inner monster children

Angry they were not given 

Thier promised glorification.

The North was settled by religious freaks.

But the south by the Catholic righteous

Just a warning the Hundred years war

Yielded a great number of souls.

This is just rhetoric.

Anyways the royals were given the impression.

They would actually be allowed.

To remain royals if they moved

Into these foreign locations

Unlike Meghan who can't understand

Who the Majesty is when she is introduced.

But immediately treks over being the Queen bitch.

And now wants to complete her conquest.

Of being a common bastard of some actress

To ashamed of herself to confess to her mistake

She is running a royal media press. 

Over the once keep calm Britain

The Queen survived a number of uprisings.

But it was finally a needle prick that did her in

While the true south has never recovered

From the lives of those such as Kate 

Who once inside the inner circle

Don't remember those who were given promises.

The great debates and lawyers 

Who came out of the south?

Providing the Senate and Congress

Thier liberators from socialism

Have themselves been bitten.

I actually saw a work man this morning.

Walk to work along with his other colleagues

With a carpet bag in his hand

For those who don't value the lessons

Of history the carpet baggers

Were those who showed up on the south

After the Civil war to meet out injustice

After the destruction and complete annihilation

Of a system that was acceptable to most parts

Of the world while of course no one enjoys.

Rape nor robbery it still goes on in other areas.

The new system created where the rich

Spent their time and money.

Defending others who needed it. 

While living off of drugs and alcohol

Asa their world was never going to be the same.

Where spoiled girls take advantage of rich boys

And scam artists ad swindlers

Keep fighting over the same turf. 

Over and over again

We might not ever know what 

Went down the night in Carolina

But Murdaugh was one of the older families.

With a drug problem of his own

Kids who needed not to make him. 

Loose his income so that their mother

Would not come up short on those furs

A wife who cant understand to push 

Her husband too far after marrying him 

For his money and not for love

Kids who have to choose between 

Thier parents it never an easy job

Nor is being on a jury 

With scant evidence

But an assistant district attorney

Who just wants to strut

His or her stuff as they have the power

To altar the facts or the impression given

One man's story versus another

Was this man in annihilator of his own?

We won't ever known as the only witnesses.

Were the dogs in the kennels?

Did the boy get in bad. 

With drugs and prostitutes?

Did the wife hve a gambling problem?

All we were told is he had a drug problem

And was in the habit of lying to cover over. 

Everything that had gone wrong in his world

He did not marry Kate Middleton 

Whose parents became billionaires. 

Out of a book of the month club 

From their garage

When? really, they were both into airlines.

A Herion addict is the obvious

Answer when one looks at the future queen.

Of England and her parents are probably 

Drug smugglers sitting thier smug

Amongst the new rich of their majority

Who can't even recall be needing an introduction?

Much less a bed for a night

Away from the cold outside

Only to remove the home life 

Of that family in order not to be causht

Having such a need in the first place

God rest his soul.

Young Alexander wherever he goes.

His life is altered unless God smiles down on him.

To reveal a different story than the one provided

By an earnst team of experts

Paraded through the media. 

By a team of unprofessional sisters

All those girls are just sorority sisters.

They all claim the same mama.

Live off of drugs themselves

Wear oversized stillitos 

In order to provoke the male body

Of ultra thinness in a world of homosexuality

Ruling as it once did in old Rome.

Annihilation of a species

Or of a family is about the same

I know as my family were systematically

Picked off by Jimmy and his friends

Who have an entire group of stupid girls

Believing they can sit there and threaten

One sigle woman about her virgna

Without ever doing anything but causing 

The deaths of every sinlge female

Of the family Jimmy has had help

In his annihilation of my family

I now have gaps in my smile. 

Due to hsi refusal to medical needs

Had to wait three hours

Just to see if the broken blood vessel

In my eye was dangerous

It is not the first time my eye

Has filled with blood. 

But this crew who don't know 

I once worked amongst them as well.

On my way towards a degree in forensics

In my desire to be an archaeologist

The study of man not primates

I do love Jane Goodall 

And her work at keeping her group.

From annihilation

But the truth is I had to have.

A biopsy for my tumors 

Need more exploratory invasive.

Medical procedures all from these

Things that happen when one gets to a certain age.

While the medicine world still gives into 

Imbeciles with limp dicks

Instead of females with intelligence.

Not a single member of my family

Were excluded from his demonic temper trantrums

Not my little six-year-old sister

Nor my ninety plus great grandmothers

He destroyed all of them.

And for what?

So, he can build a Hilton. 

In a place that won't support one?

The economy even with the cruise ships

Can't carry the kind of money.

It will just be another concrete building.

Collapsing during the next catastrophe

All because he was allowed to take out name

After he took us to court 

And lost his shirt but was allowed out.

Of the jail cell because his family

We're not southern white rich people.

Or were they?

He did get away with a lot of stuff.

Maybe there will be a mistrial. 

Or a soul searching. 

Or maybe he is guilty.

And I am tainted by the stupid girls.

In stilettos not to be taken seriously.

Annihilation of old abandoned properties

Is the caution word amongst? 

The new management companies.

Who are removing the old for the new?

With the understanding that the new

Will be old soon enough.

It will come down and they will just rebuild.

Just as that one over three who has 

Caused a crisis in the American congress.

Who can't pay their own bills now?

But he still wants his planes.

Until he gets to play Tom Cruise

He will not be satisfied.

And for what?

So, he can have the neighbor's property.

In order to build new and ugly towers upon it.

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...