Friday, March 31, 2023

("Pervoye Aprelya, nikomu ne veryu") First of April, I trust nobody"


Ukrainian style 
April fools day 
Traditional Odessa Parade

Until just a few years ago
The big event in Odessa
Carnival style is the parade

Honoring April Fools day
When people dress up
And play tricks on each other

It is also called the great Hoax
To cause someone to believe
Something that has not really happened

This was my poor mothers mind
In her Dementia world
She thought one day we would wake up

And it had just been a trick
A hoax that our lives had been taken away
By this cruel monster who did not even want us

In Ukraine I presume that even 
The great Zelensky as he will come to be known
Is not going to go out and pull a prank

He is all serious now 
That his reputation has been challenged
Jimmy has clearly been working for him

As his manager
He has caused all sort of things to go wrong
In my world and in America

Besides the continued riots 
In Paris and for no reason at all
There have been a series of tornadoes

Wrecking hell all over the place
There was even a spout spotted
In my own valley way out in California

At least the ungrateful weather person
Claimed we had just had hail and a possible tornado
While I was standing waiting for my shuttle

To come back for me
Mike has a thing of never being available.
But I needed my water and was standig in the rain

Waiting and waiting in the very spot
She claimed these impossible things had occured
I do know that a few hours ago

I felt a sharp jolt 
Instead of a gentle rolling motion
A California earthquake

Not to far from my location
And only a 4. something
It was sharp enough to move my bed

And I bet those buildings downtown.
Felt the jolt and probably hopped.
They are foolishly building 

On old Marina district
Also called the mud flats
Digging down twenty feet

Sending metal stabilizers downwards
While sending up wards too many stories
Of plate glass buildings

On the first day of the four 
The Aztecs made it to the finale
This is college championships.

Playing in the four different cities
One of them being San Diego.
Enjoy the thrill of the field

That field was once the clubhouse
Pool club and tennis club
Across the street from the then new Hilton

All that green is on top of land fill
Below were those pools for Olympic swimmers?
Might shift a bit at middle field 

If a stronger one comes along
It might just cause a domino affect
One crashing into another 

Until well the only ones standing
Are those made of good old brick.
Anyways this has been not to good a week

I had my medical appointments canceled
Had to reschedule both of my female diagnostics
Don't worry, I only have four or five tumors

Protruding out of my abdomen and throat
Next week, next year...
It has been a decade I have been dealing 

With the problem and at least three times
Jimmy has interfered with my exams
Entering the room himself to perform

The task himself, not a doctor
Not even a high school drop out
He never made it to the eight grade

But he shows up when he wants
Walk in locked doors and jabs
The doctor with a paralyzing drug

To sit down and start playing
With those little tools 
He is such an imbecile 

And yet he cant stop making it worse
On purpose and then goes through his 
Routine he did not know any better

Makes me wonder why he wont take
An eye exam but had my mother take his for him
Those blue eyes of his just might be my missing ones!

Trying to keep him from finding out 
With a new doctor and all
Oh, and yes the new doctor

Sent me a Dear Patient letter
Really, it is dated for tomorrow
He is no longer working with the group

I switched over to just recently
In order to get away from Jimmy influence
I am still going to file malpractice.

But with a third party causing the situation
I now have new appointments. 
But no primary doctor 

I am to think it is no jimmy.
In the Middle Ages they switched things around
They altered their calendars and all.

Due to Constantine altering the Roman world
With his mothers new religion
New customs emerged but old ones had not died

Then along came Bishop Gregory 
Who did not like the Julian old roman calendar
Created a new one of his own

Altered the dates a little bit as well
The first of the year was no longer
At the advent of spring 

The beginning of the famers year of planting
But to the dead of winter
Using the so-called birth of Christ

As his measurement to forward 
January 1st as the new start date
Instead of April 

And his calendar also corrected. 
A minor point that the lunar and solar
Calendars were off by about four or five days

They simply disappeared one year
In the fifteenth century
Causing an enormous amount 

Of problems for many who did not live 
By a calendar but by seasons 
Many came out of their rooms

For the annual celebration 
Of the new year in the spring
Reveling in having survived winter

Only to be laughed at by half of the population
Of whom spent their good fortune 
In the dead of winter and were low on their stock

In the East they kept the old thing
Evolving into a thirteen-day difference 
Between east and west when they tried to collarlate 

In Odessa, which is now Ukraine 
They began to show a lot of fun
With a huge parade and pranks

On the folks of the city
And the country adopted these
Shanigans full heartedly

Even seeking to include others
In their hoax that they are not a heathen 
Nation but a god fearing one

Unlike the old Soviet system
That forbade religion of any kind
Especially the Jewish one which 

Which kept entire communities?
Tied to the local religious leader
Now they are shoving the Ukrainian Orthodox

Out of their country as they attempt.
To become more western in their eyes
May as well send in micky mouse

To be their leader
For all his worth 
The Stand up comedian has made a stand

Not for justice but corruption
How much embezzlement are we going to hear about?
Meanwhile, through Jimmy he has caused

An astonishing thing to occur
First the American President 
Has been indicted with his arrest eminent

And then of course his enemy
The Russian President has been falsely accused
Of child stealing instead of rescuing abandoned children

Who Ukraine choose not to care for themselves.
And has an arrest warrant issued for him
His daughter in Holland must be getting worried

For her own safety
As she was always getting in trouble on purpose
In order for him to come to her aid.

Even billionaires have their limits
Jimmy is no billionaire himself
But knows a lot of drug dealers 

He does what he wants 
Because there are always little girls
Who need to have a needle between thier toes

I could not even get the tax preparers 
To come to their scheduled session 
To ensure I have mine down right.

I once worked for the internal revenue service
But I keep being told I don't know how to do things
I swear I saw the old lady walk by with her device

But she vanished in the hallway
Then her helper arrived and sat down
With those of us who had been wiating

For an hour just because they cant do it right
Never on time is my motto
These professionals never get to their schedule

They make you wait three hours for the doctor
Only to be escorted out the side door
Because it is closing time

What a grand hoax 
This century has become
One wonders if Barack was really the president

And not a spokesperson for a commercial
What of Kamala
Is she a figment of our imagination?

What does it matter anyways?
Millionaire African men slapping each other.
Over a woman who shaved her head.

Demi Moore did that for a movie
Lost her husband over it as well.
While my faithful went for a walk on the beach

And decided I was no longer needed
His family certainly dont want old school
But new fades such as the delusions

That Jimmy makes others believe in
This week I found an old bible
Printed the year I was born 

On a shelf in a place it should not have been
It is amazing how  many people believe 
They can walk into someone else house

And evict the owners
Remove their personal items
And then lie to everyone about it.

The grand hoax
Is of course the evil one is going to win
Instead of righteousness and humanity

Trust no one!
This is what I have always lived by.
It is others who don't understand that it is not real....

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Problem child

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th 

President of the United States

He was also mayor of Buffalo

And Governor of New York

He was the only President. 

To enter the White House 

As a bachelor

He got married for the first time at 49 years of age

His wife was 21 and the daughter of his business partner

There was a lot of scandalous comments 

About him being the executor of the will

Then marrying the heiress

But they had five children and a happy marriage

But he is also one of the few to ever

Acknowledge a child born out of wedlock

Maria crofts Halpin 

Was her name, a salesclerk in a retail store

Who claims to have walked past the mayor

One night when he was out for a stroll

Nine months later she produced a baby

A male child named Oscar 

Who in no way looks like the father

As a full-grown adult 

He is thin faced and angular body

Whereas Grover is full figure from his toes 

To his head with no recognizable traits 

Between them but it was understood.

This is how history is written

A powerful man who mission 

Was too keep the country on its toes

He set the gold standard

Fought the pullman strikes

And got the country from going into

A terrible depression which came later

Meanwhile, a man of the law 

He had plenty of time on his hands

So, did alot of other men in town

In fact, it was once thought 

That those men who came to congress

Left one family behind at home

To reside with a second family in DC

So common was it for a man not to wait

Until his wife joined him but to have a mistress

Almost a nineteenth century check plus

He was never charged with a crime nor arrested.

Whereas Grant had his own men 

Get caught raiding the Internal Revenue Service

Actually, stealing from the country's cookie jar

There have been a number of stories

But no one admits to any of them being arrested

By the time they make to the election

They might not be whistle clean

But have their affairs in order.

These newest events are a forbidding

With the Russian President 

Under threat of arrest from rescuing children

And many of the African or Latino guys

Getting arrested but than they are third world

And usually deserve it 

Whereas most of Europe keep themselves

From doing anything elaborate enough

To make their enemies want to arrest them 

Unless their name is Jimmy

I am sure somewhere at Langley.

There are rants by the old Jimmy

Of wanting to kill either guy

And or send them to jail 

As he has so often been arrested

Because he cant understand

That he is neither god nor president.

It is like being issued a 

Witness protection new name

Only to be told they don't need 

You to testify and then find

Yourself faced with at least one

Individual using the identification.

They might not have needed me

But they would have killed the ID

Whether than hand it off to a snotty 

Teenager who just wants to prove

Herself capable of stalking and harassing.

Let me tell you a few things about Jimmy.

He has never allowed me to have anything.

Not even my name nor my eyeballs.

He has taken out my eyeballs 

From my head when i was little

I know these eyes are not mine

They are not even the correct color

Much less the right shape and size

As for names, I had alot of different ones

When growing up as a child 

Shuttered back and forth

He captured each and everyone

Of them including the ones

Used for undercover reporting

And government protection 

Not to mention other honest reasons

Such as attempting to get away

From using extortion or worse

I was a missing child

I made the milk carton

And the IRS paper form booklet

There are hundreds of women 

Who have claimed to be my mother

As well as that many demanding my mother

Was either their real mother 

Or grandmother

I have been to court so many times

And then I got wiped out 

No information is available on me

Just a jimmy fixing his issues

Now he can run around 

Claiming he does not know what I am talking about

Meanwhile, anyone I came into contact

During my younger life 

He has on his hit list

There are a number of people

I have seen hurt in one way or another

Without being able to prove anything.

When did the world stop listening?

When women started finding 

Small penis's under the pillows

And knew they had to protect 

Their husbands son from 

Becoming a eunuch

Or loosing their wallets

And knowing the might 

Become homeless without identification

Even know I get sneered at when 

I pull out my drivers license

With its proud gold bear on it

Whereas I bet Demi Moore 

Still has some of old things lying around

With my picture or name upon it.

What is the world coming to anyways?

Paltrow faking out a jury

Not that the other guy was not an idiot

For showing up with all those Facebook pictures

Nor a bunch of homeless New Yorkers

Getting called to a Grand Jury

All one needs is a mailing address

And some form of registration

To get a jury summons

A grand jury does not mean

The jurors are grand

But that the case is special 

We have no idea who these people are

Except they just came through a Pandemic

Where most New Yorkers were either

Lining up to get inside a hospital

Or sitting at home praying

The landlord would not evict them

Since they did not have employment

But foreclosures and evictions

Were not considered legal for a short period

That emergency situation is coming to an end

On May 11, a special day in Jimmys book

Just as September 11 loomed large in his head

I still say he was behind those men

After all he insists on living 

In my hometown and calling it his own

The airfield has a library and other things 

Nearby which were once part of a life

No longer shared by anyone

The others children grew up

Not wanting the same things as their parents

Meanwhile I have mushrooms growing in my sink

Which is not my fault but get my manager

Not to think otherwise

I have been forcibly removed 

From my different residence by Jimmy

And his crew including this one

I will tell you another story anther time

But there is a midnight train

Someone named Donald needs to catch

New York Officers have been told

To report at 7 am, all of them

For a real estate tycoon

It should be easy

One of the richest families 

Of the area were the Rykers

The had a mansion built for each one of their sons

To live with their wives and children

Then disaster struck with death

Astor captured the island for the Civil war 

With all the men dying off 

The old laws would not allow women 

To own land, gads, that would mean

They could vote!

Only land owners voted in the old days.

Alcatraz was a Civil war fort

One of my g-g-fathers served on it

But Astor created a camp for training

Then went off on a boat called 

The Titanic leaving behind a pregnant wife

The city of New York took over the project

Now instead of a bunch of pre-victorian mansions

There is a great complex of living quarters

He should have no problem 

In underscoring the land rights

Until he as Jimmy would have it

Becomes the legal owner of his new accommodations.

Jimmy was once a residence of the island

He spent his time digging for gold.

Maybe Trump can find the lost loot.

While he has his seventeen-year-old 

Made over into his legal heir

To keep Stormy from acquireing

The Family farm in a legal dispute

Otherwise, he will be one for history making.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

And we just buried one


There they go again,

Cant get any rest at all.

Another one has gone to hospital.

So very sad when it happens,

But they cant be with us forever.

They say the head of the church

Is Peter who was handed the keys 

To the kingdom of god.

But it is a hard line for many

To accept that the Pope

Gets sick at all, much less dies

Francis just got his training wheels off

His predecessor retired

The first in hundred of years.

Benedict could not handle 

All his duties so, he elected

To have another one chosen

While he rested his feet.

He is now buried and gone.

His sister and brother were also both

Part of the Catholic church

His only surviving relatives

They say are two cousins

Whom he has left a fortune

But five individuals have stepped forward!

The Bishop of Rome

Is what they have called him since

The eighth century when the west

Went their own way

Leaving the East 

Which became known as Orthodox.

This little guy heads the church

Of the people throughout the world.

At least the Catholic Roman world

Now one sits in a hospital 

Instead of the heavily guarded

Vatican City with its own everything

But a hospital

Having seen Italy shut down 

For the coronavirus 

And the Pope go without 

Catching the nasty bug

He is now gotten a respiratory infection.

Not sure if they are telling us the truth.

How many of them died of the Plague?

While the Eastern church stayed loyal

To the original Constantinople

Having been created by Constatine

Whose mother converted him 

The head of the Roman empire

Created his own religion from 

The stories of Christ

The Hagai Sophia used to be 

Christian and then the Muslims

Took over hanging their banners.

Over the Icons on the walls

Which included Constantine and his mother

They have no centralized leader

Every section has its own patriarch

Father of the people in thier own area

But no head of the church

Hence in Ukraine where they have

Always been Orthodox 

But now are Catholic

They have been asked to quit

Thier monasteries which are centuries old

Abandon their people

And leave Kiev in particular

Being defrocked by the Jewish rebel

Who has lead his people into beleiving

They are doing a good thing

Instead of freeing the people

Just as the Pharoah did when Moses

Asked for them to go free.

No, No he said 

Until the Red Sea came crashing

Down on top of him and his men.

We do not expect a tsunami.

In the Black Sea to overtake

Odessa at any time soon.

But having to bury another Pope

So soon after the other one.

It is a problem in not 

Even considering Jimmy had

Anything to do with his death

Or this ones sudden ailment

So close together

And with the Dalia Lama

Getting so much older

Than the normal age of religious leaders

Jimmy doesn't believe in god 

At all but he does understand

That other do and just wants 

To have his way.

And the idea that a man represents

God on earth is appalling to him.

He wants to be Caeser, Kaiser and Christ!

Never put one past him 

Keep a watch soldier on your man!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Who wants to be the next Dalia lama?

There are people in the world who are special
For no reason at all 
But they make a difference in the world

Some people are just there 
Others are world leaders
Or about to become an important person

Peter Jennings was one of those people
Who grew up as the son of the Voice of Canada
Charles Jennings was a well known radio journalist

His son was one of those who was always around
People and got accustomed to being on hand
When things went wrong 

He became one of the better known world Journalist.
A leader in a field that had only a few who could make it
Now there are so many journalist 

And foreign correspondents
Most of whom he either trained
Or was used as an example 

His best thing was getting into the politics
Unlike nowadays where they do interviews
He made his way through till the guy

Just wanted him to sit down and have supper
Then he would squawk at the live interview
But Peter always got his man

And eventually we the viewers 
Got to know what was really going on in the world
We all grew to trust the young man

Who did nothing but cause problems for his own parents.
He also was a connoisseur of culture and arts
As an older man who did much for keeping

The life of the town alive
Unlike the newer generation 
Who don't know what to do 

Unless the celebrity can do something bizarre
Such as play the piano 
Without hands or pants...

Then there are those such as Jacqueline 
Who made a world of difference
To the world as the first lady

The press hated her and then could not get enough
Of her or her lifestyle
While there are a lot of heroes back at home

Who continue to pick up the kids on time
Or go to work no matter who is aiming
To shoot at them on the job

Thier used to be school teachers
Who were leaders and not followers
Or nurses who cared to at least make

Themselves look good instead 
Of causing the doctors to look bad
Politicians ahve alot on thier plate

Some make it through 
Only looking a little bit foolish
While others cant get anything right

Does not matter who handsome they are
Nor how much money they have
Or how intelligent or educated

It is the facts that go on around them
That lead others to believe that something is wrong
That and bad management 

Now we have a former president
Up on possible charges of a criminal nature
While his vice president is not being pleasant

What went wrong that day?
No one told those idiots to enter
And take hostages in the Capital

Not even the President told them to use guns
But it endangered the Vice President
And  his family who with him at the capital

Along with the entire Senate chamber
And the Speaker of the House 
Who also had her grown daughter with her

It was a bad situation and people were killed
Just as those school shootings 
Were former students are coming back

With guns and getting even with their teachers
Whom they disliked or disliked them
It is no longer a safe world out there

When one cant trust their own teacher
Not to steal or lie about you behind your back
Or the trusted elected politician

Cant get past the crew who appear
To like him but just want to cause mayhem.
Who is left in the world to trust or believe in?

World religious leaders?
Such as the Pope?
Or the Dalia Lama?

They don't have much of a life
The last Pope retired whether than end
Up being pushed around in a wheelchair

As his successor has done due to his pain level
The Dalai Lama lived in luxury 
While he was raised as a child

Chosen to be a spiritual leader
Got to go to University and study
But also has to come up with peace plans

Was exiled due to the war 
Between China as a communist country
And the others 

While the Pope has to earn 
His place through diligence 
The Lama grows into his position.

Now he is 87 and checking out children
They must decide whom is likely
To be the chosen reincarnated one.

Not an easy job nor does it come 
With a permanent place in life
As an exile he must move around

One must be from Mongolia 
Or Tibet or China in order to qualify
Unlike the Pope or Patriarch 

Who come from the Western world
With hard work as a novice
Until he is noticed for his leadership as a chosen one of god.

Who would want to be any of these guys?
They have the weight of the world on them
And they dont usually get to retire 

Work til they drop is the motto
Most specail people are that way
One day they are there doing what they need

And the next they are dead from cancer
Or a plane crash or auto accident
No one knows who will be the next one

Unlike choosing a successor
Most of those individuals 
Who set the world on fire 

Simply arrive out of nowhere
This in no way describes jimmy
Who has never been charming nor a leader

Just a saboteur who wants his way
To the harm of others 
Who just get in his way.

When are those school kids 
Going to stop shooting things?
When are we going to feel safe again?


Monday, March 27, 2023

Mom, did we ever...?


My poor crazy mother

When she crossed over to that point

Of  no return, no one seems to know

But she was somewhat normal

Smart and insistent one day

Then she became consumed in having her way

All the time and every day at everything

She lied so often she would get caught in her own lies

And those stories she told would return upon her.

Lobster! She is eating lobster!

She is sitting with a small child

And telling the child, that I her real mother

Is sitting in a posh place

Eating lobster, while she sits outside

With  nothing but a pizza in her lap.

Everyone of those children 

Were told the same sad story

And each and every one of them 

Bought the White elephant 

Whole heartedly, no compassion.

I am not allowed to go back to my old life

I am not allowed to have a life.

I am never going to get 

These two hundred plus

Individuals to believe me that I am not

Thier mother nor have I ever been pregnant

They want to believe a woman with dementia

Who died of brain cancer.

I do understand she was unwell

It does not excuse everyone else 

Who can you trust if you don't listen

To the doctors, lawyers and judges

It does not seem to matter

If I can prove it or not

They don't care what they say

They only care about the Lobster.

I hate lobster!

I have always hated lobster.

In fact, I think they look like giant cockroaches.

Dinosaurs in the ocean of one of the worst 

Things one can encounter anywhere

How could she sit out there and tell such a tale.

Anyways, these little beasts keep multiplying

There could not have been they many

Foolish women who let my mother 

Take their child for a walk!

Actually, it was Jimmy who started 

Taking them for walks and endangering their lives.

Now someone is being accused of stealing

Children from a war-torn country.

Has he made them into dog food?

As in Mexico a whole bus load of college kids

Disappeared on a bus to the capital for a protest.

All those buried bodies are beginning to surface

But not the group of 40 who boarded a drug lords bus

By accident apparently without their knowledge

And Vamos, gone into thin air

The kids are also not being used for sex trafficking

As so many children are around the world

Or those child factories where they make 

Macy's clothing for nothing to be sold

To middleclass midweight women 

With huge credit cards they have no intention 

Of paying off, as Macy's keeps going 

Into bankruptcy but never closes their doors.

What would we do without the Macy day parade?

They appeared to be orphans from the war

Collected by a woman who worked for the big guy

They seem to be feed and cared for while ....

If they have parents, it is assumed they could

Be reclaimed by them at the end of the war.

No one has said otherwise

The question is why there were sixteen thousand of them

Available for pick up by the other side

The Ukrainians were not taking care of them?

The Russians wanted a good  media pic day

They allowed themselves to be seen picking them up

Removing them across the border is up to question

Who says who these children belong 

And why has it taken so long for it to be a problem

Why has Ukraine not demanded them back

They have done several prisoner of war exchanges

But not one word about the return of the children

And what are they going to feed them?

Pizza brought in by the world media?

Zelensky keeps going begging for billions of dollars

All because he wanted Crimea for his own selfish means

He cant pay for anything at all,

Not ammunition nor vehicles 

Not electricity for a city nor 

Pizza for a load of kids sitting 

Not going to school with no parents.

At least this the story my former colleagues

Want the world to accept 

That the children were not starving

That they did have places to stay

But of course it is a media storm

And those pictures of her with them

Are precious to observe.

But why the arrest warrant 

For her boss?

He appears to be paying for the gasoline

And the housing of these children.

Has anyone asked where they will be going

When it is over?

Instead, overnight Putin became the big bad

Wolf next door who has no good intentions.

Everyone is jumping onto the same small boat

Just because he is bigger? or badder?

Without Russia the world would not be a better place.

Zelensky has not proven he can care for his own people

Being elected out of nowhere as a comedian performer

He cleaned up fast and he did earn a law degree

Before he started his entertaining.

But the world court and the world press

Were once my playground

Where I knew when not to cross the line

But still get the facts from both sides.

Lobster, she is eating lobster!

They have their pizzas delivered.

We get the same news from all of them.

While that dingy is getting a little bit full.

What happens when someone makes waves?

Or a tsunami occurs?

Meanwhile, Netanyahu was reelected.

And the new generation hates him.

They have closed the airports down

Because of fear of the thousands of people

Fulling the streets with their bodies and banners.

And poor Macron has had not one good day.

His life has nothing but difficulties.

First thing that happened?

The Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire

And the steeple collapsed.

They have spent years rebuilding the inner roof section

With only the front still standing. 

And he is expecting the Olympics

To arrive in the next few years

Meanwhile, King Charles III has canceled

His first state trip due to the rioters

They set fire to their town hall!

Pension reform.

They don't want to wait two more years.

The country is going broke supporting.

Ukraine with their little problem

What difference is 64 from 62?

Most dont want to be told to get lost

At 62 or 64 when they are still working.

Those yellow vest rioters did a lot of damage as well.

Blocking traffic and causing alarm bells to go off.

They have had a few shootings as well.

Mother did I go to that school as well?

The private presbyterian Christian one 

In Nashville? Sounds like something you 

Would send me to in order to make me

Understand that I was expected to not go

To any school at all.

Koonce, she looks really familiar.

A white female shooter.

Sounds like Cathy M. 

Who was hired to harass me

But went to far in her involvement.

With underworld groups 

Of criminals such as that Oklahoma kindergarten.

She actually threatened me with that one

And a decade ahead of time.

Nashville, Tennessee.

I have lived there and recognize the buildings.

Another school shooting.

Another set of kids dead.

Another school official shot.

Are they aiming for the kids

Or the adult in the group?

The janitor, the substitute teacher.

If it was a movie script

It would be one of the adults

And the kids are just extra.

If I did not know better

I would be suspicious of Jimmy

Or one of his crazy women who help him.

Every single one of these shootings

I swear I was enrolled as a student

My school transcripts by the time 

Cathy got done harrassing everyone

Excluded all those extra schools

Left me with little proof of doing anything.

Except attempting to avoid her.

I still cant find evidence of being

In San Diego my home town.

But this is the place I went to with

My real siblings and is also 

Where Demi M and Thelma L

Went around claiming to be the real daugher

And stealing the information for themselves.

Somewhere they is a newspaper picture

Of a young Demi Moore sitting in custome

Having just won a talent contest of something.

And myself having just been accepted by the tribe

An Indian registration is so valuable

That dozens are willing to commit murder 

For the suggestion that they are the indian.

No one seems to remember me 

Instead of the other girls and I need

To reestablish my identity

Jimmy does not have a real birth certificate.

I do have one of those and my authentic California id

Now required by law, officially identifying yourself

Through a real ID.

I get the feeling as I use it that it is not accepted.

It is not really mine.

How can I prove anything? 

With county clerks selling their services

So many documents disappear. 

Or false ones are created.

Such as the one Jimmy

Has for my now dead sister

They went to court in the old days.

About her being his daughter

He has a birth certificate that says

She was born on Leap year

February 29 and keeps after me

About not being old enough

The imbecile is actually counting

Every four years instead of just allowing 

The years  to be realized.

And it is not my birth certificate.

So many people cant recall there were two of us.

Nor was my mother going to allow me to  have

My own unique identity.

All those girls who believe they are the real daughter

And all those kids who think I am thier mother.

Stolen children from the arms of their own mothers.

If I did not know any better 

I would also believe Jimmy was behind.

That little arrest warrant as well.

By the way, lobster is a poor man's food.

It used to only be feed to the slaves.

And the servants or the poor in seaports.

It was not a luxury item until recently. 

Who cares anyways? The world has gone to the dogs...

Sunday, March 26, 2023

All your dreams up in smoke


He was out for his morning commune
With the dogs for a walk along the river
His grandfather had brought him here

When he was a boy and told him 
The stories of the old Russian River gang
They now called it the San Diego river

But it was called other things prior
To those outlaws arriving and claiming
What was not theirs to own

Throwing out or killing those who were already
Here as true titled owners instead of squatters
As all Mexicans are by nature 

If they were not one of the conquistadors 
Nor one of the Lords of Spain
Then they are the riffraff sent over from prisons

Unrighteous thugs who bred by raping
Teresa maria and her sisters are primary examples of this
But that day was a long time ago 

And this man still had a chance at a life for his family
They were at the old homestead in the valley gorge
As he walked back slowly practicing the story for his wife

He was working for his uncles company as an engineer
Which required him to go behind the navy gates
But not as a Naval marine

His dogs began to bark, one ran off chasing someone
While the other began to whine and sniff 
At the old swamp spot

Left over from the days this was a community
The land went across the highway
With a church and school on one side

Up on the higher elevation 
While the farms were on the lower more fertile
Areas where the river had receded due to damns

This spot still had water and it was dank
There he could see a tiny little hand
The hand of his daughter who was always in trouble

He bent over her to see if she was alive
When she opened her eyes and cried
Then lifted her feet out of the water

Her sister was being held up with her ankles
As he pulled her out along came his smaller son
Who had also been holding on to the lip of the pool

With one hand and the other on the girls chin
Together they came out of the water 
He quickly saw they were alive

Nodding to his other daughter 
Assuming she would be able to pull 
Herself out now without the burdens attached

He ran up the hill with is children
Only to find his wife gone and the doors 
Of the Chalet left wide open as if someone

Had been inside looking for something
He frantically tried to call for the police
But the line was dead and he needed to get 

The young ones to a hospital
Round and round he went looking for those keys
She always had a spare set hidden somewhere

Her purse was pulled out from behind the couch
By the boy and girl was horribly coughing now
He scurried to the back of the property 

Where one of his cars was under a tarmac
The other one was missing as usual
He could not tell if his wife had gone to the store

Or had been abducted by those friends of hers
He got blankets for the kids and his briefcase
Slowly he drove down the unpaved road

To find that she was still there clinging
To the side of the pool
Had she died?

No, no she had the other boy by his collar
No wonder she could not move
She was also holding up the other son

He hauled them both out on to the ground
While she fretted for the backpacks
It was the school bus stop that they were at

He threw them in the back of the car 
With frustration, get in the car
She managed to crawl over the front seat

Sitting there holding the other girl
Shivering and wheezing
That water is nasty, we are probably going to die 

From what ever is in it.
Promptly the other boy 
Threw up all over the back seat

It was  his better car 
Hidden for his relatives or in laws to use
Sighing and grinding his teeth

He shifted gears on his steering wheel
He was driving as a maniac by   now
She was right they had been contaminated 

By what ever had gone wrong in that house
They had found it in disarray 
Suspicious it had been used by outlaws or bandits

He wondered where his wife was at this moment
She was actually screaming for help not to far from them
She had been standing there explaining to them

That they were not really supposed to be going 
To school at all but they had been caught 
By the local authorities at a house

She was having him travel a lot
So that they would not be enrolled
She had funny ideas about education

She was the smart one in the family
Which is why she had brain cancer
But was not really aware of it

Although her parents had been informed
She was not supposed to get married 
And have children nor remain alive

But her husband was her childhood sweetheart
She had four children now 
And Candace was beside herself

As was her sister Suzie and Ken 
They were the ones who had made themsleves
At home in every place she lived 

Threatening her at all stages
Over some silly nonsense
But their father had gone to prison

Thier mother made money
The old fashion way
Then got religion and a job at a dentist

Who can stand the sound of a drill all day.
They had her and wanted to know
Where they had been and where they were going

They wanted to be introduced
It was kens dream of raiding the White House 
He was a home robber and wanted those candelabras

Candace wanted to sit down and eat at the table
How the hell was she supposed to accommodate
All her family had done was work hard

They were in the military weren't they
They saw her husband had a pass to the navy gate
Military always has access to the President

That swine, that is where he has been going.
No wonder she cant get her mother to visit
His mother in law was the only person

He could think of going to with the kids
If he went to the hospital he would have to explain
It was the height of the Viet Nam war

Many were not happy with anyone who was miliatary
And he was only a specialist from outside
Working on architecture designs

Fail safe was his job, he could spot a failure 
But now he was speeding down the highway
Towards Tijuana, if he got pulled over

He would just say they had fallen in to the pond
He passed through the border with no problem
But he was spotted by several people

Including his boss who thought he was taking
A holiday, going to the bull ring or something
She had an old apartment in the old part

Of the city before it was a city
Her parents were immigrants
They had inherited several homesteads

From the pioneer days 
And before Mexico was an Imperial nation 
Old Spain had not bothered

With the west coast 
Where many different countries 
Could claim it as thiers

Not interested in a battle 
On the wrong side of the continent
Many had built dreams 

Then found out that they whole
Area had been incorporated
Without ever stepping foot on its soil

By some squad in Mexico city
Who shoot the European monarch
Anyways Hazel was waiting for them 

He had phoned her at one point
She was the one who said if they were not dying
To bring them to her side

Where she could call a local doctor
And her ex-husband who was in Florida
He said he would be on a plane as soon as possible.

He arrived in the old place
With the modern architecture 
The original house had been pulled down 

By squatters who had no idea  it was not abandoned
Her father had been happy with his sheep and chickens
During the ww II to stay on this side

He was carrying them up with a heavy heart
He had figured out that is she did not have her purse
Then she had been kidnapped

He was agoing to have to report it to the police
First, he brought them in where she gave them baths
As they were filthy from the pond

Then examined them and found marks
It looks as if someone shot at them!
He was on the phone to his father

And then to the FBI 
As it was suggested that it was time 
To pick up those rogues who kept

Creeping in where they did not belong.
The local doctor quickly transferred them 
To the main hospital that spoke english

His insurance was now maxed out
But at least they would be safe
He got most of the story from the boys

They were standing there waiting for the bus
Mother had been speaking to them
When someone drove by shooting at them

They had either fallen backwards 
Or been pulled into the pond
He thought someone had tried to sit on them

She had been lead screaming up the hill
Where her purse and keys were lcoated
That is why he looked behind the couch

That meant she had been able to keep 
Them from her check book.
Then all had gone black for him

Until he felt feet kicking him
And then his head had surfaced
She had been struggling to find

Each one of them as the oldest
She was responsible for their safety
She was now on a respirator 

Eventually she would be flown 
To an American air base for recovery
He found out his father in law was landing

They got me at Browns field again
Instead of Lindberg airfield.
Together they went back to the house

On the hill where they were shot at.
No ransom note, nor demands.
Just nothing but cut phone lines

Missing car was found with evidence
Of his wife being inside
The FBI took over the search

Only to have her pop up 
At the Marina looking annoyed
The family knew it was the gang of kids

She had fallen into as a child
Who followed her everywhere once their dad
Was put in prison for raiding the naval yard

She had a hard time explaining it 
But she said she went for a drive
And forgot where she was going

Call off the search party!
They didn't as her car was not there
They just quietly put her in a nursing home

While they sorted things out
Suzie and Ed became wanted suspects
They fled to Wyoming where they would be safe

Ken and Candace stayed around 
But kept out of sight 
Using Betty A and others to get their way

This is why she did not want them in school
Her dreams were gone for a happy family
His would dissolve once he realized

How fast the story was brought under suspicion
He was leaving things out and his father in  law
Was encouraging him not to put her away

It would be later that they would find out
That it was the end for them all.
All because the children had survived

While the mother had not been forced
To tell the truth at the time
The ugly ones got away

Only to come back with a younger generation
Tera for instance is from the devil himself
And Janet must have been born from mud people

Pure evil and spite these people are still.
Not once have they left them alone.
They hired Jimmy to get inside the family

Which completed the conquest 
Now all but her are gone
He has been selling the various homes

While Suzie and Candy 
Have been going through all the belongings
To see what information they can use to black mail

While Ken and Eddie and John
Are in their element to have possession
Of anything of value at all.

Not unlike a family business
Going up in flames.
The Palmer chocolate bunny is well known

It went from being a family run business
Of an out of work wwii returning GI
To a local business 

With nation wide distribution
The factory employed a good portion
Of the community 

Now it has exploded overnight
There is nothing left of the building
With those inside dead or missing

A families dream up in smoke
And an entire community affected 
By the possible outcome.

If only Candace had been strangled 
By Ken when she was born 
Or drowned by Suzie shortly afterwards

They talked about it but did not do it.
She was something they could not handle
Nor her daughter Lisa can be handled either.

Their deaths will now only complete
The families demise as a once useful 
People taken down by a retarded girl and her siblings. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...