Friday, January 27, 2023

4-5-6 and 16.4


New Year's greetings.

The Lunar new year

Was celebrated at the White House

The first time ever

A special celebration 

For the Chinese New Year

It is to import the idea.

That Asians are not bad people.

Bless Jill and her efforts

Towards peace for all.

Still guarding the old boy

She found on the beach one day.

Even took his two boys. 

Into her heart as her own.

What is next?



It is going to be a big one.

The next year brings.

Not war nor peace

But Armageddon

It will be the year,

Of the reelection. 

For all three presidents

Joe if he runs.

Will have to make it through.

To autumn in order to get his results

But the other two only have 

Until the Spring

Both Zelensky and Putin

Are up for reelection. 

Next year.

What does that mean for us?

Watching them play out a long

Football game.

It is a sad war with no meaning.

Ukraine already had their independence.

There was no reason to upset the boat.

But he did upset it.

Now the children are in danger.

Millions have abandoned their own homes.

With no place to go nor to return

One almost wonders if it is a trick.

Of politics 

Allowing the refugees another life

While Kiev gets a renewal

A new face of architecture is coming to them.

Wonder how much it is going to cost?

The American taxpayers are not happy.

Too pay for others misery.

Especially when it is preventable.

Did you hear about Francisco?

Francisco Jose de Goya

A foreign painter of Spanish origins.

All those people from Spain

Who also lost their homeland.

He is considered one of the better artists.

But 16.4 million dollars!

At a time when buyers are wary

Two tiny mother and daughter portraits

Were auctioned off at Christies.

The figures are not beautiful models.

But real figures of the time.

While a few pieces are going. 

Over the million marks

This was extraordinarily high.

16 million dollars is a whole lot.

Of clams to pay for two small pieces.

Wonder where these will end up?

A museum of some sort?

Or a private collection?

Hopefully they will not sit inside a vault.

Because Jimmy is finding ways

Of gaining access to everything 

He can and he is leaving nothing.

He has torn down. 

So many 100 year old houses

In my community.

It is amazing to see one still standing.

Montezuma is having an exhibit.

Of the Ukraine war refugees.

Where will they be next? year?

And how many men will still 

Be standing next year?

Time will tell.

Another year is here. 

And another one behind.

It is important for the world leaders

To understand the populace

Only puts up for so long before. 

They revolt and rebel.

Get it right this time.

We might not have much time left...

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