Saturday, January 21, 2023

And the Vice President


As any Vice President 

Kamala has visited.

Every disaster area

And gone to a few. 

Unsavory spots

On foreign soil

The first female 

To be called the Pretty Face

Which is the job of the VP

To sit or stand 

In for the President

When it is not convenient

I'm not sure what the other voters.

Thought when her name went down.

Although they probably only saw his name.

But I am a Californian.

And think she is doing a good job.

It will be time to tell us. 

Whether or not 

It was the right time for her. 

To emerge from the mass 

To become a single entity.

Her future is still uncertain.

Just as Hillary whom everyone assumed.

Would lead the charge to the oval office.

And she did it all 

First Wife, Senator, and Secretary of State

And still only got the popular vote.

Instead of the electoral college.

Unless they change the law

And the constitution

She will face the same fate.

Some day if she decides to go forward.

Dancing in the rain....

A missing Putin 

Has been reported. 

By the other guy

He is probably just getting. 

Another tattoo 

Or does he get those?

Well, it is not an issue.

Is it?

Those in charge of the chaos

Don't need him to be present.

Unless they are planning his funeral

They will just go forward.

With their special assignment

Until the other guy gives in.

My battle with Jimmy

Or Bob junior

His real name 

Began before i had meet him.

It was my younger sister.

He started on in his mania.

How we got chosen is a source 

Of contention I have always had

I believe it was someone else.

Who steered him in our direction?

My sister was adamant about this guy.

We were separated by my mother.

Occasionally the wrong one went home.

With Grandpa and then sat there terrified

While the other could not believe

Her misfortune as my mother was already.

Past her time to have a physician 

Take care of what was wrong.

With her emotional lack 

Towards her own relatives

The amygdala is a special thing.

Not to be damaged or inflamed.

Anyways I came home for the holidays.

To be informed of this new difficulty

And he shows up everywhere we go.

Mom is having a real problem. 

Saying no to him for some reason.

Anyone else she would not have tolerated.

Maybe it is the use of force.

I recall going to get an order. 

Reveresed at the court house

As I had been told someone had 

Paperwork on me not to receive.

Medical treatment 

Only to find there was no paperwork.

But there he was walking. 

Up behind me on the escalator

And reaching around me

threatening me in my ear.

While his girlfriend jabbed me with a needle

Inside the courthouse!

I collapsed on the revolving stairs.

Had to be rescued by EMT

Only to find a flaw in the system

Suzanna had printed out her own paperwork.

I remember she had done this with my mother.

But no one has records anymore.

He has been removing everything. 

He can on us as his object

To erase us from history.

I went down yesterday.

To see if I could get a protective order.

In order to get the right blood results

To find my leg would not move.

I stood there in front of the same stairs.

And could not move.

Everyone thinks I am crazy.

No one understands vertigo.

But shear fear from having experienced.

Real terror from a man already convicted.

By the state but is given

A pass due to his appearance

They just smiled as they walked past.

And then turned me in on their text.

As someone to be afraid 

As I dragged myself back outside

After three years 

I thought I might make it up.

Those stairs

What happened to all the old ones?

The marble ones 

Instead of the metal ones with the metal teeth?

What am I supposed to do?

If I can't get my body to move?

Or I begin to have the symptoms.

Of a heart attack.

I already have super high. 

Blood Pressure

And I have had a stroke

Which has also left me 

Left side weaker than normal.

No one wants to acknowledge.

The brown skinned girl is normal.

Not crazy like an Indian.

Never the right skin color.

Not white enough

Nor dark either.

King tides are hitting our beaches.

A natural phenomenon

But no one goes to the beach anymore.

They just go to the gym.

No fresh air just sweat.

The natural girl wants to have her way.

With all the girls who think

They are fairy tale princesses.

Find a different mother. 

All two hundred of you

Because he is not a golden stud

But blank boring man

Who only wants his way?

How much money does he need?

He just wastes it. on nobodies.

None of his girls are worth it.

Squandering money on trash

While the war he started 

Is draining the world nations.

What would you do mom?

If he got his way

And eliminated his worst enemy.

Placing himself on the platform

Becoming the ruler of the enemy 

Of the United States of America

He plans to become the enemy's ruler.

To rage war upon us Americans

You know that is what he wants.

He has tried the oval office.

It is not satisfying to him.

He likes blood and gore.

He wants more than the simple minded.

Task of sitting there smiling at everyone

He wants to be the ruler of the world.

How will you react?

Commit suicide from your grave...

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