Tuesday, January 3, 2023

UH, oh here it comes


The East coast gets hurricanes

The Midwest tornados

The West coast gets cyclones

It's as if we are in the Pacific islands

We are in a way, just the other side

All the way across the Pacific

Those little beauties are going to slam

Into the coast does not pass over an island.

After years of drought 

The lakes went dry 

We could see the remnants 

Of the old towns that drowned

In order to have a modern

Environment for others

And they have even been 

Giving up the dead 

Such as near Las Vegas

All those mysterious missing

Have been recovered

Past hits by the mafia

Or so they say.

Now the lakes are going to fill up

And their bottom will be covered once more

There is even snow in the mountains

For enthusiasts and tourists

One guy says he just stepped out for a moment

I don't believe him but that is another story

What we have is a storm so large

It is called a bomb 

Due to its intensity

And it's going to spawn tornadoes

On the west coast

And as far down as Ensenada

Those people who have had

Earthquakes and hurricanes

Are going to get a cyclone

And maybe a tornado or two

Which might wipe Jimmy off the map

Since he chose to steal from a nice old lady

He tied her up more than once

And sexually assaulted her as well

My mother's grandmother

Had inherited the property back in 

The Nineteenth century

When the Queen was Victoria

He would not give up 

And the will was made 

Excluding my mother due to her mental weakness

She instead gave it to everyone she met

But the ones who paid the taxes 

Have all been murdered or died suddenly

Even myself whose name is on that piece of paper

Have had to many run-ins with thugs

My accident was shown on the news 

Listed as a fatal accident.

Now to the ex-pope

Who is being laid out for all to see

Tens of thousands are arriving

At the Vatican in order to walk past

When will it end?

There are special events in the world

The Pope is given a royal funeral.

Then there is that house fiasco

With Nancy stepping down

As House Speaker

The Republicans are having difficulty

In deciding who is going to be 

Number three in the kingdom

The position does not come 

With a Mansion in Florida

Nor a Penthouse in New York city

But it encompasses the moment

That both the President 

And the Vice President

Are taken out and the next in line

Is the House Speaker

His authority is equal to none

The Supreme court is the nearest

Thing to telling him no when he gets it wrong

But at this moment they are just 

Attempting to elect a leader 

Among their almost five hundred

Members of Congress 

The House of Representatives

Are important to the nation

They make the bills and laws

And furnish the funds 

For the nation to run smoothly

They also make taxation

For those deemed to need to be taxed

They are also the body 

Which will declare war 

After a significant count 

Of all members.

Today they could not make it through

The front runner got run over

By his opponent 

Who then topped his numbers

But did not win the final tally

A certain margin must be reached.

It was after five pm

And the children and wives 

Turned up inside the chamber

After an all day ordeal

The third count ended up 

A no win on both sides

And one man raised his hand

He did not want to go to the toilet

But to go home for the night.

Adjournment was called

And there were a few nays

In the merciless crowd

The yeys were louder 

However, and they got to go 

To supper and to their families

Or even the dogs and cats.

With a warm fire and supper

Waiting for them.

Tomorrow is another day.

By the end of the week

The nation will have an answer

One or the other guy will have won.

Or neither man will get the majority.

In that case 

A special person will be called

To intercede on their behave.

That person is all around

Girl Friday.

Yep, the Vice President

Always sitting there in the dark

Waiting to get the call

To go where the President can't

And in this case, she will have full authority

Over the House and the Senate

Kamala Harris was a member 

And now gets to have that gravel 

In her hand.

Unless the boys get together

Over desert tonight

And come to a decision 


I went to the new doctor today.

After all the fuss the other place

It was a hidden location

But there it was 

A mistake showed up on my chart

A telehealth appointment 

Had been scheduled 

Instead of an in person

But I showed up anyways.

Only to be made to wait 

A little too long in my room.

There it was as I walked down

The hallway 

There she is"

The doctor was in another room

And his door flew open

As I went by 

Revealing a young woman

Who looked startled 

And familiar

She stepped back 

And said something to the doctor

Apparently, I have another daughter

I did not give birth

There are so many of them

They get the call from Candy

Or Jimmy and show up

But not to speak to me 

Nor to offer me anything

But more pain and suffering

They all just want to be the real


Behind my back

Without me knowing

Stealing my life away

While I am not the one who gave 

Them a life at all.

Too many of them.

They were told

I can't remember

But they don't have a birth certificate

Nor any legal paperwork

Except the phony stuff 

Jimmy produces

Even his marriage license 

Is a fraud 

And he does not have a birth certificate

But uses an invalid driver's license.

What am I to do?

There is no where I can go

It has gone on too long

They made sure it hurt

When they drew my blood


Then asked me where I was going

I had no idea

Walked out without checking

With the doctor 

Because they steered me to the lobby

And the door.

Forgot I still have to get an x-ray.

Instead, I went boutiqueing

There she was walking in 

As I was leaving one of my favorites.

It happens all the time

The girls show up at my stores

She looked like Julia Ormond

A movie star lost child.

With this group no one knows.

Not my door 

They just want to see me

But not speak to me

Nor deal with reality

What is a person to do?

Shoot on sight 

Is the old ladies motto

Get off my land

Dont come back!



Someone is comiong

Is going to knock

Down what is left

Of the buildings

You charge strangers

To invade a families private places

But won't keep up nor care for

Just want untaxed money

Does the girls with no honor.

Wake up dears with no roof

Over you head

Learn what life is about

There is no going back.

The Pope is laid in state

And no way to get to Rome.

But my nearest is not available

Even for a cup of coffee

Only want my purse

And to call themselves "Princess"

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Three times loser

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