Saturday, January 28, 2023

Riden for Biden

The Pegasus world breeder cup
The richest purse 
3 million dollars

For one horse 
Running a quarter, a mile
Faster than the other eleven

Thank God it's not football!
A Saturday with fresh grass
And fancy hats.

Not the contender
Riden with Biden 
Is one of today's hopeful studs.

Get her number.
Is another one-off these? 
Fastest legs

Will know in about an hour.
Who the next best horse 
World Cup 

Meanwhile, Japan
Is a little bit frustrated?
They have this great commodity.

But it has become hard to sell.
They have installed vending machines.
Everywhere they think they can make a sale.

Whale meat
While they do have cattle 
Japan is a series of small islands.

Seafaring is much more. profitable.
They have canned the whale.
With the whale instead of a pig

On the can
But also frozen or freeze dried.
Can be bought.

For conesuiers 
Although some of us
Wonder why the whales.

Are beaching themselves.
It is as if the water is too cold.
Or something

With the artic ice melting
It might be true.
They want a warmer place.

Such as the beaches.
Sadly, we won't know.
Nor can we make the Star Trek?

Version comes true.
Transporting a whale 
Through time by the 

Old USS Enterprise
Really, those guys are going.
To have to figure out how to save.

Themselves in this modern world.
But those coke machine makeovers
Does send a shiver down my spine.

Such as watching the Pelosi.
Video with a man with a hammer
Just like the old days of Jimmy

He used to show up everywhere.
Threatening people with his piece of metal
Never one to be undone.

I don't know what stopped him.
Except my mother and I suddenly 
Could not make a move without him.

Knowing about it and he started
Introducing himself as pleasant
Grandpa with owner two hundred children.

What should we do with the jimmy's 
Of this world?
Burn them all?

Or make Alpo of them?
As for the other oddity
It is hard to speak. 

Of a time when cops
Where not professionally trained
But family to the locals

I recall my father. 
Getting a betting by a few men
Calling out for help.

Whoever they were.
And who they thought they  
We're kicking and beating.

Got a surprise. 
When they themselves were jumped
A few wild children

Came out of the dark house.
Where they were waiting for dad to come home
Mother was always angry when left alone.

Often, she did not cook supper.
Until he was home
We would sit in the dark sometime.

Waiting for the sounds of his car
Or feet outside
It was not the food so much.

As her frightening us 
Her moods were so bad. 
And her parents were not sure.

What to do as she had been 
That way for as long as they could remember.
They joked that someone had given. 

Them back the wrong child
One day when she was little.
As it is she died of brain cancer

It is hard to know when it developed.
Or how it might have already been present.
In her head

Her mind had detereioted
From her days of youth
She grew past her own natural.

Setting with her parents 
Separated by a war.
And then by different careers

Not much different than other families
Except she was just never the same
Nor normal.

Two girls threw themselves.
At the men kicking
Little bitches xxxx

Thought we were dogs!
The boys came waddling out.
Crying at high pitches

They eventually made it to 
Spot and simply latched onto a leg.
Crying and biting 

At the same time.
The chief of something
Drew up in his car.

And asked the men what they were doing.
Nothing! Nothing at all!
As they shook off the four varmints

Just as grandpa got home.
Sighing deeply
He maneuvered out of his car.

He had survived wwii
And in Sicily hand fighting 
After being dropped on the wrong nation

As well as fighting with the allies
In the forests of the east.
He had been in bar fights

But this was something 
He had difficulty dealing
His Native American son in law

Getting taken down by a bunch of bullies
After he had survived Korean war.
And was also a wrestler.

Light weight as he never grew.
His father was over six feet.
But something went wrong. 

Nuclear scientist 
Who worked on the Manhattan project??
Ended up with a shorter than normal son.

Not a midget but one wonders.
About the food sources in those days
Or those injections they gave kids.

My mother finally came out on the porch.
And began to yell.
I believe those men. did not know.

What they had stepped into
But my father was put in the hospital.
Mother went home to stay with her mother

While the kids had to be passed out
To the relatives 
As my mother decided

To have a nervous breakdown
From seeing his husband beaten 
For no reason at all

Except he did not match the others
On the street.
This last one was one of the neighbor's

And by his own kind.
The tolerance amongst each other
Has gotten worse not better.

Instead of a fully integrated community
The African Americans
Have drawn up in opposite camps.

They are not the same people.
Thier rules are not ours
And they will not explain them.

Meanwhile I still have.
Germans to Africans 
Claiming I am their mother.

I have no intention to spare them.
They can just go to prison for their crimes.
I can prove I have had no babies.

Defrauding, swindling, 
Extortion and elder abuse.
None of them want anything.

But what they don't deserve
By simply taking it from me
While introducing themselves

To people who don't want to know them.
One never does know. 
Who the next winner will be.

Or loser either.
Russia is here to stay
No matter what happens next

Art Collector is the winner.
Not Stiletto boy. 
Nor Cyberknife

The expected winners 
Only placed.
He had an experienced jockey.

Came from behind. 
And drove straight down. 
The front once he cleared. 

The last hurdle
Good luck Biden.
In next year's elections.

They come so quickly.
Don't know what to say about your 
Young stud Zelensky

He should not have won. 
In the first place
Nor is there. a guarantee

He will be a winner. 
Next year either
Half his population 

Has left by train.
Makes a better impression.

In the long run.
Not a few of us want vengeance.
It is just not on the world at large.


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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...