Friday, January 20, 2023

Man down, man down...


The man came to town.

When the President 

Visits your state or community.

You know you have. 

Been blessed.

Whether or not

You voted for him.

He is the man!

He is the one 

Who makes things happen.

No one argues with him.

In the long one he wins.

Yesterday, he came to my 

State, just a little north

The Great Central Valley

Grapes of Wrath

Territory, really 

Same place and it was hit hard.

Those storms 

Washed away bridges. 

And piers

They are now over flooded.

They have no place to go.

Except the homeless shelters

If they don't get aid

And now.

Otherwise, they will use...

Thier few resources 

On hotels and fast food

Then there will nothing left.

If they have any belongings

It is too a safe storage shed.

Which costs a lot more than? 

People realize.

And they will have to take.

God forbid 

Public transportation!

Unless their vehicle survived

Insurance will cover some. 

But that is not always. 

Immediate and many

Are encouraged to sell. 

Such as myself

Only to be told to find 

I had no place to stay.

People walking the streets.

Start off normal. 

Then they get to sick

To deal with the nonsense

Some lose their minds.

Such as my mother

Who never recovered.

From being forced out of her own home

By Jimmy and his friends

They still show up.

Whenever I have a place 

I know to make it clear.

I am not sharing.

But it takes a real

Supervisor to know.

She is not being lied. 

To by a blond, blue eyed idiot.

Those people won't have it any easier

If your families take care of you

And your friends don't have.

Anything left in their hearts.

In times of trouble

Then you want those 

In authority to provide

The resources in times

Of emergencies 

And tragedies.

It is that the resources.

Are abused and taken advantage.

By the friends and families

Who only want what is left?

In your storage shed

Or even your suitcase.

I made it through.

By sticking to the program

And accepting what help

Was available. 

And not moving into the street

Not that it matters.

From the comments 

The friends have made.

Once they found 

Where I had disappeared

They arrive to cause more harm.

Such as Ruth N or Don G

They just have to come by

And for what reason?

Because they believe

They have been done wrong.

They want child support.

When there is no reason for it.

Selfish and greedy individuals.

I am not alone in having. 

These types of people around me.

That is why I don't have the free rent.

Such as Maggie who is now expecting a baby.

Who will not be a real royal anything at all.

The stories that people believe.

Anyways we have a man down.

The President came to inspect.

And decide on who gets. 

Federal aid

While the California Governor

Has already indicated a state of emergency.

For homeowners who have lost everything.

Just as my family did once a long time ago.

"He had no regrets".

Was the comment. 

That Joe made to the press.

He says his behavior.

Was within proper protocol.

He took the proper actions.

And protections of the documents

He was allowed to be provided.

He should have had the right. 

To deal with the emergency

Which might have another sector?

Of America go without housing.

But instead, they want blood.

My own colleagues

Not that I am seen as a journalist.

I only made it through the ranks.

To be falsely accused

Everywhere I went of abandoning.

A baby!

All those places had babies.

Whose parents wanted them raised.

In America instead of wherever

Such as Linsay Dixon 

Who is a complete fraud.

She does not look like

Jacque by the way.

Poor John, wonder how many. 

He has on his plate.

But I don't know another...

Male reporter who had the same 

Problem of getting accused.

Of having a baby 

I could not remember. 

Giving birth and forgetting it.

Leaving it behind.

Fragrant abuse of the situation.

Just to become American citizens.

Linsay is no beauty.

Nor does she know how to handle? 

A simple situation

Look at what she did yesterday.

Alec Baldwin was one of the more. 

Eligible actors and money making

He even canceled contracts.

Which gave the older? 

Harrison Ford an opportunity

At a series he was not cast.

Meanwhile, the DA has been given.

An FBI reports. 

Generated by Jimmy and his wife Thelma.

From San Diego 

That the trigger was pulled.

I know guns as well.

I know that occasionally. 

They misfire.

I also am sure it is the responsibility.

Of the armorer to have all arms

Under her management

Including what comes in off the set

She is supposed. to have enough clout

To be told 

When someone has been off 

Jack rabbit shooting

And has live rounds. 

Left over which he may have tossed. 

It is always the professional.

Who has to take the consequences?

Of what goes wrong

He has no reason to shoot.

His photographer nor director

This will not give him a better career.

Then there is the Ellery Queen 

Element of what goes wrong.

Everyone who gets those. sheets of scripts

Does not get the same ones.

Changes made at the top

Don't show at the bottom. ring.

Was this the scene that was meant to be shot

That day according to the original 

Set of scheduled scenes?

It does make a difference. 

Even if Alec was not the target.

I don't know if he intentionally. 

Pulled the trigger nor do I know. 

If he had a vendetta against 

His best friend on the set.

The cinematographer.

I do know this was not thought out well.

But consequences are consequences.

Hopefully he will have a good enough team.

Of lawyers to combat

The idea that he should be punished.

Just because he makes his money.

As a movie star

Or that he is still gorgeous enough

To get a younger wife than normal.

Linsay should have asked. questions

That would not have embarrassed.

The female DA with the man haircut.

Unlike the President

Who has been cooperatives?

With the Pressed get even with Trump

Trump did not have a gun in his hands.

Nor did he aim it and pull the trigger.

The people who died did so due

To the panic of the situation.

Will he get  more serious charges?

Then a luckless kid from a large family

Who made it at a time others did not?

What about the other little issue

A man goes missing on a hiking trip.

And the country is not sure. 

They have the manpower.

To search for him

But have done. 14 searches

In a weeks' time 

And are doing another search.

But he got his required initial. 

Discovery that his phone 

Was pinging and then stopped.

They stopped searching. 

For an actor from Britian

Because they don't feel it is important.

I don't know about the current policy.

Of foreigner's going without aid

Or purposefully being shoved aside.

It is assumed a week later.

That Julian Sands

Will not be coming home.

At least not by walking

If they find his body

It will be after the snow melts.

It does not feel right

The situation of the questions

He is not James Bond or anything

But still he has friends and family

Who did report him missing

And did have a location from his phone.

But then endangering the lowly

Government workers is also not a good idea.

Where do we draw the line?

If it was Meghan, would they be out there?

After all she married a real Prince.

Man down.

Nowhere to turn 

But to the authorities

I believe in not abusing them.

Even asking them too many questions

When it is not necessary.

I am still under the impression

I have a stalker who is causing me trouble.

Calling people in to stop me from doing anything. at all.

Including getting proper dental and medical

After going through two painful years

Of simple root canal issues

I had to have extractions because of the impaction

Causing infections and facial swellings

I could not eat normal foods

Certainly not sugar

Now I am being told I am Diabetic.

Just because I am a woman of a certain age.

And I am going to get baby dentures.

To plug the holes that have been made in my smile.

It is not as if my face was necessary for anything.

Such as reporting an emergency situation.

Linsay will never have problems with her dental.

Nor will I ever be considered a movie star.,

Unlike Mehgan who has not made a movie

But is given the full red carpet treatement.

I bet she is even going to get a star on the 

Walk of fame.

Big Bird has one.

So does Captain Kangaroo.

No, I don't have one of those.

The Press have a job to do.

Protecting the American people 

Is one of the main reasons. 

They are in business.

That and making a show of being concerned.

It used to be called yellow journalism.

Maybe it should now be called red reporting.

Due to the amount of blood spilled.

Over unnecessary stories or too much coverage.

Doesn't anyone in America?

Believe a woman is entitled.

To her own money and property?

Either one works hard 

And earns it or 

One falls into the system.

And is awarded it.

It is illegal to defraud an individual.

So why are there so many. willing to do so?

Trying to talk to these people.

About my food allowance

And my rent receipts

Being none of their business.

Much less those little checks

That come in the mail.

My oh my do they have problems.

Jimmy likes to show up to see.

What I have done with my money

He has some crazy lady. running

Around town telling people I don't know

How? to use my money properly

I waste it or something.

I got the things done that I needed.

And then he sent in his people.

Who simply removed me from the scene.

So, they could be the ones to sit down.

Just a little Indian girl walking by...

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