Thursday, January 26, 2023

Look at what the cyclone left behind!


Dear Kamala,

I know you don't know me.

But everyone is following you.

You do have a presence.

And all those trips 

Back to your home state

Does not hurt you.

Nor leave us much room.

For misunderstanding you plan 

To stay in position 

It is assumed you will run.

For office after old Joe

Is pushed into a retirement home.

Did you know there is a new baby? 

In the town of Holy Sacraments?

Sacramento was one of the last cities.

To make it in the old West

Situated on two rivers.

It became the last place.

For the Capital 

And William Lands' End Park

Is home to a few fairy tales?

Such as Fairy tale town 

For the small of stature

A Reagan inspired golf course.

Yes, Ronald was Governor. 

Of California before heading East

And the Sacramento Zoo.

They have a new family member.

Shani or Channey has provided.

Some Hope in these terrible times

She made a baby Giraffe.

For us all to enjoy

Only knee high at birth

But adorable with those

Long eyelashes and covered in spots.

Might not be a bad idea.

To make best friends

With the Governor Gavin

So reminiscent of the Brown family

Almost like having a grandson in town.

Old Pat Brown came from Scotland.

And set up his family firm.

His son has now retired from two terms.

But this adopted guy is not too bad.

Now gently put your foot in

To see what they are going to name her.

Kamala after you?

It is the city of Camelias.

Maybe they will do it.

Or just Cyclone as her mother 

Survived those lashing winds. 

And Noah's ark deluge in her enclosure

Well, whatever it will be.

She is a welcome sight for sore eyes.

Those other two unmentionables

Are just too raw for words.

What have we become?

A nation of grudges 

And grievances?

Not since the seventies 

Have there been a rash. 

Of gun toting coworkers

Who just could not stand?

Their job anymore

It is sad when a child.

Takes a gun to school. 

As well to get even

With his demons.

I recall the days of Shawn.

Just wanted to get even with everyone.

Was not allowed access to guns.

Nor allowed to learn how to shoot.

But he showed up anyways.

With rifles which he carefully aimed

He says he missed his shot.

But there were all those killings.

In Sacramento on the east side

Twenty-two kills we are told.

One guy confessed. 

But the cops did not believe him.

Meanwhile, I was traveling in the vicinity.

Where the FBI headquarters are located

Had to replace my windshield.

Because there was a hole in it.


By someone I know has another family

In the south where they let 

Bad boys learn to shoot. 

Squirrels and other varmints.

Shawn grew tired of his game.

And changed his name.

To Jimmy instead

Just wanted to distract people.

He used to say when he got caught.

Doing something he should not.

His real mother sighed each time.

While his daddy would trot out 

To pay the bills

Rich parents and their bastards

I still say he had a hit list of victims.

Some of whom died without warning.

He liked to hike in the mountains.

Such as the place where Julian 

Has disappeared.

Could someone send up a drone?

With a camera to see closer 

To the ground?

Hate to have the wolfs find his body.

Before the spring thaw.

Sad what life brings.

All those awards

And nothing but a phone

To mark his passing.

When Jimmy or Junior

As his parents called him

Passes over to that other place.

I think I will sell his organs.

To foreign mercenaries 

Who needs an organ?

With morphine 

His adrenaline when he is on the hunt.

Goes into mania. 

As I well know 

Having been locked inside elevators.

A few times 

Complete collapse

And broken elevator

Has happened a number of times.

When I was working

He hates it when he gets caught.

Maybe I won't bother burying him either.

Just take him out to his favorite

Haunt and let the vultures do the job.

Nothing left over to find at all.

Junior Keshan gone.

There are some of his real families.

Friends who will breathe a sigh of relief.

As for this other guy 

Down South Carolina way

I hardly can make heads or tale.

Of this misadventure

The court has a fine job.

Ahead of them

To prove his phone 

Is the guilty party.

He arrives on the scene. 

He says of a brutal beating.

His wife and son are dead.

This after his housekeeper

Was shoved down the steps.

I wonder if Teresa went to work for them. 

Jimmy does like to have his way.

If anyone has shifty eyes

It is the wife in the photos.

She could have been doing. 

Something behind her husband's back

Loan sharks and gambling debts

Are not unknown to the ladies. 

Of the south.

Secret mortgages on the family farm

To pay off her sons' disabilities

One does not know what she was doing.

Nor what the sons were up to.

In a domestic situation

Especially in the south

It is best to cast downstream. 

Sometimes and see what the worm.

Can find because this is a tall tale.

So far from the District Attorney

Not that he might be guilty.

Is sweet, faced Jimmy.

With his blue eyes and blond hair

Were on the stand....

He has been convicted a few times.

Not supposed to step inside the state.

Of Florida, Arizona, California, Alaska ...

He does anyways

The women just swoon over him.

While this tall former redhead

Might not be too cocky. 

Until his lawyers 

Can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Life is different for those in some.

Economic brackets

One thinks they have a life of special care.

But it gets thrown to the wind.

When a suspicious mind 

Comes around. 

They are more likely to be picked up.

For no reason at all

And then have the charges dropped.

After getting their picture taken.

Who can know what the day will bring?

When all it takes is a phone call

From a stranger to simply say

The person is a thieve or a crazy

With no authority and there goes

The once fine morning

Into the darkness of night.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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