Friday, January 6, 2023

What is there to say?


The Taj Mahal

It was built by a man in India

Who was so in love with his wife

That he built a huge mausoleum 

For her to live.

This couple could not afford

More than the house 

In which they lived

They made a pact

She died of CVD19

Instead of burning her

At the local park

Or throwing her body into 

The Holy Ganges

He stuffed her 

Actually, he paid 

To have her resemblance

Out of silicon 

As in a Wax Museum

Michael and Marilyn

Can be seen in many museums

But this wife waits 

Every day on the sofa

For her husband to return

And then they have their evening

He serves her tea

He discusses with her his day

Typical relationship

Except she is dead

And now just full-size statue!

Honey when I die

Do not stuff me 

Nor wax me.

If you can't afford a place

Where my bones won't be stolen

Cremate me and put me in your safe.

Please, somewhere safe.

You can write my letters

Or scream into the wind

Just do not stuff wax me!

What a wonderful life.

By the way dear

If you have not seen the news

California got hit by a Cyclone

Don't worry, I'm just fine.

I managed to get down 

To the Ferry terminal

Before eight for my commuter

Stopped at the Rotary club park

They have outdoor things

Including a Saturday piano

Anyone can play

And free Wi-Fi 

Any day

Must get some new 

Electronic toys.

Henrys was our favorite spot

Do you remember?

Hmm, picked up an order

They forgot the coffee

Or ordered a double expresso

And sweet cream.

Was not in my paper bag.

Had to ask...

Walked to the beach

And picked out a white bench

To sit and watch.

Instead, I got jogged

So many people in Coronado

Jog or walk 

Continuously past 

Whie smiling at you

Privacy is all I ask.

Sitting with my bowl 

Of breakfast 

In one hand

And my double ex

In the other hand

Light on the sweet cream.


Those waves are so huge

And the beach is so messed up

I recall residing out here

And one of our houses got 

Picked up and placed

In front of the Coronado Hotel

They decided to keep it

It is now named 

The Windsor cottage

And serves coffee!

Need a specail pass to get

Inside to order

In order to sit and watch the waves

My spot was better

Except it was missing something


I don't mind being alone 

But sometimes I would

Like to be with you

As in the old days.

Mind I am not planning on dying

I survived this Coronavirus

And a Cyclone 

Not to mention that Hurricane

I walked into without knowing.

Anyways I spent the morning

At the beach thinking of you.

Those waves were big

I had to dodge

A few of them as they came 

Up onto the shore

There were water marks

In the sand all the way up

To the boardwalk

And the rock outcrop

Was just visible.

I could have sat and watched

All day but had no place to stay.

Sadly, walked around the big place

Only to run into that woman.

She still has not died.

The one who claims 

That my grandmother

And Mother and myself

We're not born on 

The little piece of property

To the south.

I understand that Lisa and Gary

Are there as usual taking advantage

Gary married Ludmilla

On the rebound from Jimmy

After she gave him a black daughter

Just like his real mother.

He sent her to a mental ward

For thinking he would be the father

Instead, she married a rodeo jerk

Not really a rider just always hung

Around making girls think he knew 

What to do on a horse

They had a black-haired girl

Both of whom showed up at my door.

Gary has a particular problem 

With me he is another rapist

He even went after Madeline Albright

I never did know what killed 

Our friendship until one day

I saw him go into action

And knew it was him 

Who caused the situation

I walked into after being

Concussed and at hospital.

One of those days.

Gary's father is going to give

Me his piece of property

Out there by Bodega

As well as the Gordons

Releasing my piece to me.

Not to Jimmy nor Candy

Pagan that is her real name.

I forgot the whole story

But her grandma was from Africa

She is another Albino.

Her mother had an affair

While the other guy was in prison

Sandy from the sanitorium

Because his mama from Africa

Gave birth in the hospital to a 

White boy!

The doctors could not explain it

And she spent the rest of her life

Thinking she had done something wrong.

Albinos are not rare

Her father did not return from the Great war

And her mother could not prove anything

So, they took their land 

And she died leaving the girl

To the white relatives to handle.

They promised a European tour

Instead, she was dumbed in the American south

Same difference they seemed to think

And stooled all of her inheritance for herself.

The family name was Payen or Pagen

As is common in Germany and Britian

Candy is also not her first name

But Christ or Christian

She was the perfect witch

Born so light colored

No one could tell.

The witch is very about it

While her sisters each 

Have a different father

And difficult problems

To handle they just don't mention it

Barbary coast or black-eyed Susan

And lonely Alona agony

Well Johns real name is Jesus

Not that Galioto will admit it

That is why his daughter 

Is named Gabriella.

I would check that marriage license

Oh, that right they don't have one.

Some couples should not get married.

As for the other marriage 

Being performed at the Capital

Thirteen is the best number

In the world.

I would cement those vows

All the new arrivals 

Want to have performed

Always a brides maid

Never a Bride.

They want to be sworn in!

And now!

Poor groom 

Can't make up its mind.

Which one does he want

To get into bed with 

For the next term or two or three?

Still can't make up their minds.

Maybe tonight will be magic.

Now tomorrow

I really want to go home

But that witch insists

She has paid for the land

Keeps yelling at me 

But the judges already made

The decision and her daughters

Have no hope at all.

Once she is dead

I will be exhuming their daddy

I know where he is buried.

Wonder is he should have an autopsy?

Bet that is the reason she did not go to the 

Catholic church for his burial.

Some couples 

So, in love 

Seriously flawed when it goes sour.

Just another day at the beach.

Love those waves rolling rthymatically,

Maybe the next time ...

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