Monday, January 16, 2023

History repeats itself


In 1906 California

Had a disastrous 


It brought San Francisco.

To its knees

The infamous Spanish Presidio

Spain turned last to California

With the French in the north and the west

As well as the Russians up north.

But when they finally did 

They simply told everyone

That they owned it lock stock and barrel

Not true of course.

With San Francisco almost

Burnt completely. down

Other cities bloomed. 

While they rebuilt.

Including one of the first

San Diego has had many.

Names and owners

But in 1915 

They held the Panama American 

World fair

To celebrate the opening

Of the Panama Canal

In 1914

Everyone came to see

The beautiful Balboa park.

Built on the hill. 

Above San Diego

With electric cars

And other exciting 

Scientific delights

As well as 

Botanical wonders

Of the American


And then 1916 

Hit with a vengeance.

Devastating floods

Occurred all over.

Especially along the river

The village of Moreno

Brownsville used to sit.

On the end of the bay

Then the Mission

Was discovered old. 

And abandoned.

They named the whole.

Valley after it.

Mission valley

It had ranches.

across its breadth

Then a train to transverses

Now there is a fancy high rise. 

Platform with high winds

For costumers to wait

For hell to freeze over 

Never on time

Here its speeding along

Way above the pathetic

Bus terminal

Most are forced to stand.

Just because the other side

Of the highway does not 

Flood as much nor as often

But they wanted the one. 

that floods every time.

It rains a little bit.

City planners take what.

Is offered.

Not what is best.

One day there is going to be.

Another large earthquake

It will hit San Diego

And bring down all those.

Glass death traps

Built on top of the Marina.

That disappeared to drought.

And climate change.

That day will be chaotic.

Armageddon like even.

No electricity or elevators.

First responders will have. 

A hard time getting through.

The media with cameras

And no place to go back.

Maybe they should move out now.

And take their greedy girls with them.

And the homeless population

Will disappear as well!

Meanwhile my family's homestead 

Was stolen by a man who calls.

Himself James Wheat

His name is neither. 

James nor Wheat

He gives people the 

Impression he is god.

Or something

Destruction is what he 

Leaves in his wake.

He cares not for anyone.

Even having his pregnant

Girlfriend abducted on 

Live tv in Mexico City

Then having her wake up.

In hospital being told

She had lost her baby.

It was gone all together.

As if she had never been pregnant!

He promised her she could have a baby.

And then changed his mind.

He never allows a woman to get fat

Because it hurts his feelings.

Really, he just does not want.

To see anyone else eat.

He was raised by rich parents.

At a distance.

Not unwanted nor adopted.

The result of an affair

They could not publicize.

Instead, they gave him the good life.

And he made everyone else have. 

A bad one instead.

Cruel and undisciplined.

Never going the distance.

History repeats itself.

We are at it again

Another sitting president

Who is Jimmys? 

Sitting duck.

He probably planted.

The documents himself

Did you dust the Corvette?

For fingerprints?

You know there was a time.

Jimmy had two different sets.

No one could figure it out.

But it was always the wrong ones.

That were wanted. by authorities

He is good at getting people.

To change things on computers

To his liking.

His mind is. small

He only understands. 

He gets what he wants.

And I am not available.

Not now nor ever.

He won't except it.

Neither will I except him!

Or any of his bastard children. 

Can't even get a blood draw.

Without one of his showing up

This time she stood there. 

In the doorway

With what appeared 

To be a sandwich

Wrapped in a napkin.

But was really a whole lot.

Of money 

Because I got the wrong result


What happened to the world?

Which would have watched?

The former King of Greece

Funeral instead of football?

Constatine private commoner

Funeral attended by all of the Royals.

Would not have gone unnoticed

In the past 

But the world rulers 

Were to busy

Spoon feeding the new baby.

Zelensky and his rebellion

All this fighting is

Not good for anybody

After a while it is hard

To tell who is doing. 

The killing 

And who is doing the 


While everyone is too busy

Forgetting another 


Awaits just around

The Corner.

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Three times loser

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