Thursday, January 5, 2023


Our leaders appear to be at odds
As to how to proceed.
The Senate floor is a mess

With babies and grandmas
They have come to town

To see their person sworn in
Instead pandemonium
Has occured

Six votes have now been cast
And no clear winner
Nancy is no longer the Speaker

Her replacement must come 
From the other side
The people have spoken

They have a Democratic President
But they wanted the Republicans
To be our leaders in this country

The problem is they can't make 
Up their minds as to whom
Will become the next Speaker of the House

It has to be done and now.
The newly elected can-do nothing
But mingle amongst them

The ones already seated 
Are the ones casting them votes
While the newly elected

Still have no seats nor votes
Odd system that the new 
Are not sworn in till

A leader is chosen for them.
Meanwhile the families
Are in town to see them 

Too many Smithsonian musems
They can't stand another walk
Around the pond

And not even a tour of the White House
Will do.
They want thier person

To get sworn in and seated
And now.
Too bad for the incumbents

Which one guys

Let's get this game on!
So busy is this thing
That the Catholic President

Is missing the most important
Funeral of his Presidency
He made it to the old ladies 

The Queen who sat so long
That her own son is bent
But he cant make it to Rome

To busy with the fiasco
At the Capital.
He has to leave for Mexico City

Next week.
So, they better get it done.
The old Pope has died

He quit his job 
An eternal damnation.
For his health 

And then resided within 
The walls of the Vatican.
Now Benedict is gone.

He is having a small scaled down
Funeral with all his own people.

They are resplendent in their silk robes
From the East and leather wear.
Gold Candlesticks which are full size.

Carried out to St Peters square
For the masses to see 
Because they want to see their man.

The square is filled with thousands
All who could fit inside.
After the Pandemic 

Shut down their country
And they could not even go to church
A catholic country.

Last Easter service
They were allowed for the first time to enter
To watch the current Pope to be driven around

He is no longer able to walk
And must use a wheelchair
This man from Brazil

Francis is the secondary Pope
He was elected more than a decade ago.
Otherwise, there would also have been a conclave.

What a mess.
Usually there would not have been a Pope
In waiting but already sitting.

He is old himself
Presiding over a mass
Which includes Royals

From Europe 
Who have just endured 
A Church of England 

Funeral in England.
Now they are in Rome
To view their own 

A sea of people 
Some in the robes of the priest
And the others in black

For respect.
Will Francis now retire
For his health?

Or will he lead on from his 
When will there be another funeral?

Hopefully not for Charles
Nor Joseph 
Not too soon.

The Two Presidents 
Have missed the most important

Event of the new year.
America is not actively 
Involved in a war

While Russia is actively 
Pursuing the misfits
Who keep coming up with excuses

To not attend anything at all
The Russian Orthodox were present 
For their rival in authority

In other travails
Of the world
The migrants

Have made themselves 
A burden upon their hosts
The majore countries have so many

Extras that they have no idea
What to do with them all.
Texans are tired of their Spanish speaking

Catholic rats who have crawled across
The Rio Grande.
They have been remvoing them

And relocating them
To other places
The Vice Presidents home

Martha Vineyards
And New York city
What are they supposed to do?

They claim to be too poor
To stay and unable to work
They might not even have skills

Of survival much less employable ones
Why not send them to Montana?
Where they will be out of sight

As they struggle in their last attempts?
Most Americans are having problems 
Getting work in teh cities

These people dont even have paper work
Much less the ability to fill out a job application.
Not that is their plan is it?

For most it is a free ride.
Such as Jimmys wife Teresa
She is supposed to be my sister in law

How often I explaind I am not his sister
Only to have her call me hija
I am also not his daughter

But it is useless with a maniac
To get others to listen.
She thinks that she gets everything of mine

And has never done anything for me 
Nor my mother.
Not even a night in thier home

Which are really my old families
In the days he was not allowed to visit
Because his real dadddy said no

But here were are having been robbed
Of everything of my own
Just because she is from Mexico

Claims they are allowed to have 
Everything of ours
Because we are stupid enough

To let them inside our country.
Well, in that case why don't we try
Alaska or Maine

They have huge fishing enterprises 
Always seeking untrained individual
Not aware of the hard work

In catching fish
Nor the honest hours 
Of work 

Field workers are long gone
These are not the same as before
When they wanted to work our fields

These people are not even skilled
In factory work
Except for Amazon

With their huge warehouses of packages
What else are they going to do?
Housekeeping and nannys?

They have to be qualifed 
To be brought inside a persons house.
Wht else can they do?

Nothing or they would already have jobs
They are frightened animals
With nowhre to go.

In California they are picking them up
And driving them to transportation spots
Such as main bus transits places

Where one is not even allowed to stand
Without a bus pass
Or the trolley stations

No place to sit nor bathrooms.
I have no idea what these people 
Are going to do with their time.

Poor people with no homes
I am not unsympathetic
Nor unwise 

Stay where you are 
Unless it is too violent
And unsafe to live

The rest of us have to deal
With reality 
Such as having some stalker

Use our name 
And be acknowledged by the courts
It is a phony identification card

When will it end?
Jimmy wants and
Jimmy expects

To have his way
But I am a free woman
Who wont give in to his whims

Maybe he could be placed
Face down in the sewer of Tijuana
Which was once a clean city

Instead of an overgrown 
Campsite of mongrels
Unwantead by everyone.

Just because he wanted
To arive one more time In America
From Munich

And go face down 
Kissing the ground of America
So grateful as a refugee

For being allowed to come
Send all those Germans back
I say to make room for these new ones.

Inundated with too many migrants
With no real hope of survival
Without handouts and freebies

Let's hope we don't have 
A funeral this year 
Of a President

Both of them too old
To play school yard games
Happy Chines New Year

The year of the Rabbit
Hoppity hop hop
Coming later this month.


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