Friday, January 13, 2023

Amber Alert!


Has anyone seen me?

My name is Nova.

I am missing from my lodging.

Jimmy, are you trying a new breeding program?

Again! Remember what happened last time.

All those Babie alligators....

Really, a beautiful cloud leopard

Did not just walk out of the zoo.

Although this one is small enough

For a backpack,

About 35 pounds 

And not much more than three feet.

Any suspicious character

Might be smuggling me.

Across the border...

Unless Joe decided to take me home

For Jill's get well present!

Oh, by the way.

Someone used up all the free invites.

To the Senate floor

That guy from Ukraine

Who got to address a combined

House was nice to come to town.

But he sorts of put off the Biden's.

State of the Union Address

Mandated in the Constitution

Once every year he must

Present to Congress how, 

Things are going in the Oval office.

And in the nation as a whole.

It is usually given in January.

But this year the engagement 

Calendar was all booked up!

That other fiasco with the Speaker

Being made to sweet it out

For fifteen rounds in the ring.

Well, as we all know. 

There are two questions. 

In the American government 

Class every high school student

Must take.

One is the Electoral college.

The other is no.

He, the President

Can't not just walk in on 

Any day he feels like making. 

A speech. 

He must be invited.

Once in a blue moon

They forget to ask.

Or invite the President.

To come to their humble 

Chamber in order to hear him.

At least Mc Carthy remembered.

One of his main duties.

President Biden

Will speak to congress.

In February not July.

Thank goodness.

As for the other guy

On the other side of the issue

He has delayed his annual questionnaire.

Indefinitely due to the nature of the 

Atmosphere of the country.

He also has an annual speech.

To provide to his people.

They will be celebrating. 

New Year's Eve tonight

And a fresh new year


Friday the thirteenth

I am not afraid.

But I was bitten. 

Not once but twice.

Some people just don't get it.

It is harmless. 

Old wives' tale.

My day was made especially hard.

I am sulking with an expresso.

And a pesto pizza

Made out of cauliflower dough.

Happy new year!

Orthodox world.

Best on your speeches, Presidents....

Note to Jill,

Please change the locks

On your garage.

And rest well

And recover without

Having any more Jimmy incidences.

We lost someone special.

She never had a chance at normalcy,

But her father made us all feel American.

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Three times loser

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