Sunday, January 29, 2023

War with China!


One military leader

In America

Says we will be at war.

In the next two years

With China.

Not sure why though

Although it is not surprising.

They are a contending country.

They want their way. 

But how are we supposed? 

To fight them?

We can't run over their borders.

Nor can we send missiles to them?

Or can we?

Ships at sea will be at range.

Landing men inside China

Will be a sight to be seen.

Why are we at war?

Something they said or did.

I mean they are a country to be wary.

But what exactly is the issue?

Meanwhile it has always been said,

"It is better to know one's enemy,

Than to welcome a friend one does not know."

In other words,

The new guy we don't know anything about

Such as Zelensky who is not a bad person.

But is leading a cause that is worthless.

In the long run.

Attempting to eliminate the enemy.

Who is known for being not unfair?

Nor mentally ill enough to push a certain button.

Is insane!

Don't get rid of that one.

We don't want a military coup.

Where they want to show off 

Thier newly acquired power.

Without knowing the negative affects

Of their new toys.

Let's keep Zelensky happy.

Until we know who his real boss

Is issuing orders to provoke.

Why not getting rid of the only guy

Who probably understands. 

Both the old and new Russia.

Did you hear about the little capsule?

In Australia there is this tiny thing

Lying somewhere on the ground

It is radioactive or nuclear infusion.

Of some sort.

The authorities finally told the public.

If found do not touch!

It can cause illness to the person.

Who picks it up with bare hands.

How did it get out?

No discussion 

They were transporting it without

An armored tank 

So, no one would know about it.

And then it got lost from someone's pocket!

Beware of what one is told.

The perception is not always. 

Accurate and hindsight 

Often reveals what was really going on.

All those refugees are going to talk about

Is losing their homes but will they go back?

Just as the Germans kept claiming.

They did not want to live in the Soviet system.

And yet did not go home once the wall came down.

They are here to stay. 

They might not be as loyal. 

As their host's hope.

One will not know until it is over.

Remember the Alamo!

Don't forget the Maine!

Words of warning.

Head good advice 

Don't get lost in the woods.

When Candace finally 

Meets her maker.

And gets her reward.

The world will be able. 

To breathe easier

Then now as she continues.

To contrive ways of getting

Into other people's business

And always has her hands.

On other people's business

Private papers!

Nonsense she needs to know.

She will be the death. 

Of her own family

And whatever religion 

That protects her from 

Another conviction 

With actual incarceration time.

What else there to talk about?

Where is Jimmy now

What has he done this time?

Those were the old words.

Many now on the upper rung

Spoke but have forgotten.

To be frightened of him 

Yet have allowed his choices.

To overrule their best intentions.

Life will never be the same.

Now that we have seen death.

In the face and survived.

Those who died are heroes.

Or just victims of the system

The rest of us are not going. 

To be congratulated.

It is an elimination process.

Is it not?

Nature's way of getting rid of the weak

Survival of the fittest.

Some groups do the same thing.

Currently my housing 

Which I fought to get into 

Is being stolen from me.

I did everything right.

And yet 

The shifty eyes and angry glares

There are those who came in after me.

Who just want their way?

I even get the impression. 

They are being paid to come to this place.

That even the bus drivers 

Are calling "Hotel California."

Meant to be a low income. 

Residence for those who have 

No place else to go.

Humanity and Christian

Principles were used by the local

Authorities to provide a clean environment.

Instead, drug dealers 

And human traffickers

As well as smugglers 

Were brought in on purpose.

By those being paid 

To take advantage of the system.

While my so-called religion

Did not want me inside.

They heard something bad was coming.

So, they called wolf.

Said I was dangerous.

Even lied about what I had done.

They keep saying I am bad.

When i have done nothing wrong

But continue to provide false evidence.

I have not had a baby.

at all and can prove it

Which means all these girls?

Are going to die in prison.

While the men who are claiming

Me as a spouse can just go to hell.

Defamation of charcter

Slander towards an individual

Malicious lying

They have done it all. 

It is all convictable

As is alienation of affection

Not allowing me to have a real husband

Of my choice nor a single male relative

Becaue they want their way with the world

Naive and stupid

Are those who dont get the message

And contniue unrelenting 

In their charges in order

To have access to someone else

Property or titles or money.

It will stop eventually.

When the world gets wind of their privacy

Having been invaded 

By a publishing company

I am not dangerous

Unless i find the wrong man

In my bed 

Which is just about everyone.

Nor am I a criminal?

Nor am i an antichrist.

Nor an anarchist

I believe in government.

Even a bad one keeps.

The populace from harm

Most of the time.

When the small one becomes mighty

Sunday school expressions.

Don't worry, just run....


Good mountain

The mansion above was sold. 

For eight million dollars.

To be turned into a mental health center

All those old European castles

Became Spas and nursing homes.

Out of bad estate management

Jimmy has ruined more places.

A beautiful estate 

To be used for trash as here

In a short time there will 

Be nothing but people 

Such as Jimmy and Justin

Too mentally ill to know better.

Shiver if they actually got to control.

A countries arsenal

Or allow a stupid girl. 

To pretend to be a princess.

For no other reason 

But that they look terrible in their dresses.

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