Sunday, January 22, 2023

Have you searched everywhere?



Formerly a Coast Guard vessel

The other White House

During the FDR years

This was the summer home.

Away from it all

Not quite Mar Largo

But it suited him fine.

Hyde Park was too visible.

This old boat served as his 

Get away from it. 

During times of stress

Which in his years 

Was a lot of the time.

And then Winston Churchill

Came calling without the Press.

Knowing he was in town.

Quickly he was shuttled.

To the Marina were

They kept themselves from

Being informed upon by staff

While they went over

Important documents 

Which were necessary to them?

At the time and then discarded.

Where are the housekeepers? 

Anyways, usually Jimmies

Wife Teresa shows up. 

Whenever I need to speak

To those I am associated

Why are they still finding?

These items not properly sorted.

The staff are responsible for some of it.

Important documents are usually.

Procured by an associate of some sort.

The big guy does not usually 

Get them himself but they are brought.

Where is the chain of command?

These things should have been taken. 

Back to their resources 

Since clearly, they have been forgotten.

Why the negligence?

As for Trump his summer home

Became a camp and those boxes.

Where simply not accounted 

Because of the developing situation

Is there any evidence either.

We're committing a crime.

While these things were in their possession?

Where they are using them to gain access 

To something outside their sphere?

Having them after leaving office 

Is the key issue but what of it?

In the long run it is embarrassing

To have forgotten them in the first place

Even more embarrassing to have been caught.

Having documents about certain people or places

It is their business to keep America safe.

And yet there is always that element.

Of discretion when something occurs

When how and where

What do we know about? 

These things discovered.

That impacts our lives. 

To the degree of a witch hunt?

And when is it going to stop?

I mean are each and everyone. 

Of the House and Senate

Also going to go through. 

This type of investigation?

Being negligent does indicate.

A certain type of behavior

But why were any of these.

Left without the authorization.

Not coming back through

It is like a library book.

Once checked out the monitor

Is supposed to make sure they get returned.

Imagine a beautiful morning.

With the early sunrise off in the distance

And the light quietly slipping in through the windows.

The sounds of the birds and the frogs

While a gentle row occurs underneath

The smell of cigars and whiskey

Are now masked by the morning.

On the Potomac in a ship

Named the Potomac

What was the Prime Minister? 

Thinking that first morning?

While the President was being got ready

With his polio difficulties

By his staff in order to start a new day

With coffee brewing 

And perhaps eggs although. 

Not easily available at the time

To sit there on deck and view

The banks slipping past. 

As they cruised slowly towards

The Atlantic 

Or perhaps on their way back

Up to the Foggy Bottom swamp

Where the White house was rebuilt

After the Brits returned

In 1812 to burn it and the city down

After losing the Revolution in 1779

What it must have felt like for him

To adjust to thinking that 

He needed this guy to save his country.

From being entered and bombarded

By the German Nazis 

Who had followed the crazy Kaiser?

Who had set war against? 

His own relatives in Britian

Which is why the royals? 

Are now called the Windsor's.

After the Castle built for 

William the conqueror

How odd history is to behold.

What difference does it make anyways?

There are stranded Americans.

At Machu Pichu 

Due to the unrest of the Peruvians

Who want conflict and keep stopping?

The Trains from moving. 

Once more the tourists 

Have to foot it with their luggage.

All the way back to the airport

If it is still open to leave

A hostile country.

Meanwhile, Israel is not going to take it.

Either that Netanyahu 

Came back into power.

They are protesting and blocking. 

The roads from travel

While they are demanding to have their way

What is this anyways?

People who complain too much

They actually voted that guy into office.

What is history going to remember?

About these times?

That a guy elected to office

Was never accepted.

A staged revolt was provided.

As the final answer to his misery

And he is going to go on trial. 

For not shooting a non-innocent 

By stander who wanted revenge 

But his crimes seem to be withholding.

Important classified documents 

Has now impacted the next guy.

Who as Vice President

Was doing his job at home.

And not in a public place.

It is understood that the public.

Has the right to know what is going on?

But also, that there is a certain amount.

Of diplomacy that goes on day to day

There are important things we don't need to know.

While too much time is spent 

In not getting behind the stories

Where is this going to lead us all?

Hopefully not another Watergate

Where the country was torn apart

Three Presidents were affected.

Nixon, Ford and Carter

All got blasted over tapes.

Which we don't enjoy knowing about

But I don't know a single person.

With a new mobile phone

Who does not take pictures of others?

And broadcast them to their social pages.

Of people doing innocent things

Such as attempting to get muscular strength.

After a really bad auto accident

Left the spinal cord curled.

Or someone taking their dog for a walk.

Leaving comments about celebrity status

I don't have a Facebook account.

I was using it for my online college courses.

Due to their requiring i have it available

But then I got spammed and other things

Felt as if I was followed.

And my computer got raided or hacked.

I don't do Tik Tok nor even the Bird.

Best to Musk for attempting to overhaul. 

The system which has developed 

From to much access to the media

But they are invading others privacy.

And recording things that are questionable.

I got yelled at by a customer service moderator.

She caught me yelling at my cat while waiting.

For the real person to come on to deal with my problem

She was sitting there listening to my quiet line.

While I was told I was on hold or next in line

I had no idea as my cat went for something he should not. 

Have even thought of touching.

I love my pet but somedays it is tiresome.

To not have anything to talk to about life.

And it was natural to yell at him.

Although not obscenities

She put me on a permeant unfriendly status.

I can't make a single phone call. 

Without knowing she was eavesdropping

On my home environment 

And made a decision based on her opinion

Of what i was supposed to be doing 

While on hold.

I know a lot of people would have done worse.

But either did not get caught

Or were further away from the receiver than I was.

Who heard of such a thing? 

Customer quality or something 

She called herself and they do exist.

One of these days 

I will wake up back at the old homestead.

Smell the sea air.

And the roses

As well as coffee brewing

Knowing it has safely been captured.

Back from the thieves called Ferrels.

And pirates named Sandoval's.

Jimmy hates roses 

Because then the place looks 

Cared for and not abandoned.

Why he gets to make any comment

As every judge told him he could not take 

The place away but my mother's old aunt

Was devastated when I bought her what she wanted.

The memories of her childhood

Having been born out on a piece of property

No one else wanted as it was too fare from anything.

It was originally gotten to by water. 

Later by train and buggy

And then of course by car

She among others cuould not udnerstand

Who these other people were living on her parents

Inherited piece of property

She was taken away from me 

And put in a nursing home

Where she died after my mother

So, my mother who was. disinherited

For being mad

Never did get to own the place.

But sold it too everyone she could.

Because she was crazy

Her family knew it but who keeps. 

Taking advantage of someone like that?

Jimmy of course is going to pay.

For any damage done to the property

No matter how long it takes.

And if he gets me arrested or anything

There is the little mater of him not having.

A real Identification

No birth certificate either

Just an illegal alien committing crimes....

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