Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Look up at the sky

 Is that a plane?

In the sky overhead?

No there are no planes.

They have all been grounded.

Due to a computer glitch


It is like a Nance novel.

First one airline computers

Shuts down all flights

Now the FAA have had 

To step in and ground all 

Out going flights.

The ones still in the air 

Had to go old school

And come down through 

The controller talking to them

Instead of a computer.

Now all we need is Nasa 

To go off line with those satelites

Circling us on a daily basis

Can you imagine them all falling out of the sky?

Bad enough with the flooding

Affecting all of California

And even the rich and famous

Are having difficulty getting out

Or refusing to go out the door.

Whatever you do 

Don't leave anything behind

You don't want someone else

To find such as Jimmy.

Another batch of documents.

Someone has been busy...


Stop that!

Incriminating the other guy.

Just because you thought 

You were going to be allowed 

To move into the White House

Just as when you were a teenager.

And you showed up

With your suitcases

Because you believed 

You had been invited.

They only told you

Could come to America.

Why dont you go back

To where you came from!

Munich, Munich

We want to know why?

Why us?

Why do we have to put up with him.

He once climbed up to the 

Tower of the flight control

During a stike.

Everyone thought the airport closed

Because will all the air controllers

Were out front with picket signs

But someone was in the tower

Giving commands!

Jimmy just wants to be the one in control.

Do I have to tell you what happened?


Let's just say a few of the guys

Put down their signs

And at a run

Charged the tower.

Saved a number of people

That day.

Must say his stories 

Are almost as good as mine.

Maybe i should write a book

His real half-sister would 

Have a hard time explaining

Why she is not the author.

Or did not think of sooner.

She did Jimmy, she did.

Not allowed. 

To hurt the little guys feelings.

We both know what we can't do.

But I might just do it.

I have had enough!

What else can go wrong?

Does anyone remember

The days when Europe 

Had real royals?

There was more than 

Just Kate and Mehgan

To talk about.

I am still crying over 

The Queens funeral

It was so beautiful 

And emotional.

But she was the young one.

It is rare for Britain 

To have a Queen

And by a fluke 

She should never have made it

And her son stood there waiting

To be acknowledged the whole time.

Well, there were once others

Most had been upended

Through one or the other 

World war.

Denmark still has a Monarch.

The first Queen in over a thousand years.

While Spain lost theirs 

Due to Franco

But he favored the grandson

And allowed him to take a bride

Of his own choosing.

Actually, Carlos got in trouble

For choosing another royal 

Instead of a milk maiden.

A Greek Princess

How Classical

All those stories of Troy

And the fair Helen.

Her brother was the Prince

Who announced their marriage

And then became King overnight.

Sudden things happen in royal


He married the sister of the 

Queen of Denmark

So they are all related

And unable to marry each other.

With Prince Philip

Renounced his rights and titles

To Greece and Denmark.

Not that Philip 

Had fared well under Hitler

With his fair sisters married

Off to high-ranking officials

And his mother committed 

To a mental hospital.

Sounds like one of Jimmys

Plots for us the old establishment

He put my mother in the mental ward

Every chance he got

And sexually assaulted 

Her grandmothers

Til they went off to their

Reward in their nineties

Both of them old world.

Meanwhile, he has been plotting

To marry me the whole time

For the last time

The kid is not ours

He uses our name 

But is in fact 

Not a Wheat!

His father fought him

To his dying day.

Captain Kangaroo

Was known around the world

As a jovial kid show man

In reality he was stressed

By his extramarital affairs

Offspring who knew how 

To use other people.

Jimmy is not smart

But he is cruel 

In everything he does.

I am not going to be his spouse

No matter what he says or does.

While Biden is trying to remember

How certain documents got out of place

During his son's cancer and funeral.

The former King of Greece

Overnight they went from being

The king and queen

To being in Exile

With an uprising so bad

He is now considered only

A private citizen.

The family were allowed to move back

But he is not getting state funeral.

For he has died just yesterday

Although the media has not announced 

It with all the other more interesting news

His family will have an Orthodox service

And a private burial

With no stampede to the grassy areas

At least he will be buried with his family

Unlike mine who are everywhere

With not even a map to direct us.

Now Jimmy please do not disturb

The family nor the burial.

I had to creamate both of my parents.

He sold every plot they bought

And delegated the families 

Cemetaries to himself to build upon.

If I find he has defiled that one

Down south

There will be hell to pay.

Leave the dead alone.

For god's sake.

There is nothing he has 

Not attempted

Not that he does anything

Well enough to make 

An impression except

Having to vacate him 

From someone's home.

I believe most have given up.

The don't hand him the keys

But move out until he is done

With the place.

My problem is he always

Has someone else in mind

To use my accommodations.

When will he stop?

Probably never.

If I know him, he is plotting

To have his wishes 

Even after he dies.

Would someone at least

Round up his multiple wives

And numerous children

They are so tiresome 

Such as today

All I had to do was walk in

And get something simple done

But no they want appointments now.

And then there were half a dozen 

Walk in after me

But everyone showed up for their 


Making us a roomful

Of unhappy people

I know some of them 

They were familiar

As if we have shared 

A waiting room before.

A little too much surveillance.

Now Pavlos ,

Don't let Jimmy inside anything!

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