Monday, January 23, 2023

Dear little sister

Only in the far east

Would it matter what day? 

You were born.

It is a new year's in Asia.

As the story goes

The rat tricked the cat.

Into not showing up 

For the banquet 

And he did not get. 

To celebrate in the party

There for they claim 

No sign of the cat

But in Viet nam

Instead of a hare

There is a cat!

Why do you believe? 

This might be so.

Two different stories

Two different animals

Assigned for the new year's festival?

It is our story. 

Is it not.

Born to the same woman.

But given different upbringings.

She chose to nurture you.

While she let nature take care of me.

It is not. meant to be literal.

But there it is. 

We had a mama. 

Whose mind was already gone.

Instead of a sweet homecoming

One of us always got punished

My father was confused. 

As to what was going on.

And her family she lied. 

Successfully her whole life

They ended up dying. 

Without her caring for them

Old Aunt Ella 

Ended her days in a nursing home

After all the places she went in her life

Taking us with her when she could

I am afraid. little one

That mama has left you nothing at all.

Not even me,

She is hoping I will die. 

Before we see each other again.

However, I am still here.

Hoping to find a way. 

Around her plans 

Suspicious be suspicious.

Of any other who comes

Do not trust anyone.

It will be who finds you.

In the end.

I am afraid she has gone.

And done what her grandparents.

Forbade and given their homestead.

Away, the only place we knew. 

As  home.

So far away from the rest 

Of the world 

A sanctuary to most

Who came by it with an invitation?

It was the others.

Who sought ways of stealing?

That made it known. 

She was not going to win.

Against them.

Jimmy who is not ours

Arrived via these other ladies.

Of no good intentions

It is for God that they 

Want all the worldy possessions

Hum bug

Greedy little bitches.

Jimmy has taken all of our

Toys, books, and dresses

Given them away 

To others while we 

Were gone.

No wonder it took us so long.

To get home sometimes

He has raided every closest.

Taking out the fur coats

And silk dresses

As well as the fine China

Just tossed it away.

As if it was garbage.

He cares not what happens.

To the things that are not for him

But tearing down one hundred-year-old houses

For no reason at all

He says he is building those glass.

Towers with no escape in case 

Of emergency

He is just being mean.

He does not even like them

He just wants to destroy.

He has gone to every person.

Giving them his sob story

He even has them pay him money.

In order to keep them from guessing

That he will take their houses as well

If he can, he will have it all.

Just to destroy 

Each and every memory

As if we had not existed.

That is what he really wants.

World domination

Through erasing those who mattered

He had rich parents

Who provided for him.

Spoiled him and gave in to him.

But he just wantad that little girl

Standing or sitting 

There by the wayside

Waiting for her mama

To decide if it was time

To stop being punished

For being born.

Where will it end?

I don't know dear.

He has raided the vaults.

Of the banks

And the safes of the houses

Musuems have not been safe to him.

In the past, nor have public buildings.

Gone unentered.

He might even burn down. 

The White House

Before he is done.

He certainly has caused enough trouble.

Yet no one seems to know how to stop him.

She knew his mind and allowed it.

To be thought he was her son.

Instead of prospect of son in law.

I know you did not agree

To marry him nor will I.

He has no way of understanding

With his parents what reality 

But be careful 

Where ever you are.

She might lead you to believe

You are not what you are...

Do not follow the Rabbit. 

Nor allow yourself. 

To be used as a horse

You are a proud innocent. 

Princess with no fussing

Be kind when I arrive.

As I have gone ahead of you

Growing with the world

Cats are our ways.

Careful and cautious

Do not given in to Candace!

Nor get caught by Jimmy.

Nothing at all.

He has taken. everything.

Not even a husband 

Has he spared.

We will be one again and soon.

Remember the cat.

Did make it to the banquet.

In the end, I will be there as well for you.

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