Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Nazis are coming, the Nazis are coming...


Baby Leopards are being sent.

To help the standup comedian

Stand up and play the piano. 

With his penis

The video that got him elected

Was his mockery of how to play

A Piano properly

He had quite a life before

He got paid to run for President.

One does still wonder. 

What his mother did prior

As a Soviet engineer.

What kind of projects did she work?

And who did she know?

A university papa 

Is nothing to what this guy?

Has become as a nobody.

As for the Oscars

I will be a no attendee.

One might as well give him.

An Oscar for his special appearance

We all know he is going to show up.

Via Video

As usual asking for handouts.

He can't ever repay. 

As a street hustler busker

He knows no bounds.

An Oscar for his performance

Might not be a bad idea.

As for me, I will not be watching.

Except for Michelle and Angela

Who both deserve an award.

For their long years of work 

In their field of artistry

Whereas Cruise would be better

To have his mark on a star

Walk of Fame

Therefore, people will remember him.

In the next generation

Of film goers.

I've seen good films.

Not receive even a mention

And some films get too many. 

Nods with no awards in the end.

One wishes them well. 

In the time they have spent

Refining their craft.

It is not something one just.

Walks in and sits down.

Adjusting himself to a new role

As this guy did

He went from being a mama's boy.

To attending Law school. 

For daddy

Then went off to a career.

Neither of them could anticipate

But he got all the spotlights.

As well as a beautiful wife.

With two children.

Some of us never have kids.

Because we have a faulty body

I grow tumors not fetuses.

Lucky her to have it all.

Except it is there one more time.

Too much emphasis on his 

Demanding the world take care. 

Of him and his poor country

They can afford to fly. 

To Mexico after escaping the onslaught

But they can't feed the ones.

Left behind nor care for the ill.

It is primarily. the Press

Who are covering the cost?

Of the Humanitarian aid.

Without telling the viewers

No one else cares in Europe

Who are taking care?

Of millions of refugees

Who have no place to return?

Or to go without provisions

This all because he wants. 

To play with the big boys

But has no infrastructure.

Of payment accept to turn his country

Into a battlefield for emergency aid.

Wonder what grandpa. 

Did during the Nazi days

After all Germany 

Is now spotting his lack.

Of vehicles for ground 

Warfare, although he would prefer.

Planes to go after those top guns.

He talks as if he can't be trusted.

With any nuclear device

What about Donbass?

When are they going to get? 

Thier Freedom?

Let's liberate Tibet.

At the same time.

They have a better chance.

Of being recognized as a free independent

Nation of their own

Then the Welsh descendants

Who saved the area at the turn?

Of the last century with metal industry

In fact, they built tanks and other metal things.

For war fare. 

Too bad their expertise was not used.

Frankly it is that the country.

Is just too poor.

They used their reserves up.

When they staged a coup

Took possession of the munitions.

And refused to back down.

To mother Russia 

Gained their independence. 

As a free country 

Which they renamed Ukraine

This was allowed because, 

It was not worth the fight. 

To keep them under the care

Of Russia

Let them go if they believe.

They can survive!

But they want more land. 

Not people but territory

Not rich enough to have.

A standing army

Nor the ability to provide.

For themselves.

They are the improvised neighbor.

Nobody dares turn down.

There is no threat of Germany.

Being annexed by Russia.

Not that Germany has not attempted.

To make Russia theirs to own.

Now is their chance to go in and do some harm.

With their tanks designed to war against 

America at another time and place.

America is not stupid enough

To believe these people want them

Germany can hardly offer a hand shake

Nor will Ukraine wear acceptable clothing.

As for the rest of them

It is just Charity. 

That they are offering 

The young man who is over his head

But enjoys showing off.

By begging for more 

More he pleads.

From his office to every

Major arts event in order 

To be seen as the victim 

Of the situation.

France has even pledged. 

To rebuild their humble country

Once the war is over.

Now that they have gone before. 

An American congress

But have not showed up at the UN.

When are those guys going to see?

The situation is out of control.

They have kindergartners.

Who won't be graduating?

From college 

All due them needing. 

To build the belief that

They are under siege.

What else can they fantasize

While America has been a little bit busy

If he has not noticed.

There are all those. 

Misfiled documents in various 

Important people's homes

Hopefully his name is not on any of them.

And then there was the bizarre weather.

That California and Florida

Have endured and suffered calamity

While some guys want to run around

With guns in their hands 

Aiming them at innocent bystanders

Where do they get the idea from?

Using guns on other humans?

It might be all that tough talk.

Ukraine is spewing out about

Thier impossible situation

That we are now having the aftermath

Of idiots wanting to show off

Thier poweress.

It is just not fair.

That an audience will have to endure

Another episode of Zelensky

Asking for us to understand

They will not survive. 

After all, against their former

Comrades and friends.

Did the guy ever win anything?

A comic award of some sort?

A Bachelor show or did he just rise.

To power with no wins?

Some guys in Hollywood

Are powerful without ever. 

Receiving  acknowledgement.

But in politics one has to have

A background of something.

This poor guy has nothing to show.

For all the generosity garnished.

They believe though in themselves.

They have a dream of freedom. 

And a cloud of innocents lost.

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Three times loser

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