Monday, January 9, 2023

Really, now?


So, Jimmy snuck into an office closet

And left behind incriminating evidence

Really, now they find the documents

There is nothing to say about it

Every guy gets his own classified set

Of play papers

Like Monopoly

They are allowed their initial

Fifteen hundred fake money

To see what they can do

With all those properties

Are they going to become 

A railroad baron

Or Innkeeper?

Thats the way it works

The guys might even have 

Clout from a place such

As the Pentagon or elsewhere

But those classified documents

Come from the Judiciary branch

And like a library book

Must be returned on time.

It is very odd that a second guy

Has been caught with forgetting 

It is parament that he does not get 

Overdue fines from the library

It did used to show up on a back check.

Oh well, at least the lawyers 

Knew to turn them immediately

Like the next day

Instead of waking someone up

At Midnight and hand, them over

To the guy in his pajamas

The President gets woken up 

All the time in his pajamas

Sitting there answering the phone.

There even one guy who would 

Take his dog for a walk.

And get locked out.

Oh, his own house!

Poor Ford 

He was even adopted 

And used his stepfather's name.

Can you imagine the Press of the day

Addressing him as Mr. King?

His real name was King.

My oh my 

That one was not going to go over.

Who wants to be a billionaire?

All it takes is two dollars.

To join this large raffle

We will know in about an hour

If anyone got the winning combination.

As long as no one sells their home

Or their parents' home

Or quits their job before 

It is whether harmless.

It is afterwards that the trouble 


With all the creeps coming out 

Of the closet.

They want blood 

Or your money.

Hopefully we will not have a riot

At the Lottery headquarters

The storm is coming

Evacuations are mandatory 

In some places

And recommended in others.

I no longer have a place to go

Since Jimmy decided to walk in

After he promised everyone

He would not do it

But had his way anyways.

All that money my family

Put into the place 

To watch a family from hell

Destroy it 

Now the daughters believe they are 

Not going to be murdered 

In their beds 

The ones they have in California

Oh, that's right

They live in Los Angeles

Thier evacuation is to a hundred year plus

Property of someone else's

And they don't give a damn

About us nor the many old ones

Who died in shock

After winning a court case.

These ladies are stupider than most

If they survived this flood

They won't be happy when they go back

To their homes where they have already

Removed every private thing they could 

Of everyone's else who happened

To have the understanding 

That those houses were private

Not Airbnb's rentals

Nor did they even give us 

A chance to own the right

To our own possessions.

Wait till they get back 

To their real homes...

I know someone who published

A book on Josephine Baker.

An African American woman

Who made it big in Paris.

The height of the jazz singers.

They made their way up to New York 

To become famous enough

But with no opportunities

Then they moved to Europe

Paris was the playground 

Of the rich or famous.

Including people with no way home.

Many made it there when they could 

Not make it anywhere else.

The woman was also famous 

For other things 

Such as adopting 

A multitude of children

They all walked behind her casket

When she died to the funeral

They were provided for and given

A chance at a life.

They were not given an inheritance

Because she had spent all of her money

On affairs and extravagant living.

She was however a supporter

Of the French resistance

And the Civil Rights

Seen as a good doer

Despite her constant affairs

And allowed the children 

Thier own religion 

But did not tolerate other things.

What a life to have had.

Imagine being a part of her Rainbow

Or to have been rejected from her family?

My mother wanted to be an only child.

She was not but believed

If she closed her eyes 

She could have her own way.

She gave up her own children

And adopted others as her own.

She did not want to be a mother

But never learned to prevent

A pregnancy

One reason my father

Finally left his childhood sweetheart

Was that she blamed him for each one

Of us that was born to her 

We were forced to live with others

I was always brought back

As the only girl to see if

She could be saved from her 


And then it was discovered

She had brain cancer.

I do believe if it is possible

Jimmy gave it to her on purpose.

She tried to adopt him

But he is his own man

As his real mother discovered.

He has a half sister 

He does not speak to at all

But she also has a pleasant life.

His options are legendary

In what he offers people

In the way of a life

With him as a controller

His own father had no idea

Where he got his ideas.

Captain Kangaroo 

Had a nice career

But few knew of the horror

He lived with his own son

Being considered a serial killer

Even by extension

Having others do the dirty work.

He used to think we were crazy

For putting up with Jimmy

Then he found out that was not

What we were doing but 

Kept asking for release.

He said he was beginning to believe

He was crazy from the things

That happened to hm as well.

Jimmy seems to be able to cause

Things to occur

Without lifting a finger.

But phones are always busy 

Around someone who is about to get it.

Worse than Al Capone

Who at least was not a front man

But the real force behind his organization

Whereas even my mother was frightened 

Of getting Jimmy mad

Because than he would be forced...

No child should have had to do with his mania

But too many social workers

Are not doing their work 

For the health of themselves

Nor others

They are buyable 

Such as Dora 

Who is not really Mehgan's biological mother

But her adopted one 

Paid to raise her as a black child.

Rude and uncaring

With no charm.

Perfect for an unwanted son.

I know where Harry comes from

It was hard to attempt to convince

My family friends that my mother

Had gone mad and was lying to them.

Another house has disappeared.

An old ranch house in the neighborhood

Of North Park 

Just off of Howard

30th street was once a haven 

For many travelers

But it has been crushed

Those old wood boards

Where smashed to nothing

Not even moved 

Crushed and for what?

Another high rise 

In a neighborhood 

Where people are not rich 


They were some of the richest

Along the Boulevard 

Where the trains arrived 

From Texas and Chicago

Going around because

Los Angelos had no road

To San Diego

A pretty port village.

No more it is not.

That storm might do some good

If it knocks down a few of those 

Glass megaliths.

Who remembers the founders?

No one really recalls 

The first to arrive in a community

Just the braggarts who have

Robbed the records 

And force their way upon 

The rest after all 

This guy named Lenoir

Was a famous Revoltionary General

He established a station

And a Cotton mill

On a river in Western Virginia

Which became Eastern Tennessee

After a group of homeless vagrants

Arrived following this guy

Named Daniel Boone

Who took over everything

For himself and his family.

Which guy do you know?

The Squatter Boone

Or the landowner

And War Hero Lenior?

Sandoval, Sandoval

Where is the telephone listings?

Need to have an address ....

Best Joe in getting back in the Oval office

Hopefully you have a copy of the keys.

The last guy had to have the locks changed.

Boy look at those streets flooding.

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Three times loser

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