Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Lucille who?


Did you know Jimmy,

That when turn 62. 

You are illegible for Social Security?

You are over 65. 

By my figures

1956 is you real birth. 

Not 1960

Which means as an illegal alien?

Who has never been naturalized?

You are already collecting SS.

So where is my cut?

You are the one who claims.

Me as your spouse.

You insist on using my name.

Which is on my birth certificate?

As your own.

The new laws don't require.

That piece of paper

Called a marriage license.

Nor does it limit it to just one wife?

For forty years you have made

My life miserable 

Dominating me at the grocery store

As well as the doctor office.

You even showed up at the SS office.

To steal my work history from them.

I am wondering why I keep hearing.

About your male rights

Without any benefits

You can't toss me out on the street.

Without paying me for it

This is America.

Unlike that family from Mexico

Rosa and three generations

Were followed home to California.

Executed in their very home.

Your wife Teresa has no fear.

Of her husband who lived

With her in Lebanon 

In the 1970's 

And then in Tijuana 

In the 1980s 

Might not be dead.

Since she is not actually divorced

Drug dealers and arms smugglers

Are not unknow to keep records.

Whereas all those other girls

Live off your generosity.

Which comes from my welfare.

I would like to have all of them.

Convicted of fraud and racketeering

Incarcerated in the same jail.

Sharing the same cells

Same block row 

To enjoy the sun outside

On the same break time

To enjoy themselves 

Wonder how many of them would survive?

You probably don't care.

Less money to pay off. 

Meanwhile, there is an event.

Of execution in California

That the Ferrells Sandoval's

Don't even shudder about

Why not?

Are they part of the Mexican drug trade?

As for that other thing

Of assassination of a young man

Just because he did something 

With his life

Unlike yourself

Or any of your sons.

I have no daughters.

But many want to be heirs.

To my possessions

All they want is what.

Is in my purse or wallet.

OR closet

While you believe you can

Still have me threatened.

It is not against the law.

Suzanne to decide not to buy.

An item and put it down.

Before one gets to the register

It is only when one trains.

Thier sons to steal. 

While the mother keeps the tellers busy

My oh my

Where has the world gone.

There is more rain.

Then the local can handle

The river is overflowed.

And surprise

There was no bus service.

Waited for the bus.

None came at all.

They can't get to the transit station.

Don't bother coming down the line. 

To tell us not to stand outside.

They just don't come.

Just like you have never come through.

I have no daughters.

Hiring a man to rape me.

Will not prove I gave birth.

I have already proved that.

To a number of the girls

On the local news shows.

Such as meteorologist Megan

She pulled a gun on me.

On the news

She went to prison.

Now she gives the impression.

She knows what she is talking about.

Or the big blond 

Who sat in the county jail?

Now is the evening news anchor.

How is that possible?

So many women 

Such as Betty A

And Candi G

Are convicts allowed? 

To leave on the basis

They do not continue their bad behavior.

But of course, they do

They even hire children.

To do their work for them

And then these kids get arrested.

Such as Justine P and Janet P

Get convicted.

Show up wearing suits.

Or other fancy clothes

Stolen from someone's closet.

And just say they have authority.

There is no way of disproving it.

Unless one goes to trial with them

Killing his opponents

In New Mexico 

Who won the election instead of him?

Sound like an old, old way 

Of doing business.

Keep your hands off. 

Other people 

Christians don't have the right.

To decide if they should be elected. 

Or not nor if someone has the right.

To a specific career.

It is not their right.

To kill off those they don't want.

Just because John G 

And Michael H 

Are foreigners who expect.

To get their way 

Without being given 

The impression by any authority

That they will be supported

They just don't want to be told no.

Lucill was 118. 

A glass of wine 

Extended this French nun's life.

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