Thursday, January 19, 2023

Dear Mrs. Zelensky,


There was a family. 

Called Romanovs

They ruled the Eastern world.

Everyone talked about them.

They were fabulously rich.

The women gorgeous beyond belief

But the children were a bit of

A handful to deal with.

Even Rasputin had difficulties.

With the offspring

They hated him.

Kept attempting to kill him.

A holy monk set to free them.

Instead of after a thousand years

Of rulership with began 

In a little town of Kiev,

You were not thinking. 

I was going to say Bethlehem.

Were you?

The three Rurik boys

Grew an empire.

That spread from the Volga River.

Across the breadth 

Of the land East 

To include the West coast

Of America

With abundant Furs 

For those silly Muscovites

Who chose to build? 

Mosques in the middle of no where

It is a good thing they became. 

Christians and Orthodox

Instead of Catholic 

Or Buddhist or something.

All those beautiful churches

For the people to flock.

The Romanovs

New Romans 

Grew an enormous nation.

Full of the foulest humans

That no amount of beauty

Of landscape

Nor of artwork and artistry

Could keep under control.

The erupted into a fury

After killing one Nicholas

They set up his heir.

Undermining him at every turn

Even sending the Jews out of their 

Very homeland 

That they had discovered

After the Diaspora

You have heard of that?

Good, good.

Here they were at the dawn.

Of the twenty-first century

And the man brings home a wife.

From the old fat Victoria

Then breeds a bunch of girls.

Enough they said.

They wanted freedom.

Up rose a Jewish man

A prominent Doctors grandson

Who had given up his religion? 

In order to practice his medicine

Sent his grandson to college.

Never had to work with his hands.

Then young Israel or whatever 

He is named.

Did you know that there is? 

No birth certificate for

Valdimir Lenin?

Ulanov is the family name.

All Jews on his father's side.

What do you speculate is his real name?

Certainly not Vladimir!

Anyways, there he was. 

Courting a pretty girl in

Geneva spa in the fall of 1917

Suddenly he is whisked off.

To confront the big bad wolf

Actually, a man weakend with too 

Many disasters 

And poisoned.

His beautiful daughters

Were raped in front of him.

All he could do is hold on to the one.

Thing that might end it all.

His son. 

His wife was clever though.

She switched out the boy.

With a farmer's son

Found a family willing to keep him.

In the fields in front of them.

So, they could see him work and sweat.

While they waited for their White guards

And they waited,

Just as the promise to the West coast

Some families are still waiting.

For Russia to stake its claim 

Against Spain and its

Spoiled thugs who just wanted.

Something that did not belong to them.

Waiting is a woman's game.

She knows her husband. 

Does not know what the servants.

Tell them. 

Nor how long it must take.

To get a change of heart

Among the populace.

Here you are in hiding.

With your children

Just because your husband

Wanted a port town.

Of Sevastopol

O Sebastopol!

The cries of the Crimean war.

That allowed that whore. 

Florence Nightingale

To convince the world 

That she was there to save 

Thier men instead 

Of spreading disregard

For authority.

She spent the rest of her life.

In bed waiting to die.

A fraud.

Where are you and your husband?

Planning to go when this thing. 

Is over?

The Bahamas?


Disneyland perhaps.

The Romanovs were powerful.

Because they understood 

What they were dealing

They had a high regard.

For the Jews 

Allowed them their freedoms.

Without the uprising

Of a bunch of spoiled

University law students

They would never 

Have suffered harm.

The kind of people 

There are in the Eastern world.

The Arabian world

And the Western world

Are unique and require.

Special handling

These men were qualified.

To handle their difficulties

Maybe not at the best 

During the worst of times.

But the last two remaining

Old guard have died.

Without ever being allowed

Their expertise

There is no one left. 

Dear who knows. 

The ways of the East and the West

You were given your freedom.

Yet you won't give your

Neighbors theirs.

Instead, you are killing your children.

And sending away your women.

Leaving the men to fight a war.

Against whom?

Thier own brothers.

I am afraid there is a bit.

Of a problem.

I hear you had another.


A French helicopter

Fell from the sky.

Killing all aboard

And those below.

A kindergarten 

How significant.

Just after another 

French plane

Fell out of the sky.

Killing all aboard

In Nepal.

Sad, very sad.

Old technology

Are your sure the young kid.

Is really your husband's friend?

You don't have more of those

Aging French things 

In your possessions?

Just waiting to fail?

Hmm, I bet.

Our Jimmy decided.

To make himself useful

And helped himself.

To your little party.

He brokered a deal.

Didn't he between?

The French guy

And your husband

Even before either of them 

Were made President.

Just like Jimmies style

He imagines himself

A new age ruler

Without a country.

He does not need one.

He does not want people.

Servants, and money

But not humans.

He does not care. 

Who he kills. 

Nor whom he harms.

He killed his own mother.

And other women 

Who wanted to mother him.

He had a rich daddy.

Who would have sent him to college?

If he had passed any grade level at all.

While his university mother

Spoiled him.

He did not need to work.

Not even at his grades.

He robbed her of her money.

While sought ways to rape

His old dad

While keeping everyone guessing

As to what he was going to do.

With a little girl.

My sister died before she was old enough.

To go to school

No one noticed.

For some reason

I keep getting woke up.

In the middle of the night

By his mania

And the crazy mama

I inherited from his days.

In the nut house

He broke her down. 

Until she knew not what 

She was doing.

Just holding his dick in her hands

As if it was a spear or something.

Must do what he says.

That once proud girl

Who dominated her own mother?

With all those world leaders

At her feet

She chooses instead.

To do the bidding of a pig

An albino one at that.

Meanwhile, over on your side

There is no end in sight.

Russia is not going to go away.

The Romanovs have died off.

Except for a few not well enough

To know how to confront an issue.

You are on your own.

The American President has gotten. 

Into trouble over here 

With his stray documents

On your country.

And the new Republicans

Are saying no more spending.

The budget is too large.

In fact, we might have to 

Default on our loans 

To other countries

All for that little 

Christmas Gift

Your husband came over.

And took home with him.

He has no way of paying to back.

Nor are you planning on? 

Spending your life 

Making installments.

Your kids want to see. 

Disney world!

Just think.

A world without 

Neighbors fighting 

Each other over the milk

Or do you have milk?

We don't have eggs anymore.

Just like during WWII

My grandmother hid the fact.

From her friends 

That they had a homestead

Where there was still 

A few chickens

That had not been. 

Sacrificed for General Eisenhower's


Even Prime Minister

Chruchill did not get. 

An Omelette for breakfast

When he visited 

The cold Potomac.

Maybe your family

Are planning on allowing.

The Odessa mafia 

To take over

And run the country.

In order to get the revenue

You will need to rebuild.

The Sicilians were so useful.

To those around them

Until now when the last one

Has been captured.

Well dear,

You need to decide.

On whom to trust.

Trust no one!

Make it clear to your honey

You want out. 

Before they take you to the country

And shoot you and your children.

French technology.

They will say they can build.

A better car next....

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...