Sunday, January 15, 2023

What now? Or Tomorrow?


Where do we go from here?

What now?

Why have we come to this point?

Vassar was one of the first female colleges.

In the Americas.

Founded by Matthew Vassar.

The son of an immigrant

Who just happened to have?

Enough money to establish a brewery.

A successful one at that.

His children were well educated.

And one of them developed.

An institution for females

To have them facilitate

Themselves and their descendants.

Families who came to America

Did so for several reasons

Known of them for their welfare

The travel across the Atlantic

Was horrible and most succumbed.

To diseases at some point 

In their lives from being 

On board vessels

Which were not intended? 

For human travel.

Those who came for religious reasons.

Could not go back out of fear.

The others who came. 

With the Kings blessings

Were expected to return the favor.

With export of tobacco

And other goods for consumption.

Whereas the group in between

Were adventurers or wanders?

Who happened on a good thing?

Or a really bad deal

Depending how their lives 

Turned out in the end.

For most it was not a return trip

But a final destination.

Females who could afford

An education needed a place.

That would educate them.

And could afford to go against

The normal grain.

The topics were for the dinner.

Conversations and religious

Training of themselves 

These places did not offer.

Home economics 

As modern schools are required.

But fine needle point

And dance and music

Were a must.

The girls were provided.

A place and time to grow.

And keep from being.

Forced into child bride.

Situations so common

Now adays.

Jaqueline Beaulivar

Gloria Vanderbilt

Are some of the modern girls?

To have attended 

Wealth speaks money. 

And Politics

Where did the Vassar's? 

Come from?

They are an old

English and French

Family line

Spelling their name

Various ways.

But the immigrants

Acted as if they were. 

New money without

Fear of having none

Where did they get theirs?

From smuggling?

Or gun running?

It is not known.

Nor is it mandatory?

That they were involved

In anything sordid.

However, there is a spicy

Report of a Pirate

From a well to do family

Who went to university?

Learned to be an architect.

Got the King permission.

To be a privateer

And then went pirate.

All without producing an heir.

Most have girlfriends.

And children

The Buzzard had none.

Was he childless and womanless.

Perhaps his heir produced evidence.

Of fortitude and resilience 

Of keeping the loot for themselves.

At least one ship held a king's ransom.

A billion dollars is its value today.

It disappeared with his hanging.

He seems to have suddenly had.

A fall out of some sort

Was captured and executed.

Or was he?

A body was displayed.

And then buried.

Meanwhile treasure hunters

Are out to find his treasure.

He is supposed to have thrown.

His map and codes 

To the crowd with bound hands

As he was being hung

The codes turn out to be Masonic.

An architect would have access.

To the Masons as well as others.

A special bread would know.

These codes alone.

Who could have deciphered it?

Never found, or was it?

Olivier Levasseur, pirate billionaire 

Is also untraceable.

He is said to have a wealthy family.

The name is famous enough.

But no one can trace his line.

What if he survived

Or had a cousin brother.

Who found the treasure?

Or transported it after

His capture?

Maybe the fortunes 

That established one of the

Most prominent colleges

Of the Americas 

Was based on old fashion money.

The kind that is not kept tin the bank.

The funds needed to establish a college.

The type of architecture it displays.

And the wisdom of using females.

Is this because they will not tell?

Or not have the knowledge that men

Gain in the world through their own. 

Educaton and business dealings

Of the various items 

In storage somewhere 

In association with the college

Imagine a room of wealth.

That only the elite get to see.

Or used by the instructors.

Or benefactor's 

For their own purposes

Such as deciding whom.

Will be the next president.

Or ruler even in Europe?

Maybe the two families 

Are related.

Or not

Start a conversation.

On one of the oldest institutions

Of the Americas

And I will find myself.

On the end of a gallows.

Happy treasure hunting

Is all I can say.

As for the Bidens

They are old families.

And new politics

He had enough bad things occur.

To wonder if he was under 

Someone's hit list.

But these latest offerings

Make one wonder if anyone. 

Is safe from being threatened

By the lowest of society

Who just want their way.

How many other jimmy's 

Are there out there.

People like the Pittsenbarger's

And Gillette's are not common.

Or are they?

Wanting to control others.

By following them around

And introducing themselves

And then causing. mayhem

In the lives of the important ones

While getting rid of the ruffage

Those types come from old world.

Mentality out of which

Fascism and white supremacy

Arose and made its ugliness.

Known throughout the world.

There have been riots

In Brazil and Peru

The original capitals

Of the Americas

Which the Conquistadors

Made themselves apart

Marrying the daughters 

Of the chiefs or royals

And then having their descendants

Make it into the European royal houses.

Most of them had a female line.

Of conversos or rich Jews

Who? made it through the inquisition.

Through money and prestige

But married their daughters off

For the sake of their families


Our survival is dependent

On having those who know

How to rule be allowed to make

The decisions for the population

While still being provided

The guarantee of personal freedom

Without molestation

From ruthless thugs

An education is worth the effort.

But so is incarceration. 

OF the obvious criminals

Who do nothing but harm others?

With their harmful thoughts

And greed to secure.

Someone Elses treasure

Imagine or real.

Plundered goods never have a good result.

Wisdom passed down. 

Through the right families

And not imposters

Net a good result in the end.

It is Orthodox new year's.

Let's not forget that they 

Also had influence over 

The entire known world

And might yet still have.

Something worth offering.

Despite the ones who just want 

To wipe them out of existence

Such fear to refuse an entire race the right to live.

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Three times loser

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