Saturday, January 7, 2023

Staying power


The old town in new town

Once had a magnificent church

Next door to this place

Which is a combination 

The old stables is on the far corner

And the newer barracks in front

It was once the Navy Ymca

The song of the Village People

Was about this place 

But it is no longer Navy

Nor a Christian association

But the Culinary Guild

The new boutique style hotels

Took the old well-built place

With marble floors

And recreated it into a fine hotel

Most don't notice the sign on top

But the beautiful exterior

Then the interior has the opulence

Of an old-world style

They opened with a fine resturant

And then closed for the Pandemic

They have valet parking 

And hope to reestablish themselves

In a town known for many fine restaurants

The last of the old-world buildings

Instead of those glass death traps

Only the Sofia is still standing

They moved the old Library 

And tore down city hall

The quiet French style village

By the bay with the colonial Spanish buildings

Has been destroyed for the empty glass structures

Which block the bay and the fresh air

If that cyclone had hit us full on

There would have been a lot of glass flying

Through the air

Not that the modern architects care much

They design things to be rebuild

After twenty years or so

That is how they stay in business

Who thinks a hundred old building

Worthy of saving.

Although some guest might not want

To know the prior clientele

Sore like a sailor!

Few things are worth saving

According to the youug

What I experienced was due 

To my hitting 39 and being size zero

The younger ones could not understand

Why I bothered being skinny

And now everyone is super skinny

But those little girls such as Sarah

Will never be considered beautiful

At any age.

And those who still believe 

A child gave birth to them

Are going to find themselves

With no one at all

Once they are committed

For the clear mental illness.

I had another encounter

Today of a woman 

And her look alike

Daughter with baby

They paid the bus driver

To be at a bus stop 

On the rural route 

Where there is no reason

For them to be

Especially as the last time

They had a borrowed vehicle

Via a carjacking.

America is too stupid

To think I will want

To be the grandmother 

Of her bastard

Born out of wedlock 

On purpose 

And a by product

Of Jimmys 

Stepson Juan

Having sex with his own niece

They are all not my children

Nor are either Jimmy nor Juan

My relatives

I tried to make an online

Police report on a past crime

With them showing themselves 

In an obvious threatening fashion

But they did not show a gun

Just needles in their sleeves

Rejected until they find me dead.

Although I have no intention of dying

But of taking thier lives.

They are of course part

Of the Guzman family

They look like him 

And use the name.

I had to go through Sinola

When I was traveling by bus

There was once a railroad 

Throughout Mexico 

Which is how the old travelers 

Got to know Mexico

There would have been no books

Written on air travel

Which by the way

Even the plane at nearby

Airport was shot at 

With the arrest of El Chapo's

Son who has continued his fathers

Business even though dad is in prison

All those drugs and sex.

Sex traffickers

Is what I was presented this day.

They have sex for money

Not pleasure

And then they sell nice females

Or use extortion in order

To do what.

Catholic Imperial Mexico

Is dead.

Long live the Communists

They left Russia 

And now speak Español

When will it end.

They just want everything of yours.

No sharing nor giving back.

I encountered the cruise ships

On my way back yesterday.

Those disembarking 

Were milling around

Like homeless people

With lots of suitcases

And getting in teh way

With their taxis

While those arriving for boarding

Where blocking the highway 

Insisting they had to turn in front

Of busses and commercial travel.

They got to get on their boat.

Not an old steamer quietly

Plying the water with a view

But a Disney ship 

An amusement park on water

No one even notices the Sunsets

While the Princess cruises

Have nothing but verandas

Wonder is anyone comes out on them.

The Chaos of the House floor

Was about the same as this scene

At least the Speaker

Finally got his way

He has been squatting inside 

The Speakers special office.

He expected to get the job.

The Most experienced 

One for the job

He is also third in line

Newbies have the difficulty

Of understand they want 

The office but what is expected

Is more than the job description

Poor Trump

A businessman who did not

Know to step into politics

His story is going to be retold

He has staying power

As does Mccarthy

They must watch out 

For those leading them 

Down the garden path.

But they have what it takes.

If left alone

Meanwhile Biden

Has made a few mistakes

Such as refusing to go to Rome.

He is Catholic and yet he 

Allowed a Popes funeral 

To go by without attending

As a President

All because he is preparing

To go to Mexico city

For his own business

With Canada and Mexico.

It will be interesting to see

How he turns out 

Mr. nice guy

With the beautiful family

And yet he has stumbled

Too bad.

It is not nice to see 

The ones we favor

Not get the right moves.

Like those girls who want

To control a person with needles.

Or use extortion.

With babies which dont bleong.

There will be hell to pay.

For todays encounter.

It is going to end.

I have had enough.

I am here to stay.

Not them.

They can go back 

Where they came from.

And that baby will stay here

America when you are deported.

You will never get to see hiim grow up

As an American born

Or was it Tijuana where you crawled?

As for the air fisticuffs.

There was no mistake

That they were having blows

Last night in session

But the invisible air ones.

Good job guys.

Now get us out of this hole

With Mexico and their drugs

Americans are here to stay 

If they don't get hooked

On teh handouts of those below

To spend their life paying off debts

They dont even know they hae

Air debts.

Those drugs arnt free nor cheap.

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