Thursday, January 12, 2023

Sinking ship


Has Joe gone too far?

The honeymoon must be over.

After all he was just the guy

Who stood next to the first

African American President.

He was of no account 

Except being stupid enough

That anyone would notice him

Or give him credit for being himself.

Just as Kamala is going to have. 

To prove she has a reason. for running

She got the chance to be the first.

Woman in the white house 

As the Vice President.

As an African, it has already been done.

When thinking go from bad to worse.

No longer the young man with the pretty wife

Doing interviews about being one of the youngest

Elected and not able to be sworn in until his 

Thirtieth birthday.

And then just a few short weeks

She was dead and he was a widow

Newly elected and a widow

Raising his sons at home

Only to get remarried

And have another daughter.

He has lived a charmed life.

He is now one of the oldest Presidents.

No spring chicken anymore.

It is not really a concern

That he has these documents

But that he forgot he had them.

After all he is older than most.

The public is now more concerned

About whether or not he can remember his name

Then if he kept back a few files.

His team should have been better 

Attuned to what. was going on 

He had to bury his son while. 

He was Vice President.

He was distracted and busy.

It was their job to make sure 

There was a no mistakes made.

Especially since they were going

To be going after Trump 

For every mistake he made.

The garage? Really

Must have been a camping trip.

The library? Oh 

That was the midnight snack

He did not want the wife to know about.

Come on guys. Most do slip up

From time to time.

It is the timing that is the issue.

The Republicans just took over

And now they remember 

That they as a team

Forgot to collect a few things?

Remind me what century 

We are living ...

What does it take

To label someone a sexual predator?

I have been quiet about

Weinstein and Epstein

Not that I was not aware of them.

But had a different life than most girls.

My sister and I were separated. 

AT first and then dragged to studios

By my mother for her sake.

We were identical and did commercials

We were also charming and gentle

Sexual assault and rape 

Are not the words you hear

Small children utter

Instead, we learned

To keep our own counsel

If she had lived 

Maybe things would have been different.


One never knows with these guys.

Jimmy was a black womans.

Albino baby.

She adored him.

She spoiled him.

He hated her for life.

He did things to her as a small child.

And got worse as he got older.

Then he figured out how to rob her.

And perhaps even rape her.

Jimmy has a real problem with women

He hates them.

All of them.

Even the ones he sits next to

Or plays with as if they are toys.

She died of a massive heart attack.

Her name was Camille as well.

When my sister ran into him

I don't know as we were still.

Living semi separate lives

My mother could not handle mor than one.

And when she died, it was hell for me.

I did not hate my mother

I just did not like to put up with her nonsense.

Really, Jimmy was going to be her son in law.

Neither of us wanted to marry him.

He grabbed my sister at a Christmas party.

He is a Christmas baby born in 56 or 57.

He wanted the doll for his present.

Santa Claus who was probably his dad

Said no! then come back in a decade.

Maybe she will like you....

She did not like him

Nor do I want to keep being told

He is not going to take no for an answer.

He has insisted he is the son of the family

While he parades different girls 

And has so many children

Who don't understand why I am not amused

About being told I have to hand over

My money to them.

He likes to play with little girls' underwear.

Mine are always gong missing.

No matter how hard I try.

And at night I am not convinced 

My bra has not been readjusted.

Just like the pervert to go after

As a mama's boy, something unmentionable.

I have never caught him.

But the image and the horror

Are enough to make me scream.

I do know he kept after my mother

Until she broke down emotionally

I recall going to the bathroom

On a trip with one of the Great grandmothers

And found him pushing up against her

Outside the back door against her car.

He is supposed to be impotent 

But the idea he was threatening

A ninety-year-old woman.

And the other great grandmother

Was living with us for a while.

She was adamant against jimmy

Coming to visit her during the day.

She got locked out at one point.

And froze to death.

We were driving her back 

To Salt Lake City.

An LDS member

She had to be buried with her husband.

A small child siting in the back

With a frozen body is not a good way

Of getting to know her.

And then at some point.

He got the car and took off with it.

He was not going to be caught 

Having caused her death.

It was why he was in the car.

I suppose he got in at a traffic stip.

My mother did not know what to do

And just kept driving

Expecting him to get out at some point

He was always threatening her.

I understand there was a barn 

In California that had a car

With a skeleton in the back seat.

The poor old lady never got home.

I swear I saw him drive by me one morning

While I was waiting for the school bus

With the gg mother in the back seat.

He was not supposed to have a driver's license.

Adn then there was my grandmother

I pulled him off of her 

When he again showed up to live with us.

My mother used to scram and run down the street.

Then she got to the point of just sitting 

Which is what i began to do as everyone

Knew he had tried to rape me so many times 

As a little girl.

Little girls should be allowed to have 

Sweet nightgowns to wear

Not shorts and tank tops.

My life was cut short 

By this sexual predator.

Whom everyone allowed to have his way.

Just because he is blond and blue eyed.

He can't be told no.

If I had a daughter 

He would already have had her on the ground

And a granddaughter

I might have to kill myself

Having grown up with this type of

Predator that no one knows how to stop.

It would be better to take care of him.

Wouldn't it?

A sinking ship 


I am not taking your medicine.

Malpractice to any clinic

That refuses to give me the right

To my own body

Including accurate blood work.

I wonder if he drinks my blood.

It certainly is not processed.

It always disappears.

Sexual predator 

Inside the family.

Enough to cause a nervus breakdown.

Recovering from a really bad childhood.

Having been sexually assaulted my entire life.

By Jimmy just wants his way with me...

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