Monday, January 9, 2023

Look whose cooking


Some people will do almost anything

To get noticed.

Everyone wants their picture taken.

There is the President of America

Is visiting the border

And no one was on hand

To have their picture taken

Instead it was the offiials

Who lead him around

Who are now known

For thier faces.

All that misery

And no one was there

Instead, we saw the border wall

Which is overdue

In my opinion 

After being forcibly robbed

By every Mexican who comes 

Near me.

Including the Morenos.

It means Brown 

Which is also a family name.

But the family should  have been

Called Muhammeds

In the fashion 

They take a family hostage

Looking the daughter in a closet

While they rape the mother

And then have their daughter 

Show up with diabetes

Claiming to be the real grandchild.

When I have not had the ability to have a child.

I am one of those with tumors

Instead of fetuses.

It was supposed to be the son

Who was in love with me.

Now I wonder how much 

Of my father's life

Was wasted on this guy.

Instead, there is a question

Of whether or not

The Presidents of three countries

Can get along.

Unlike the House rivalry

Canada and Mexico

Are both opposites

To America

And yet the only neighbors.

On his way to Mexico City

Joe stopped by Texas

He should have come to California.

Where the Ukrainians

Ran away 

Were so thick

They had to rescued.

Not like the really unwanted

People with no job skills

Nor education

But want a life without

Respecting the land 

Instead, they are all

Drug dealers and smugglers

At least the ones who come

Through San Ysidro

In the old days

They would steal  a womans wallet

And then force her to carry a package

All she had to ddo was get on the bus

Up the stand 

With almost no stops along

The ocean coast

Then get off at Coronado

Where they had to walk at least half a mile

To the Ferry which used to be a few dollars

Where they would wait till

They got to the fishing island

Near the Doyle pineapple plant

And drop their package in the water

Then when they disembarked

Thier wallets, purses and bags 

Would be returned.

In the old days when people

Visited Mexico or Tijuana

Often for medical conditions.

The foot path has just been 

Reopened tomorrow

There should be a lot of migrants

And locals with documents

On hand for their pictures.

Meanwhile in Brazil

The other major country

In the south

Where Portuguese is spoken

Instead of Spanish.

Went on riots

Breaking out in the Capital

And storming the Congress

National building and palace

Due not agreeing to the vote count

While Mccarthy sweated out 15 rounds

In Brazil there was less than two percent

Difference between the two candidates

The old went out with protest

Lula de Silva

Is not liked by many of the residents

Bolsanaro was the favorite

It is a small margin

One does wonder ....

But that is the nature of people

They like the wrong guy

Zelensky is praised

While the other guy 

Has done nothing 

But be a good ruler

For his own country. 

A cease fire was not acknowledged

By Ukraine

Over Christmas. 

What more will go wrong?

I recall the Asian Prime Minister

Of Peru being taken hostage.

Hopefully biden will get a chance

To meet and greet

Without any more difficulites

No one is going to satisfy 

The people of Mexico 

Who believe they own 

All of America

Instead of the French

Who arrived first

And took over Mexico

For a while.

Thay poor guy 

Was shot executed

By the military

Napoleons nephew


Never trust the military

To have a clear head

In tims of stress

They are trained to kill after all.

Now for Valerie

She is a child star

Who took by storm

Everything she could

One day at a time

A must at the time.

But many of us ducked out

I spent a lot of time at the library

Working on projects

But mom!

I hated Bonnie 

And was not charmed 

By Valerie

But there she is growing up

In front of the camera

As a precious princess

Everyone liked her

And she always gets the best

No one would dare sneak

Into the toilet

To get a picture of her.

She was a clean girl

A good girl

And then married a rock star.

Girls who married musicians

We're not treated with respect

A marriage license

Was not what it took

But sitting there as a virgin

Until one got too old

Unless one was given permission

By the media to have affairs.

Well, neither her nor I 

Got that from anyone.

No one was surprised 

When she divorced her guy

After having his child.

Another wedding occurred 

A little later

She was back to being 

Seen as a good girl

And now had permission

To be married

She did everything

Including exercise videaos

And cooking shows.

Except for Hallmark movies

She was not going to be Jodie

Who did everything to be dirty

Including her unfavored religion

She got to do everythign she wanted

And made a slew of forgettable films

While Brook who was expected 

To be the really big star

Got side whacked by marrying 

An athlete, a tennis star

Some girls just can't get it right.

She keeps her face in there 

And has hardly aged at all.

Unlike some of us who hit 


And can't get the doctors

To treat us for medical issues.

Instead of weight and depression

Let us have our health

And we will do what is needed.

A life in front of the camera

Has not been nice to Valerie

Who is now encouraging children

To cook when they are hardly

Aable to hold the frying pan.

But it is a job for her.

Meanwhile I am still waiting

For my colleagues to forgive me

For having a really bad car accident. 

I can cook too you know.

And it won't be pretty cakes and cookies

They get out of my kitchen....

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