Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Washing what?


Place names

Most surnames are related to location.

Or vocation

Someone is the son of someone.

Or it is a town of some sort.

Such as Washington

It is town that does its laundry.

It washes things out in the Potomac.

No dirty sheets in this place. 

Or Londontown

Was a place where they landed?

The first Romans to invade Britian.

Next door was Southwark's.

The Romans workstation

For their building projects.

Such as the Hadrian wall in the north.

Or the bridge that once spanned the Thames

Kept falling down and catching fire.

Damn thing

Must have been cursed.

Did you know there was once a coliseum?

What or what is Charles going to do with Kate

Mad empress Kate

Who can't get anything right?

Won't eat a single bit of food.

Thus, providing no brain function


I bet you she even says I am her mama.

Just as little Linsay

Who still can't walk and talk?

She can do but not both.

Frustrated at being made to sit.

With the lowly ones on the ladder

She pushed someone big out of the way.

In order to get on that plane

With Barack.

Wonder what her dreams are about?

Certainly she would not think of saying

I gave birth to her at all

Or would she?

She is just the kind to slander a good woman.

I will have to bring a defamation suit against her.

I shall, I shall.

What next can go wrong in Hollywood?

Which by the way was originally

The Holy Road 

Or El camino real

The Royal highway

Accept it was built by outlaws.

Those Franciscan Friars

Were actually considered criminals.

By the Catholic church

And Espana.

The Inquisition came to an end.

In Spain and in Mexico City.

No more use for the guys who ran it.

Sent them packing.

Told them they could not come back home.

They set out for the far side of the universe.

Building Missions for Indians along the way.

Can one imagine? Tom Cruise

Winning an Oscar?

He is one of the big ones.

But none of his movies have ever been.

Worthy of the notice of Rodeo drive purchasers.

Even Robert Redford has his own show. 

In Sundance

Since he is also a non-winner.

What about Avatar?

A bunch of blue aliens 

Having a family picnic!

I suppose a war movie would be the best.

One never does now what to do

In that place so removed

From reality.

The sweetest and brightest

Have bit the dust due to 

Over kill with those spike heels.

Wait till March

The March winds might bring a surprise or two.

As for Pence

His surname is actually Bentz.

A place where they make Mercedes!

Really, the thing about names.

Is that they evolve or get misspelled.

His family is from a town in Germany.

Whose place name was subjugated. 

To those who could not pass school

But still got jobs in government.

Called Clerks most of the time.

They have really bad hearing.

And spelling 

As well as ability to properly file

Documents of any kind.

Still waiting since 2002

For any sort of work history

To surface since I was once. 

Not an unknown just not a celebrity.

Barbara Walters got a star on the Walk of Fame

The daughter of nightclub owner in New York City.

That just about fits the bill.

She was a pioneer who made her own way.

Nice lady herself.

Not without the help of others 

Who have gone unmentioned.

But it is the celebrity angle that always wins.

For instance,

My grandmother once had her picture.

Hanging on a certain wall.

Employee of the month.

She survived the blitzes of London.

And came back to talk about it.

As a pioneer Radio reporter.

I also had something once upon a time.

A photo on the wall, 

Journalist of the year.

I had gone everywhere that year.

So, I got my picture taken.

Then someone mislabel me.

And I became a no name person.

With too many unresponsible ones

Who just want to have it all.

If I should be anything at all.

They immediately want it for themselves

And poor old mom

Has no place to call home

Now that the Amy Adams of the world

Insist that a child gave birth to them.

Instead of being reasonable

They are all drug addicts. 

Who are helping with the smuggling?

Make sure to stop that one.

Fancy celebrity but check her bags!

About robbing old ladies 

Of their purses and panties.

Too much second guessing has gone on.

And no real authentic reason for it all.

Except it is shocking.

Jimmy for instance has no birth certificate.

But everyone loves him.

They even allow him to hire his own wife.

To be their maid or housekeeper.

I guarantee that Teresa has been inside.

Each and every one of those discovery places.

She wears fur coats when she is not pushing a vacuum.

I once watched Jimmy running through.

The Pentagon dressed as a Janitor.

With the head guard on his monitor

I was doing research.

And had to pass the guard to get to the public archives.

In order to view certain items

And not remove them from the building.

I was even searched at times.

Now way out without turning those things ing.

But there was that moment. 

When I woke up from one of my overseas trips

And discovered papers in my desk. 

That should not have been there.

I snuck them into the overnight depository.

Not going to be caught because of someones elses mistake.

Sorry Justice department

I know the limits of the law.

In the case of an Indian

None at all

And no settlements either 

In the case of vehicular manslaughter

I was actually reported DOA

On my excursion into hell

I awoke in the mortuary

Still waiting for a disability settlement

For having four breaks below the waist

Leaving me paralyzed.

I also have broken toes and ribs.

But we won't count them.

The other guy was on my side of the road.

He was a seventy-year-old male man from Mexico.

Living with his daughter and no auto insurance.

He was doing no harm.

Could not hurt a flie.

Who was I to complain?

No arrest nor conviction.

Just a lot of suspicious activity around myself.

He did flee to Mexico by the way.

They always do you know, escape.

I want to know Peter Jennings

Where is your star?

They named a street after you.

But this guy named Harley got one of those as well.

All he did was marry an heiress.

Who had alot of property in Westminster

A medical institution who put out doctors

Who then continued to experiment on patients?

Who paid a pretty penny to go to them?

On Harley Street.

Well maybe Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw

Will get a special place next to our celebrity.

Not that I have anything against Barbara. 

I don't and I did meet her once. 

But that is a different story.

Money sells products. 

The news is a product. 

The journalist of the world

Who care about their stories?

Are more numerous than one can imagine.

In Mexico they are killing them off.

So many people are being shot. 

Why can't a stray bullet

Graze the head of Jimmy?

Oh, by the way.

It is ninety seconds.

Doomsday clock is reset.

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