Monday, January 2, 2023

Its getting a little bit wet around here...


They say the Central valley was an island due to the amount of water.

The Native Americans claimed there was two lands.

The one next to the mountains and the one next to the water.

Two different lands which they resided.

The idea the peninsula of San Francisco

Was an island is not that bizarre.

Look at the current situation in the American river

Those boats should be at least 10 feet below the bridge.

The old town of Sacramento was flooded regularly.

So, when the Capital was finally decided upon

As Sacramento they moved it up the road

And made the second floor the entrance.

Everyone goes into the bottom floor 

As no one is allowed to enter any of those upper doors

Anymore due to people like Jimmy.

The bottom floor is mainly the museum

With only the Governor's office 

While the rest of the politicians

Are on the second and third floors.

No mistake about the rising flood waters

If anyone has to deal with wetness

It won't be the smart ones

Who go to higher ground.

Meanwhile two levees have broken

The levees were developed to keep

This from happening every year.

The roads and highways in the Central valley

Are unusable at this moment

If one more levee breaks that bridge won't stand

Nor will the trains be able to enter the city.

Once this was a port city 

With a ferry to San Francisco

But those riverboats are not meant for travel

It will be a brave man who goes to work

If these storms continue

With his office on the first floor!

The expression is 

"Being on the ground floor"

Meant that they were there when it began

And therefore, have first dibs 

Best wishes Gavin!

Now for my area

The San Diego River always floods

Every time it rains.

Originally it was called the Rosa Rio.

The Russian River of the south.

Before everyone had to pick up

And move north to the last remaining

Fort of the Ross company

Thier Russian river has a different name

But no one remembers how to pronounce it

They at least still have Russian orthodox churches

And a Metropolitan who blesses the fishing fleet 

Every year in the town of Bodega.

Meanwhile, I walked out on Sunday

Only to take a bus back to the nearest stop.

And the bus detoured around what looks like a creek.

It is not a creek and has risen 

Quite high when I was younger 

Remember the boats and canoes upon it.

Now it smells like a swamp 

From being blocked from its normal strength.

Except for the Golf course next to it

There are many residences with views

I had to cross the street and waddle 

Through mere inches of fast-moving water

The cars were being turned back from crossing

The other side was deeper 

Too deep for a pedestrian.

I was told to turn back but the other street

Is even more under water 

I knew do it quickly before the guard came back

My feet were attached by the water

And only with my steady walking stick

Did I get through the few inches.

There were more foot soldiers coming down the street

While the cars were turned back 

They made it to the other side 

Where the transit spot is for the entire valley

They have everyone meet here 

Instead down the road at Hazard.

Where they have less flooding

And the busses begin their routes

Ignoring all the stranded bus takers

Who sit there hugging the bus stop pole

Wailing about when the bus is coming.

It's not today, not until the water recedes

Then I walk into the residence building

Squish, squish

There has been another flood

From one of the apartments

There is an overflow of water

I have had to have my carpet

Dried out so many times

And just last week there was a drier

Located right there at the same spot.

Same guy with the toilet?

Or a new one?

Won't know till the office comes back

I did not realize that if New Years 

Is on Sunday it is celebrated on Monday

Even the annual Rose Day parade

Was rescheduled for Monday morning

And then not shown due to a football game

Until the late afternoon on just one channel.

Sniff life is just not the same anymore.

Like that guy who worked so hard

He went to a gym everyday

And had a coach to work on his build

As well as a stagecoach to make him 

Look good in those movies.

Hawkeye is the best archer

In the world 

Or at least the Avengers.

Most people forget he was the jerk

In the Mission Impossible movies

Second to Cruise in his desk job

They always mention the muscle man

Of Avengers with his cool outfit

And gifted bow and arrow.

This guy likes to play in the snow.

He is raising his daughter outside of Hollywood

They live in mountains above Sacramento

He appears to have just laid down on the snow

And allowed his snowplow 

To roll over on top of him.

Really, he had an accident 

Where his driving skills are not questioned

But his mind, who lets a vehicle 

Roll over on top of you.

Did it decide to drive itself?

Or was it climbing a molehill?

Look at the size of those towers!

There is no way he missed it coming at him.

Unless he was unconscious.

They said the helicopter 

Almost did not come because

They thought the snow was too thick

To land on top.

At least he was not dropped off the top 

Of the twenty-story hospital

Unlike myself who scored nothing

With those girls who only knew

I was size zero and deserved nothing.

His family are at his side

And his friends have him in their thoughts

But how does one just lie down....

Oh Jimmy, you aren't in Reno

Are you?

He is well known for getting into

Those type of vehicles

The bigger the better

If they do destruction even better

There is a story about a project

Of Donald Trump

Way back in the seventies

The kid was not even old enough to drive

The wrecking ball vehicle lit up one day

And swung around.

There were at least three buildings

That went down that day.

Imagine going to work

And coming home to a domino effect

Of old wood and brick structures

Laying on top of each other.

Jimmy are you sure 

You don't have it in for an archer

He is just an actor playing 

A hero with a bow and arrow.

He has a thing about that weapon

I was forced to learn how to use it

For my Olympic team 

As a native American 

They chose my sport

I did medal and he has been after 

That medal and the assumption 

That he is the one who won it.

Maybe it is because Jeremys

Father is a Silicon Valley

Computer geek genius.

He probably knows a thing

Or two about computers himself

He might even know how to get rid 

Of an online stalker. 

Best wishes on his survival

And not losing his legs.

Lots of blood loss they said.

I had no blood loss

But they turned black all the way down

The doctors kept circling my bed

Saying nothing until they had enough

Of the stories the ladies were telling

In the waiting room 

Who were saying I was making up 

The auto accident!

I cleared the observation

They required from me.

No diagnosis of mental illness

Not even mild depression 

Nor a suicide attempt

Can't get a piece of paper 

To show as this is not how it is done.

I keep being psyched by this woman

Named Rebecca

Grey hair with a small dog.

She is never seen without that dog.

I see her everywhere I go 

And then she makes a report 

On me that gets me in trouble

I have confronted her about it

As she is not doctor 

But keeps doing it anyways.

As I was walking up the street

After wading through the overflowed 

River and covering an additional mile of detour

I was taking advantage of the bus stop benches

There is no place to sit

Nor go to the bathroom nowadays.

There she was heading towards me

At a jog as if it was normal

For her to pass me 

And without her dog.

She must have found out I was coming

And flew out the door.

Just to cross my path.

People say I make these things up

But it happens all the time.

No reason for her to be out on the road

Without her dog and the wrong time of day

For her walk with her dog.

Anyways, it was wet Sunday

As I walked to the trolley.

I spent the morning in my favorite spot

In the East Village 

Which was once home to my family

And the Russian refugee community.

Now it is all uppity dog walkers

And call girls going into those tall towers.

My spot is an old stagecoach stop

The wooden building has a sign

That says Rosario Hall.

The Russian River building

Which has been moved many times.

Wetness is something one has to understand.

Cats hate to get wet.

When will we all learn?

Oh, by the way...

The Pope died!

He is being laid out for all to see.

Those who want to queue

How many days does Rome 

Want to stand in line?

To see a man who was accused 

Of many things including being a Nazi

But his family have a strong German male line

And a female line that leads back

To a Rabbi family in Moravia.

His family would not have survived

If the Nazis had known, they were conversos

They did not care about conversion.

Perhaps he will be buried near

Peter the former Jew who helped 

Create the Christian faith.

Best wishes to him as well

On his journey towards his reward.

Good thing Jimmy is not in Rome.

No one knows where he will pop up next

But it is always going to be trouble.

Maybe his blond wife and him 

Could wake up in the water below

Imperioal beach.

Where the Tijuana sewer

Is overflowing and contaminating

The beach to the point

That no one is supposed to get in the water.

Talk about getting wet!

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