Sunday, January 15, 2023

I dont dream anymore


There was once a man who had a dream.

They killed him for it.

Then they destroyed it.

Once upon a time

Africa was seen as something to fear.

Then the Germans woke up one morning

In the sixteenth century

And decided they were gods.

The German Holy Roman Empire

Was Charlemagne's reward.

For fighting back, the Romans

From their lands

Middle Europe where there is nothing good.

Became the new center of the universe.

They even put the Pope on the run.

He had to move from Rome.

To France to be allowed his own headship

Just like its predecessor

Rome fell in one night they claim.

Internal struggle causing external divisions.

Germany had too many contentions

Sush as having everyone move. 

To them cites 

And then changing their names

As well where it is hard.

To tell who our ancestors are

Meanwhile the world marched on

England became the center of the universe.

And acquired a Queen.

The Germans shuddered in their shoes.

And went on with their business.

Of breeding camps in Africa

And then in exporting the results.

For a trade agreement with

America the new adventure

With time this failed as well.

Leaving a bunch of people

With no place to live 

Nor a place to go home.

No one wants to go back.

After tasting the richness

Of a new land

When the old one is worn out.

Instead, the very ones related.

To the new race became their aggressors

They claimed racism and other things.

But really, they did not want to share.

Freedom and emancipation

Only meant no way out. 

Those who headed north.

Would regret it someday.

Those who stayed. 

Would not want to say anything.

The rest went to college.

And got an education.

In order to push a mop bucket

Or went to work in factories.

Only a few women 

Such as Rosa Parks 

Made it to a desk job.

That day she did not want.

To be around her own kind

With her monthly problem

A strike was issued.

Walking to work and groceries.

Seemed normal to the nation.

But it was not so, 

Those people had always had.

Transportation of some sort

It was immigrants who did not.

Know there was supposed to be. 

Something besides walking all day.

A minister showed up. 

And allowed everyone to believe.

He had control of the situation.

He thought he knew himself.

And his people

He did not know. 

What others would discover?

Every good man

Has enemies

Inside his own camp

When he told people

He would meet them at the capital.

They bussed themselves.

To Washington DC

And stood and waited. 

For his arrival

A million strong they said.

While he gave a life performing speech

His best sermon yet

In front of a crowd of people

With cameras watching them.

Who knew what would happen next?

Desegregation and bussing for schools.

Open job applications

The world was a better place.

But there are always those who. 

Don't want to learn or listen.

They just want their way.

All the time.

The modern kids don't understand.

Unless the man is famous

For something 

Preferably sports

Or if there is a monogram

On your clothes

They want to appear to have money.

Instead of greed and lack of caring

Too many Queens have caused.

Their man to get put face down. 

On the ground until they can no longer 


While nothing positive has been done.

Except for the voters being 

Given the impression. 

They voted themselves.

The first African American male President

When in fact there are so many questions

About the way in which the votes are collected

As well as who votes and how they vote.

The system should have been overhauled.

Decades ago.

The public is no forced to accept.

What the expert media want us 

To accept and listen to them.

When things go wrong for them.

Now all the Africans expect.

To be given the rights of others

They don't understand.

Why they can't call a white woman.

Thier mama or grandma

When there is no evidence

Because they want to be paid

For not being white.

The real issues are they want. 

To be white as well.

Robbing has replaced raping.

These kids only understand.

To say they own the wallet. 

Or the money

And can't get why it is being spent. 

By someone else.

They even convince gyms.

To keep using aggressive measures

To discriminate against someone

Because it should be their membership.

Or tell grocery stores.

That it is their food that is being bought

When they are not starving.

They have become the racist

Ones with no sympathy for their victims.

And if someone should be Native American.

Howling begins 

Who let the dogs out?

Why are the cats inside?

Other people's homes 

And businesses 

And gyms and grocery stores?

When white people began

To assume they were the dominate.

Species is interesting since

They claim to be descendants.

Of not Kings and Queens

But monkeys, apes in the forests

That have lots of black hair.

And black skin.

Are you sure you guys know?

What are you saying?

African black Apes

Learned to walk. 

And change their skin color?

There are millions of 

American Africans who would 

Like to know how to do it.

It is sad, to have a man.

Murdered for attempting to bring.

Peace to the entire nation.

The world even as a there are. 

Still wars in Africa and genocide

Instead, his legacy is a day and a parade.

Where the children insist 

On attacking and demanding they are really white

While the Germans have still not learned a single thing.

My mother is not old school.

But whether stupid.

Her family did not know what happened.

But during World War two

She was taken care of by a variety.

Of others while her parents 

We're working or in hospital.

She was never right in the head.

Then she got Dementia

And brain cancer 

Destroying her mind 

She really did believe. 

That redhead came from the devil.

A spot on your soul

Would produce a black skinned child.

She insisted i was black from the day. 

I was born.

Accusing a nice Native American family

Of not being good enough for her at all.

She went around telling every idiot.

They were the real little princess.

Pocahontas is not real to her.

Neither were any bodies else's children.

There are over two hundred vicious.

Beasts who just want me not to know

What she told them behind my back

That they are being denied their rights.

I have the right to privacy.

And to normalcy

To not have to remind people.

That my computer is mine

My projects and writings 

Are not theirs to be viewed.

To set there as terrorists

Because that is what they are

Little terrors trained to steal. 

Information to sell to others.

Introductions to people who don't 

Know they have convicts.

Mentally ill ones

Or even disfellowshipped ones

Claiming a relationship

That does not exist anywhere but in their heads.

As a drug addict they don't even know it is wrong

They come in different colors.

Sizes, nationalities and religions

There are so many of them.

To haughty for their own good.

Noen of them are Indian princesses.

Most of them are German illegals.

Or Middle east extremists 

White or Black

They are not good people.

My grandmother used to tease. 

My mother about her days

As a real reporter

Before they had television bitches

Who sit there doing nothing?

But listening to themselves

She was probably accused of that herself.

Anyway, fights and jazz were big things.

In her day, she would have to be escorted.

To a fight ring or a jazz club

To get an interview 

With someone famous or rich

But not of her own background

Scandinavian and Russian 

Immigrant parents who lost their homes

To the wars with Germany

She would tell my mother.

That she would hand her to the attendant

To hold while she asked a few questions.

They had cloak or coat attendants.

Restroom attendants who held your personal belongings

Or Bellboys and elevator boys.

It was a different world.

Where people were allowed to live

And work even if it was minimal.

My mother was horrified.

She was just an object handed over!

A spot on her soul,

She would go around asking her mother.

Was she sure she was not black herself?

How did she know they gave her back? 

The right baby?

But you were not really there!

It is just a little joke!

"To tell you instead of being at home.

Asleep in your bed so I could work.

You always wanted to be there.

So, I allowed you to believe you were."

When in reality you were not.

How can you carry on so much?

This is one reason we ended up with Jimmy.

My mother's proof that sometimes

They do come out white. 

Instead of black

As he is half and half.

When it was her turn

She did not do radio.

Where no one could see. 

What was going on?

And she could not prove anything.

But print reporting.

Where she could set things 

Down on paper.

She walked up to the yard.

Where the white journalist 

Where standing around

Trying to figure out how. 

To get an interview

With the new kid on the block

Luther named after the rebel.

Who caused the Reformation?

Just sat on his porch

Watching them knowing

He had the upper hand.

For a moment in time

They needed him to talk.

To them, instead he planned.

A walk on the capital.

My mother swung past. 

The television reporters

And the print journalist

And march right up to the porch

Having entered another person's yard.

Without permission

And someone who could not usually

Afford to call the police on her.

He got up as she got to his steps.

Where upon she handed me to him

Sat down, opened her writing tablet.

And proceeded to ask him questions.

He bounced me back and forth.

Looked at the crowd. 

Decided to take it like a man.

And sat down.

I was firmly put on the floor. 

And nudged back. towards her feet.

Her unwilling feet.

I was accustomed to her abusive

Treatment, not that I liked it.

Decided to stay quiet.

But as she progressed 

Through her questions

Could not help. 

Repeating her mothers words

You are dreaming

If he is going to take you seriously

Or if you are going to be allowed

To report this situation

Dreaming, she is just dreaming.

He laughed at my sounds.

Had children of his own 

Knew mama was getting it.

From me and then hell broke out

A white woman had walked. 

Up to the porch of a black man

Her colleagues were complaining.

And the police showed up.

Her comment was she was allowed.

To enter his place

Because she was married 

To a brown skinned Indian.

My mother never did understand.

How to hurt over and over again.

He was her childhood boyfriend.

My father was called. 

Bringing along the relatives

My mother had left waiting.

For their supper

She was supposed to be cooking.

Instead of rushing across town

Picked up his child.

Was picked on by a white man.

Shifted his child in his arms.

While someone else mentioned

He was a Korean war veteran.

As well as civil engineer.

Luther laughed again.

And said to him.

"I bet you can get in to meet the President."

Despite his skin color

For his bearing was above his wife's

Who was properly shooed off? 

The nice man's porch.

Her pad was found by her mother.

Who had it printed for her.

Her efforts were appreciated.

But not the marital difficulties 

She kept pursuing to his dying. day.

A man with a dream

Of equality among

The children of all colors

Stood up before a massive crowd.

And spoke to them from his heart.

Of a time when the world 

Would be fair to each other.

Instead, his own people

Have the belief they don't

Need to show kindness.

But harsh words

And bad thoughts

Whether than standing in line

Or walking or waiting

They want to be treated.

As Queens and Princesses

Without giving back to anyone else.

Sadly, it is not their fault. 

They are not responsible for the world.

In which they live

But everyone else who allows

The Jimmies and the Candies

To keep up their own game of

Discrimination even demanding. 

The wrong medical diagnosis.

What difference does it make?

When one can't politely tell someone no

They are not theirs 

Be called a liar.

Or have the police informed. 

That your ID is not yours 

But theirs

Because they are going to get

Even with you

If you won't allow them

To lie about what color they are.

None of this accepting 

And progressing

Just lying about, themselves.

They will all one day 

End up dead as my mother did.

Without a single person noticing.

Her passing away. 

Not her non grandchildren

Who always showed up? 

For her purse on payday

Nor her former colleagues

Or friends whose children

Always wanted to play. 

With her as she knew how 

To get in and even with others

The world stopped caring about her.

She did not matter in the end.

Meanwhile, this man's day should be acknowledged.

For what it really is

The day he decided to stand up.

For his own people to believe... 

That dreams are possible.

While I don't dream anymore

No one should be allowed. 

To tell a doctor

How to mistreat someone

Demanding they take medicine. 

That will not help them.

But harm them

Out of racism and discrimination.

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Three times loser

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