Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Look ma what I found


A man in Warwickshire

Says he unearthed solid gold.

With a metal detector

It has the initials of King Henry Viii

And Catherine of Aragon

Plus, the heart was an emblem. 

On his horses livery

But what of these piece

Solid gold and in good condition

Just sitting under the first layer 

On a barren field 

Found four hundred years later?

Not likely.

Now if it was Jimmy....

We would know that. 

He had pocketed it at the musuem

Just walked out the front door

With it in his pocket

And then when he went to pee.

He would drop it somewhere. 

On the ground 

And then jump up and down.

Screeching like a little girl.

Look what I found!

No one would believe him.

Not even my mother 

Nor his mother either.

Everyone knows.


Some kind fools. 

What? attempt to calm the situation

And take possession of the item.

In order to turn it over to the authorities

That would cause the screeching girl.

Great harm and his bearing 

Would change in a flash.

Manic depressive

Is what it used to be called.

Now it is bipolar.

Two personalities

A high menthol one

And a low no nicotine one

Jimmy would not be able to stand.

His little device

Not working out.

He needed the idoit parents.

To believe him.

It would promptly disappear.

From whom ever took

The responisblity of returning it

And hide it amongs the belongings

Of someone else.

While he figured out how to get even

With the fool who did not know 

What he wanted.

To be famous.

To be the owner 

Of an artifact that

Would make him the king.

All jimmy has ever wanted. 

Was to be the ruler.

Where he does nothing. 

But eat. with his feet up

And plot out how to get. 

Rid of his parents

Both sets of them.

This nice man turned. 

The item over to the British musuem

They say it might not have been worn.

By King Henry

But presented by him. 

As in a tournament contest.

Something to be cherished

Not tossed down on the ground

On the way home 

From being at the capital 

Where he got to meet and greet

The King himself

One never knows. 

How these things show up

In the oddest places

If I would find something

I would know it was a fake

Because almost all of the fancy

Jewels in the tower 

Or the vaults

Have now been replaced.

One due to the expensive wars

The monarchs were turning.

Their tiresome rocks

Into cash for themselves 

While presenting the public

With plastic replicas

And two for security reasons

Those things on display 

Are not really real.

Otherwise, some stupid kid

Might pocket one. 

And walk out the door with it.

No, not the real things.

Are inside a vault.

That does not see daylight.

No Jimmies walking through.

Thier display desiring to make. 

Himself king by simply pocketing. 

An item of no value at all.

Like those gay lesbians

Wives of Elders

Who desire to have me told

I am not allowed to do anything

Without their permission

Which is nothing at all.

But it is quite illegal.

To have a third person in your marriage

That is why Maxwell is in prison.

And I intend to send. 

Anne Marie F and Debbie B

To the gallows from them 

Husbands giving them permission.

To entertain ideas of being a queen.

That is another story.

How a religions inner circle

Is not aware of the outer ones.

Desire to usurp. 

Their authority

By assigning themselves

Superior positions 

While the ones upstairs

Are unaware of how much.

Of their lives are worthless

Just a pendent on a label

Due to the corruptiveness

Of these new combers

Who can't keep their hands off? 

Other people's lives and bodies.

Secret keys of the kingdom

Are not meant for everyone.

To own as they might 

Cause something 

Catastrophic to occur.

Kind of like. the modern

Footballs the Presidents

Walk around with under their arm.

A nuclear bomb waiting to go off

If someone steps on their foot

Or gets in the way of their daughter.

They will stop midstride.

And open up the suitcase.

Flip a switch and push a button.

There take that!

Holy hell.

The world gone boom.

Just because someone had a bad day.

That is why Candace. 

Is not allowed to enter their property.

Not as a well-meaning aunt

Nor as a housekeeper 

She will just sit down.

And begin to play with her new toy.

Who cares who gets hurt?

She already has an agreement.

With Satan to survive anything.

Of course, if he does not survive.

Then she will be in hell!

Sunday school again.

Keys of the kingdom

Refer to the ones Jesus

Gave to his apostles. 

In a lecture about the future

Although it is Peter

Who? is supposed to have inherited them.

The least spoken of one of them all.

So quiet that we only know that he had red hair.

A temper and was bold when he got mad.

Whereas John was a cousin of Christ

And always present at his side.

But the Lucifer of Judas 

Just kept wearing everyone down

Over finances.

Worry, worry over his funds!

He held the treasure chest.

And kept counting it out.

Wonder who much they were allowed.

To spend on the last supper?

A donkey ride through town

Palms for everyone instead of flowers

An upper private chamber

Relaxed cushions to recline.

Good food and wine 

He must have really been. 

Delirious when they were done.

All that money!

And on a annual supper

To be held for Passover

Which included lamb and greens!

No wonder he ran off 

To the High Priests

Thirty pieces of silver

To replenish all his coins

Spent on that one dinner.

Does one have to wonder? 

What happened next??

He sold his own golden goose.

What was he thinking?

They just wanted to question him.

No they arrest him and execute him.

No more little coins for his palm

Do you wonder that he might? 

Have thrown himself off a cliff.

With a rope around his neck?

Jimmy used to pull that stunt.

All the time and survive

Thre he is again

Swinging from a tree or streetlight.

No broken neck!

Must have a pact with the Devil!

Anyway, I am more to the idea.

That one of the others 

Had enough of his counting

And misering

Never allowing them to enjoy themselves.

Having to walk everywhere

Jesus even had to turn stones into fish.

Or something like that.

Really, heave hoe


Tinkle all those little coins.

Something like that might have occurred

In old England.

A new item of joy.

Stolen or thrown away.

Got all the way home

And could not show the wife

What he had earned!

A 24 carat gold necklace

With a jeweled heart!

They could have afforded a trip.

To the Bahamas.

They were taking on tourist

To this new spot.

Imagine getting there. 

The wife might not have wanted to come home.

All the way across the Atlantic to the new Americas!

The police say we are not allowed

To go inside our own houses.

It is thought by grandpa

That Jimmy has hidden something

In one of them and cant remember 

Which one.

So we are not allwoed to go into 

Any of them?

How many times has he pulled this 

On your family?

One of these days he will be stopped.

Not before he has torn down

Hundred year old houses.

Just because Candace has to have access

To everything for herself to admire.

He has not been inside. 

The White House, has he?

Oh no! He has....

Sunday, January 29, 2023

War with China!


One military leader

In America

Says we will be at war.

In the next two years

With China.

Not sure why though

Although it is not surprising.

They are a contending country.

They want their way. 

But how are we supposed? 

To fight them?

We can't run over their borders.

Nor can we send missiles to them?

Or can we?

Ships at sea will be at range.

Landing men inside China

Will be a sight to be seen.

Why are we at war?

Something they said or did.

I mean they are a country to be wary.

But what exactly is the issue?

Meanwhile it has always been said,

"It is better to know one's enemy,

Than to welcome a friend one does not know."

In other words,

The new guy we don't know anything about

Such as Zelensky who is not a bad person.

But is leading a cause that is worthless.

In the long run.

Attempting to eliminate the enemy.

Who is known for being not unfair?

Nor mentally ill enough to push a certain button.

Is insane!

Don't get rid of that one.

We don't want a military coup.

Where they want to show off 

Thier newly acquired power.

Without knowing the negative affects

Of their new toys.

Let's keep Zelensky happy.

Until we know who his real boss

Is issuing orders to provoke.

Why not getting rid of the only guy

Who probably understands. 

Both the old and new Russia.

Did you hear about the little capsule?

In Australia there is this tiny thing

Lying somewhere on the ground

It is radioactive or nuclear infusion.

Of some sort.

The authorities finally told the public.

If found do not touch!

It can cause illness to the person.

Who picks it up with bare hands.

How did it get out?

No discussion 

They were transporting it without

An armored tank 

So, no one would know about it.

And then it got lost from someone's pocket!

Beware of what one is told.

The perception is not always. 

Accurate and hindsight 

Often reveals what was really going on.

All those refugees are going to talk about

Is losing their homes but will they go back?

Just as the Germans kept claiming.

They did not want to live in the Soviet system.

And yet did not go home once the wall came down.

They are here to stay. 

They might not be as loyal. 

As their host's hope.

One will not know until it is over.

Remember the Alamo!

Don't forget the Maine!

Words of warning.

Head good advice 

Don't get lost in the woods.

When Candace finally 

Meets her maker.

And gets her reward.

The world will be able. 

To breathe easier

Then now as she continues.

To contrive ways of getting

Into other people's business

And always has her hands.

On other people's business

Private papers!

Nonsense she needs to know.

She will be the death. 

Of her own family

And whatever religion 

That protects her from 

Another conviction 

With actual incarceration time.

What else there to talk about?

Where is Jimmy now

What has he done this time?

Those were the old words.

Many now on the upper rung

Spoke but have forgotten.

To be frightened of him 

Yet have allowed his choices.

To overrule their best intentions.

Life will never be the same.

Now that we have seen death.

In the face and survived.

Those who died are heroes.

Or just victims of the system

The rest of us are not going. 

To be congratulated.

It is an elimination process.

Is it not?

Nature's way of getting rid of the weak

Survival of the fittest.

Some groups do the same thing.

Currently my housing 

Which I fought to get into 

Is being stolen from me.

I did everything right.

And yet 

The shifty eyes and angry glares

There are those who came in after me.

Who just want their way?

I even get the impression. 

They are being paid to come to this place.

That even the bus drivers 

Are calling "Hotel California."

Meant to be a low income. 

Residence for those who have 

No place else to go.

Humanity and Christian

Principles were used by the local

Authorities to provide a clean environment.

Instead, drug dealers 

And human traffickers

As well as smugglers 

Were brought in on purpose.

By those being paid 

To take advantage of the system.

While my so-called religion

Did not want me inside.

They heard something bad was coming.

So, they called wolf.

Said I was dangerous.

Even lied about what I had done.

They keep saying I am bad.

When i have done nothing wrong

But continue to provide false evidence.

I have not had a baby.

at all and can prove it

Which means all these girls?

Are going to die in prison.

While the men who are claiming

Me as a spouse can just go to hell.

Defamation of charcter

Slander towards an individual

Malicious lying

They have done it all. 

It is all convictable

As is alienation of affection

Not allowing me to have a real husband

Of my choice nor a single male relative

Becaue they want their way with the world

Naive and stupid

Are those who dont get the message

And contniue unrelenting 

In their charges in order

To have access to someone else

Property or titles or money.

It will stop eventually.

When the world gets wind of their privacy

Having been invaded 

By a publishing company

I am not dangerous

Unless i find the wrong man

In my bed 

Which is just about everyone.

Nor am I a criminal?

Nor am i an antichrist.

Nor an anarchist

I believe in government.

Even a bad one keeps.

The populace from harm

Most of the time.

When the small one becomes mighty

Sunday school expressions.

Don't worry, just run....


Good mountain

The mansion above was sold. 

For eight million dollars.

To be turned into a mental health center

All those old European castles

Became Spas and nursing homes.

Out of bad estate management

Jimmy has ruined more places.

A beautiful estate 

To be used for trash as here

In a short time there will 

Be nothing but people 

Such as Jimmy and Justin

Too mentally ill to know better.

Shiver if they actually got to control.

A countries arsenal

Or allow a stupid girl. 

To pretend to be a princess.

For no other reason 

But that they look terrible in their dresses.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Riden for Biden

The Pegasus world breeder cup
The richest purse 
3 million dollars

For one horse 
Running a quarter, a mile
Faster than the other eleven

Thank God it's not football!
A Saturday with fresh grass
And fancy hats.

Not the contender
Riden with Biden 
Is one of today's hopeful studs.

Get her number.
Is another one-off these? 
Fastest legs

Will know in about an hour.
Who the next best horse 
World Cup 

Meanwhile, Japan
Is a little bit frustrated?
They have this great commodity.

But it has become hard to sell.
They have installed vending machines.
Everywhere they think they can make a sale.

Whale meat
While they do have cattle 
Japan is a series of small islands.

Seafaring is much more. profitable.
They have canned the whale.
With the whale instead of a pig

On the can
But also frozen or freeze dried.
Can be bought.

For conesuiers 
Although some of us
Wonder why the whales.

Are beaching themselves.
It is as if the water is too cold.
Or something

With the artic ice melting
It might be true.
They want a warmer place.

Such as the beaches.
Sadly, we won't know.
Nor can we make the Star Trek?

Version comes true.
Transporting a whale 
Through time by the 

Old USS Enterprise
Really, those guys are going.
To have to figure out how to save.

Themselves in this modern world.
But those coke machine makeovers
Does send a shiver down my spine.

Such as watching the Pelosi.
Video with a man with a hammer
Just like the old days of Jimmy

He used to show up everywhere.
Threatening people with his piece of metal
Never one to be undone.

I don't know what stopped him.
Except my mother and I suddenly 
Could not make a move without him.

Knowing about it and he started
Introducing himself as pleasant
Grandpa with owner two hundred children.

What should we do with the jimmy's 
Of this world?
Burn them all?

Or make Alpo of them?
As for the other oddity
It is hard to speak. 

Of a time when cops
Where not professionally trained
But family to the locals

I recall my father. 
Getting a betting by a few men
Calling out for help.

Whoever they were.
And who they thought they  
We're kicking and beating.

Got a surprise. 
When they themselves were jumped
A few wild children

Came out of the dark house.
Where they were waiting for dad to come home
Mother was always angry when left alone.

Often, she did not cook supper.
Until he was home
We would sit in the dark sometime.

Waiting for the sounds of his car
Or feet outside
It was not the food so much.

As her frightening us 
Her moods were so bad. 
And her parents were not sure.

What to do as she had been 
That way for as long as they could remember.
They joked that someone had given. 

Them back the wrong child
One day when she was little.
As it is she died of brain cancer

It is hard to know when it developed.
Or how it might have already been present.
In her head

Her mind had detereioted
From her days of youth
She grew past her own natural.

Setting with her parents 
Separated by a war.
And then by different careers

Not much different than other families
Except she was just never the same
Nor normal.

Two girls threw themselves.
At the men kicking
Little bitches xxxx

Thought we were dogs!
The boys came waddling out.
Crying at high pitches

They eventually made it to 
Spot and simply latched onto a leg.
Crying and biting 

At the same time.
The chief of something
Drew up in his car.

And asked the men what they were doing.
Nothing! Nothing at all!
As they shook off the four varmints

Just as grandpa got home.
Sighing deeply
He maneuvered out of his car.

He had survived wwii
And in Sicily hand fighting 
After being dropped on the wrong nation

As well as fighting with the allies
In the forests of the east.
He had been in bar fights

But this was something 
He had difficulty dealing
His Native American son in law

Getting taken down by a bunch of bullies
After he had survived Korean war.
And was also a wrestler.

Light weight as he never grew.
His father was over six feet.
But something went wrong. 

Nuclear scientist 
Who worked on the Manhattan project??
Ended up with a shorter than normal son.

Not a midget but one wonders.
About the food sources in those days
Or those injections they gave kids.

My mother finally came out on the porch.
And began to yell.
I believe those men. did not know.

What they had stepped into
But my father was put in the hospital.
Mother went home to stay with her mother

While the kids had to be passed out
To the relatives 
As my mother decided

To have a nervous breakdown
From seeing his husband beaten 
For no reason at all

Except he did not match the others
On the street.
This last one was one of the neighbor's

And by his own kind.
The tolerance amongst each other
Has gotten worse not better.

Instead of a fully integrated community
The African Americans
Have drawn up in opposite camps.

They are not the same people.
Thier rules are not ours
And they will not explain them.

Meanwhile I still have.
Germans to Africans 
Claiming I am their mother.

I have no intention to spare them.
They can just go to prison for their crimes.
I can prove I have had no babies.

Defrauding, swindling, 
Extortion and elder abuse.
None of them want anything.

But what they don't deserve
By simply taking it from me
While introducing themselves

To people who don't want to know them.
One never does know. 
Who the next winner will be.

Or loser either.
Russia is here to stay
No matter what happens next

Art Collector is the winner.
Not Stiletto boy. 
Nor Cyberknife

The expected winners 
Only placed.
He had an experienced jockey.

Came from behind. 
And drove straight down. 
The front once he cleared. 

The last hurdle
Good luck Biden.
In next year's elections.

They come so quickly.
Don't know what to say about your 
Young stud Zelensky

He should not have won. 
In the first place
Nor is there. a guarantee

He will be a winner. 
Next year either
Half his population 

Has left by train.
Makes a better impression.

In the long run.
Not a few of us want vengeance.
It is just not on the world at large.


Friday, January 27, 2023

4-5-6 and 16.4


New Year's greetings.

The Lunar new year

Was celebrated at the White House

The first time ever

A special celebration 

For the Chinese New Year

It is to import the idea.

That Asians are not bad people.

Bless Jill and her efforts

Towards peace for all.

Still guarding the old boy

She found on the beach one day.

Even took his two boys. 

Into her heart as her own.

What is next?



It is going to be a big one.

The next year brings.

Not war nor peace

But Armageddon

It will be the year,

Of the reelection. 

For all three presidents

Joe if he runs.

Will have to make it through.

To autumn in order to get his results

But the other two only have 

Until the Spring

Both Zelensky and Putin

Are up for reelection. 

Next year.

What does that mean for us?

Watching them play out a long

Football game.

It is a sad war with no meaning.

Ukraine already had their independence.

There was no reason to upset the boat.

But he did upset it.

Now the children are in danger.

Millions have abandoned their own homes.

With no place to go nor to return

One almost wonders if it is a trick.

Of politics 

Allowing the refugees another life

While Kiev gets a renewal

A new face of architecture is coming to them.

Wonder how much it is going to cost?

The American taxpayers are not happy.

Too pay for others misery.

Especially when it is preventable.

Did you hear about Francisco?

Francisco Jose de Goya

A foreign painter of Spanish origins.

All those people from Spain

Who also lost their homeland.

He is considered one of the better artists.

But 16.4 million dollars!

At a time when buyers are wary

Two tiny mother and daughter portraits

Were auctioned off at Christies.

The figures are not beautiful models.

But real figures of the time.

While a few pieces are going. 

Over the million marks

This was extraordinarily high.

16 million dollars is a whole lot.

Of clams to pay for two small pieces.

Wonder where these will end up?

A museum of some sort?

Or a private collection?

Hopefully they will not sit inside a vault.

Because Jimmy is finding ways

Of gaining access to everything 

He can and he is leaving nothing.

He has torn down. 

So many 100 year old houses

In my community.

It is amazing to see one still standing.

Montezuma is having an exhibit.

Of the Ukraine war refugees.

Where will they be next? year?

And how many men will still 

Be standing next year?

Time will tell.

Another year is here. 

And another one behind.

It is important for the world leaders

To understand the populace

Only puts up for so long before. 

They revolt and rebel.

Get it right this time.

We might not have much time left...

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Look at what the cyclone left behind!


Dear Kamala,

I know you don't know me.

But everyone is following you.

You do have a presence.

And all those trips 

Back to your home state

Does not hurt you.

Nor leave us much room.

For misunderstanding you plan 

To stay in position 

It is assumed you will run.

For office after old Joe

Is pushed into a retirement home.

Did you know there is a new baby? 

In the town of Holy Sacraments?

Sacramento was one of the last cities.

To make it in the old West

Situated on two rivers.

It became the last place.

For the Capital 

And William Lands' End Park

Is home to a few fairy tales?

Such as Fairy tale town 

For the small of stature

A Reagan inspired golf course.

Yes, Ronald was Governor. 

Of California before heading East

And the Sacramento Zoo.

They have a new family member.

Shani or Channey has provided.

Some Hope in these terrible times

She made a baby Giraffe.

For us all to enjoy

Only knee high at birth

But adorable with those

Long eyelashes and covered in spots.

Might not be a bad idea.

To make best friends

With the Governor Gavin

So reminiscent of the Brown family

Almost like having a grandson in town.

Old Pat Brown came from Scotland.

And set up his family firm.

His son has now retired from two terms.

But this adopted guy is not too bad.

Now gently put your foot in

To see what they are going to name her.

Kamala after you?

It is the city of Camelias.

Maybe they will do it.

Or just Cyclone as her mother 

Survived those lashing winds. 

And Noah's ark deluge in her enclosure

Well, whatever it will be.

She is a welcome sight for sore eyes.

Those other two unmentionables

Are just too raw for words.

What have we become?

A nation of grudges 

And grievances?

Not since the seventies 

Have there been a rash. 

Of gun toting coworkers

Who just could not stand?

Their job anymore

It is sad when a child.

Takes a gun to school. 

As well to get even

With his demons.

I recall the days of Shawn.

Just wanted to get even with everyone.

Was not allowed access to guns.

Nor allowed to learn how to shoot.

But he showed up anyways.

With rifles which he carefully aimed

He says he missed his shot.

But there were all those killings.

In Sacramento on the east side

Twenty-two kills we are told.

One guy confessed. 

But the cops did not believe him.

Meanwhile, I was traveling in the vicinity.

Where the FBI headquarters are located

Had to replace my windshield.

Because there was a hole in it.


By someone I know has another family

In the south where they let 

Bad boys learn to shoot. 

Squirrels and other varmints.

Shawn grew tired of his game.

And changed his name.

To Jimmy instead

Just wanted to distract people.

He used to say when he got caught.

Doing something he should not.

His real mother sighed each time.

While his daddy would trot out 

To pay the bills

Rich parents and their bastards

I still say he had a hit list of victims.

Some of whom died without warning.

He liked to hike in the mountains.

Such as the place where Julian 

Has disappeared.

Could someone send up a drone?

With a camera to see closer 

To the ground?

Hate to have the wolfs find his body.

Before the spring thaw.

Sad what life brings.

All those awards

And nothing but a phone

To mark his passing.

When Jimmy or Junior

As his parents called him

Passes over to that other place.

I think I will sell his organs.

To foreign mercenaries 

Who needs an organ?

With morphine 

His adrenaline when he is on the hunt.

Goes into mania. 

As I well know 

Having been locked inside elevators.

A few times 

Complete collapse

And broken elevator

Has happened a number of times.

When I was working

He hates it when he gets caught.

Maybe I won't bother burying him either.

Just take him out to his favorite

Haunt and let the vultures do the job.

Nothing left over to find at all.

Junior Keshan gone.

There are some of his real families.

Friends who will breathe a sigh of relief.

As for this other guy 

Down South Carolina way

I hardly can make heads or tale.

Of this misadventure

The court has a fine job.

Ahead of them

To prove his phone 

Is the guilty party.

He arrives on the scene. 

He says of a brutal beating.

His wife and son are dead.

This after his housekeeper

Was shoved down the steps.

I wonder if Teresa went to work for them. 

Jimmy does like to have his way.

If anyone has shifty eyes

It is the wife in the photos.

She could have been doing. 

Something behind her husband's back

Loan sharks and gambling debts

Are not unknown to the ladies. 

Of the south.

Secret mortgages on the family farm

To pay off her sons' disabilities

One does not know what she was doing.

Nor what the sons were up to.

In a domestic situation

Especially in the south

It is best to cast downstream. 

Sometimes and see what the worm.

Can find because this is a tall tale.

So far from the District Attorney

Not that he might be guilty.

Is sweet, faced Jimmy.

With his blue eyes and blond hair

Were on the stand....

He has been convicted a few times.

Not supposed to step inside the state.

Of Florida, Arizona, California, Alaska ...

He does anyways

The women just swoon over him.

While this tall former redhead

Might not be too cocky. 

Until his lawyers 

Can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Life is different for those in some.

Economic brackets

One thinks they have a life of special care.

But it gets thrown to the wind.

When a suspicious mind 

Comes around. 

They are more likely to be picked up.

For no reason at all

And then have the charges dropped.

After getting their picture taken.

Who can know what the day will bring?

When all it takes is a phone call

From a stranger to simply say

The person is a thieve or a crazy

With no authority and there goes

The once fine morning

Into the darkness of night.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Nazis are coming, the Nazis are coming...


Baby Leopards are being sent.

To help the standup comedian

Stand up and play the piano. 

With his penis

The video that got him elected

Was his mockery of how to play

A Piano properly

He had quite a life before

He got paid to run for President.

One does still wonder. 

What his mother did prior

As a Soviet engineer.

What kind of projects did she work?

And who did she know?

A university papa 

Is nothing to what this guy?

Has become as a nobody.

As for the Oscars

I will be a no attendee.

One might as well give him.

An Oscar for his special appearance

We all know he is going to show up.

Via Video

As usual asking for handouts.

He can't ever repay. 

As a street hustler busker

He knows no bounds.

An Oscar for his performance

Might not be a bad idea.

As for me, I will not be watching.

Except for Michelle and Angela

Who both deserve an award.

For their long years of work 

In their field of artistry

Whereas Cruise would be better

To have his mark on a star

Walk of Fame

Therefore, people will remember him.

In the next generation

Of film goers.

I've seen good films.

Not receive even a mention

And some films get too many. 

Nods with no awards in the end.

One wishes them well. 

In the time they have spent

Refining their craft.

It is not something one just.

Walks in and sits down.

Adjusting himself to a new role

As this guy did

He went from being a mama's boy.

To attending Law school. 

For daddy

Then went off to a career.

Neither of them could anticipate

But he got all the spotlights.

As well as a beautiful wife.

With two children.

Some of us never have kids.

Because we have a faulty body

I grow tumors not fetuses.

Lucky her to have it all.

Except it is there one more time.

Too much emphasis on his 

Demanding the world take care. 

Of him and his poor country

They can afford to fly. 

To Mexico after escaping the onslaught

But they can't feed the ones.

Left behind nor care for the ill.

It is primarily. the Press

Who are covering the cost?

Of the Humanitarian aid.

Without telling the viewers

No one else cares in Europe

Who are taking care?

Of millions of refugees

Who have no place to return?

Or to go without provisions

This all because he wants. 

To play with the big boys

But has no infrastructure.

Of payment accept to turn his country

Into a battlefield for emergency aid.

Wonder what grandpa. 

Did during the Nazi days

After all Germany 

Is now spotting his lack.

Of vehicles for ground 

Warfare, although he would prefer.

Planes to go after those top guns.

He talks as if he can't be trusted.

With any nuclear device

What about Donbass?

When are they going to get? 

Thier Freedom?

Let's liberate Tibet.

At the same time.

They have a better chance.

Of being recognized as a free independent

Nation of their own

Then the Welsh descendants

Who saved the area at the turn?

Of the last century with metal industry

In fact, they built tanks and other metal things.

For war fare. 

Too bad their expertise was not used.

Frankly it is that the country.

Is just too poor.

They used their reserves up.

When they staged a coup

Took possession of the munitions.

And refused to back down.

To mother Russia 

Gained their independence. 

As a free country 

Which they renamed Ukraine

This was allowed because, 

It was not worth the fight. 

To keep them under the care

Of Russia

Let them go if they believe.

They can survive!

But they want more land. 

Not people but territory

Not rich enough to have.

A standing army

Nor the ability to provide.

For themselves.

They are the improvised neighbor.

Nobody dares turn down.

There is no threat of Germany.

Being annexed by Russia.

Not that Germany has not attempted.

To make Russia theirs to own.

Now is their chance to go in and do some harm.

With their tanks designed to war against 

America at another time and place.

America is not stupid enough

To believe these people want them

Germany can hardly offer a hand shake

Nor will Ukraine wear acceptable clothing.

As for the rest of them

It is just Charity. 

That they are offering 

The young man who is over his head

But enjoys showing off.

By begging for more 

More he pleads.

From his office to every

Major arts event in order 

To be seen as the victim 

Of the situation.

France has even pledged. 

To rebuild their humble country

Once the war is over.

Now that they have gone before. 

An American congress

But have not showed up at the UN.

When are those guys going to see?

The situation is out of control.

They have kindergartners.

Who won't be graduating?

From college 

All due them needing. 

To build the belief that

They are under siege.

What else can they fantasize

While America has been a little bit busy

If he has not noticed.

There are all those. 

Misfiled documents in various 

Important people's homes

Hopefully his name is not on any of them.

And then there was the bizarre weather.

That California and Florida

Have endured and suffered calamity

While some guys want to run around

With guns in their hands 

Aiming them at innocent bystanders

Where do they get the idea from?

Using guns on other humans?

It might be all that tough talk.

Ukraine is spewing out about

Thier impossible situation

That we are now having the aftermath

Of idiots wanting to show off

Thier poweress.

It is just not fair.

That an audience will have to endure

Another episode of Zelensky

Asking for us to understand

They will not survive. 

After all, against their former

Comrades and friends.

Did the guy ever win anything?

A comic award of some sort?

A Bachelor show or did he just rise.

To power with no wins?

Some guys in Hollywood

Are powerful without ever. 

Receiving  acknowledgement.

But in politics one has to have

A background of something.

This poor guy has nothing to show.

For all the generosity garnished.

They believe though in themselves.

They have a dream of freedom. 

And a cloud of innocents lost.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Washing what?


Place names

Most surnames are related to location.

Or vocation

Someone is the son of someone.

Or it is a town of some sort.

Such as Washington

It is town that does its laundry.

It washes things out in the Potomac.

No dirty sheets in this place. 

Or Londontown

Was a place where they landed?

The first Romans to invade Britian.

Next door was Southwark's.

The Romans workstation

For their building projects.

Such as the Hadrian wall in the north.

Or the bridge that once spanned the Thames

Kept falling down and catching fire.

Damn thing

Must have been cursed.

Did you know there was once a coliseum?

What or what is Charles going to do with Kate

Mad empress Kate

Who can't get anything right?

Won't eat a single bit of food.

Thus, providing no brain function


I bet you she even says I am her mama.

Just as little Linsay

Who still can't walk and talk?

She can do but not both.

Frustrated at being made to sit.

With the lowly ones on the ladder

She pushed someone big out of the way.

In order to get on that plane

With Barack.

Wonder what her dreams are about?

Certainly she would not think of saying

I gave birth to her at all

Or would she?

She is just the kind to slander a good woman.

I will have to bring a defamation suit against her.

I shall, I shall.

What next can go wrong in Hollywood?

Which by the way was originally

The Holy Road 

Or El camino real

The Royal highway

Accept it was built by outlaws.

Those Franciscan Friars

Were actually considered criminals.

By the Catholic church

And Espana.

The Inquisition came to an end.

In Spain and in Mexico City.

No more use for the guys who ran it.

Sent them packing.

Told them they could not come back home.

They set out for the far side of the universe.

Building Missions for Indians along the way.

Can one imagine? Tom Cruise

Winning an Oscar?

He is one of the big ones.

But none of his movies have ever been.

Worthy of the notice of Rodeo drive purchasers.

Even Robert Redford has his own show. 

In Sundance

Since he is also a non-winner.

What about Avatar?

A bunch of blue aliens 

Having a family picnic!

I suppose a war movie would be the best.

One never does now what to do

In that place so removed

From reality.

The sweetest and brightest

Have bit the dust due to 

Over kill with those spike heels.

Wait till March

The March winds might bring a surprise or two.

As for Pence

His surname is actually Bentz.

A place where they make Mercedes!

Really, the thing about names.

Is that they evolve or get misspelled.

His family is from a town in Germany.

Whose place name was subjugated. 

To those who could not pass school

But still got jobs in government.

Called Clerks most of the time.

They have really bad hearing.

And spelling 

As well as ability to properly file

Documents of any kind.

Still waiting since 2002

For any sort of work history

To surface since I was once. 

Not an unknown just not a celebrity.

Barbara Walters got a star on the Walk of Fame

The daughter of nightclub owner in New York City.

That just about fits the bill.

She was a pioneer who made her own way.

Nice lady herself.

Not without the help of others 

Who have gone unmentioned.

But it is the celebrity angle that always wins.

For instance,

My grandmother once had her picture.

Hanging on a certain wall.

Employee of the month.

She survived the blitzes of London.

And came back to talk about it.

As a pioneer Radio reporter.

I also had something once upon a time.

A photo on the wall, 

Journalist of the year.

I had gone everywhere that year.

So, I got my picture taken.

Then someone mislabel me.

And I became a no name person.

With too many unresponsible ones

Who just want to have it all.

If I should be anything at all.

They immediately want it for themselves

And poor old mom

Has no place to call home

Now that the Amy Adams of the world

Insist that a child gave birth to them.

Instead of being reasonable

They are all drug addicts. 

Who are helping with the smuggling?

Make sure to stop that one.

Fancy celebrity but check her bags!

About robbing old ladies 

Of their purses and panties.

Too much second guessing has gone on.

And no real authentic reason for it all.

Except it is shocking.

Jimmy for instance has no birth certificate.

But everyone loves him.

They even allow him to hire his own wife.

To be their maid or housekeeper.

I guarantee that Teresa has been inside.

Each and every one of those discovery places.

She wears fur coats when she is not pushing a vacuum.

I once watched Jimmy running through.

The Pentagon dressed as a Janitor.

With the head guard on his monitor

I was doing research.

And had to pass the guard to get to the public archives.

In order to view certain items

And not remove them from the building.

I was even searched at times.

Now way out without turning those things ing.

But there was that moment. 

When I woke up from one of my overseas trips

And discovered papers in my desk. 

That should not have been there.

I snuck them into the overnight depository.

Not going to be caught because of someones elses mistake.

Sorry Justice department

I know the limits of the law.

In the case of an Indian

None at all

And no settlements either 

In the case of vehicular manslaughter

I was actually reported DOA

On my excursion into hell

I awoke in the mortuary

Still waiting for a disability settlement

For having four breaks below the waist

Leaving me paralyzed.

I also have broken toes and ribs.

But we won't count them.

The other guy was on my side of the road.

He was a seventy-year-old male man from Mexico.

Living with his daughter and no auto insurance.

He was doing no harm.

Could not hurt a flie.

Who was I to complain?

No arrest nor conviction.

Just a lot of suspicious activity around myself.

He did flee to Mexico by the way.

They always do you know, escape.

I want to know Peter Jennings

Where is your star?

They named a street after you.

But this guy named Harley got one of those as well.

All he did was marry an heiress.

Who had alot of property in Westminster

A medical institution who put out doctors

Who then continued to experiment on patients?

Who paid a pretty penny to go to them?

On Harley Street.

Well maybe Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw

Will get a special place next to our celebrity.

Not that I have anything against Barbara. 

I don't and I did meet her once. 

But that is a different story.

Money sells products. 

The news is a product. 

The journalist of the world

Who care about their stories?

Are more numerous than one can imagine.

In Mexico they are killing them off.

So many people are being shot. 

Why can't a stray bullet

Graze the head of Jimmy?

Oh, by the way.

It is ninety seconds.

Doomsday clock is reset.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Dear little sister

Only in the far east

Would it matter what day? 

You were born.

It is a new year's in Asia.

As the story goes

The rat tricked the cat.

Into not showing up 

For the banquet 

And he did not get. 

To celebrate in the party

There for they claim 

No sign of the cat

But in Viet nam

Instead of a hare

There is a cat!

Why do you believe? 

This might be so.

Two different stories

Two different animals

Assigned for the new year's festival?

It is our story. 

Is it not.

Born to the same woman.

But given different upbringings.

She chose to nurture you.

While she let nature take care of me.

It is not. meant to be literal.

But there it is. 

We had a mama. 

Whose mind was already gone.

Instead of a sweet homecoming

One of us always got punished

My father was confused. 

As to what was going on.

And her family she lied. 

Successfully her whole life

They ended up dying. 

Without her caring for them

Old Aunt Ella 

Ended her days in a nursing home

After all the places she went in her life

Taking us with her when she could

I am afraid. little one

That mama has left you nothing at all.

Not even me,

She is hoping I will die. 

Before we see each other again.

However, I am still here.

Hoping to find a way. 

Around her plans 

Suspicious be suspicious.

Of any other who comes

Do not trust anyone.

It will be who finds you.

In the end.

I am afraid she has gone.

And done what her grandparents.

Forbade and given their homestead.

Away, the only place we knew. 

As  home.

So far away from the rest 

Of the world 

A sanctuary to most

Who came by it with an invitation?

It was the others.

Who sought ways of stealing?

That made it known. 

She was not going to win.

Against them.

Jimmy who is not ours

Arrived via these other ladies.

Of no good intentions

It is for God that they 

Want all the worldy possessions

Hum bug

Greedy little bitches.

Jimmy has taken all of our

Toys, books, and dresses

Given them away 

To others while we 

Were gone.

No wonder it took us so long.

To get home sometimes

He has raided every closest.

Taking out the fur coats

And silk dresses

As well as the fine China

Just tossed it away.

As if it was garbage.

He cares not what happens.

To the things that are not for him

But tearing down one hundred-year-old houses

For no reason at all

He says he is building those glass.

Towers with no escape in case 

Of emergency

He is just being mean.

He does not even like them

He just wants to destroy.

He has gone to every person.

Giving them his sob story

He even has them pay him money.

In order to keep them from guessing

That he will take their houses as well

If he can, he will have it all.

Just to destroy 

Each and every memory

As if we had not existed.

That is what he really wants.

World domination

Through erasing those who mattered

He had rich parents

Who provided for him.

Spoiled him and gave in to him.

But he just wantad that little girl

Standing or sitting 

There by the wayside

Waiting for her mama

To decide if it was time

To stop being punished

For being born.

Where will it end?

I don't know dear.

He has raided the vaults.

Of the banks

And the safes of the houses

Musuems have not been safe to him.

In the past, nor have public buildings.

Gone unentered.

He might even burn down. 

The White House

Before he is done.

He certainly has caused enough trouble.

Yet no one seems to know how to stop him.

She knew his mind and allowed it.

To be thought he was her son.

Instead of prospect of son in law.

I know you did not agree

To marry him nor will I.

He has no way of understanding

With his parents what reality 

But be careful 

Where ever you are.

She might lead you to believe

You are not what you are...

Do not follow the Rabbit. 

Nor allow yourself. 

To be used as a horse

You are a proud innocent. 

Princess with no fussing

Be kind when I arrive.

As I have gone ahead of you

Growing with the world

Cats are our ways.

Careful and cautious

Do not given in to Candace!

Nor get caught by Jimmy.

Nothing at all.

He has taken. everything.

Not even a husband 

Has he spared.

We will be one again and soon.

Remember the cat.

Did make it to the banquet.

In the end, I will be there as well for you.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Have you searched everywhere?



Formerly a Coast Guard vessel

The other White House

During the FDR years

This was the summer home.

Away from it all

Not quite Mar Largo

But it suited him fine.

Hyde Park was too visible.

This old boat served as his 

Get away from it. 

During times of stress

Which in his years 

Was a lot of the time.

And then Winston Churchill

Came calling without the Press.

Knowing he was in town.

Quickly he was shuttled.

To the Marina were

They kept themselves from

Being informed upon by staff

While they went over

Important documents 

Which were necessary to them?

At the time and then discarded.

Where are the housekeepers? 

Anyways, usually Jimmies

Wife Teresa shows up. 

Whenever I need to speak

To those I am associated

Why are they still finding?

These items not properly sorted.

The staff are responsible for some of it.

Important documents are usually.

Procured by an associate of some sort.

The big guy does not usually 

Get them himself but they are brought.

Where is the chain of command?

These things should have been taken. 

Back to their resources 

Since clearly, they have been forgotten.

Why the negligence?

As for Trump his summer home

Became a camp and those boxes.

Where simply not accounted 

Because of the developing situation

Is there any evidence either.

We're committing a crime.

While these things were in their possession?

Where they are using them to gain access 

To something outside their sphere?

Having them after leaving office 

Is the key issue but what of it?

In the long run it is embarrassing

To have forgotten them in the first place

Even more embarrassing to have been caught.

Having documents about certain people or places

It is their business to keep America safe.

And yet there is always that element.

Of discretion when something occurs

When how and where

What do we know about? 

These things discovered.

That impacts our lives. 

To the degree of a witch hunt?

And when is it going to stop?

I mean are each and everyone. 

Of the House and Senate

Also going to go through. 

This type of investigation?

Being negligent does indicate.

A certain type of behavior

But why were any of these.

Left without the authorization.

Not coming back through

It is like a library book.

Once checked out the monitor

Is supposed to make sure they get returned.

Imagine a beautiful morning.

With the early sunrise off in the distance

And the light quietly slipping in through the windows.

The sounds of the birds and the frogs

While a gentle row occurs underneath

The smell of cigars and whiskey

Are now masked by the morning.

On the Potomac in a ship

Named the Potomac

What was the Prime Minister? 

Thinking that first morning?

While the President was being got ready

With his polio difficulties

By his staff in order to start a new day

With coffee brewing 

And perhaps eggs although. 

Not easily available at the time

To sit there on deck and view

The banks slipping past. 

As they cruised slowly towards

The Atlantic 

Or perhaps on their way back

Up to the Foggy Bottom swamp

Where the White house was rebuilt

After the Brits returned

In 1812 to burn it and the city down

After losing the Revolution in 1779

What it must have felt like for him

To adjust to thinking that 

He needed this guy to save his country.

From being entered and bombarded

By the German Nazis 

Who had followed the crazy Kaiser?

Who had set war against? 

His own relatives in Britian

Which is why the royals? 

Are now called the Windsor's.

After the Castle built for 

William the conqueror

How odd history is to behold.

What difference does it make anyways?

There are stranded Americans.

At Machu Pichu 

Due to the unrest of the Peruvians

Who want conflict and keep stopping?

The Trains from moving. 

Once more the tourists 

Have to foot it with their luggage.

All the way back to the airport

If it is still open to leave

A hostile country.

Meanwhile, Israel is not going to take it.

Either that Netanyahu 

Came back into power.

They are protesting and blocking. 

The roads from travel

While they are demanding to have their way

What is this anyways?

People who complain too much

They actually voted that guy into office.

What is history going to remember?

About these times?

That a guy elected to office

Was never accepted.

A staged revolt was provided.

As the final answer to his misery

And he is going to go on trial. 

For not shooting a non-innocent 

By stander who wanted revenge 

But his crimes seem to be withholding.

Important classified documents 

Has now impacted the next guy.

Who as Vice President

Was doing his job at home.

And not in a public place.

It is understood that the public.

Has the right to know what is going on?

But also, that there is a certain amount.

Of diplomacy that goes on day to day

There are important things we don't need to know.

While too much time is spent 

In not getting behind the stories

Where is this going to lead us all?

Hopefully not another Watergate

Where the country was torn apart

Three Presidents were affected.

Nixon, Ford and Carter

All got blasted over tapes.

Which we don't enjoy knowing about

But I don't know a single person.

With a new mobile phone

Who does not take pictures of others?

And broadcast them to their social pages.

Of people doing innocent things

Such as attempting to get muscular strength.

After a really bad auto accident

Left the spinal cord curled.

Or someone taking their dog for a walk.

Leaving comments about celebrity status

I don't have a Facebook account.

I was using it for my online college courses.

Due to their requiring i have it available

But then I got spammed and other things

Felt as if I was followed.

And my computer got raided or hacked.

I don't do Tik Tok nor even the Bird.

Best to Musk for attempting to overhaul. 

The system which has developed 

From to much access to the media

But they are invading others privacy.

And recording things that are questionable.

I got yelled at by a customer service moderator.

She caught me yelling at my cat while waiting.

For the real person to come on to deal with my problem

She was sitting there listening to my quiet line.

While I was told I was on hold or next in line

I had no idea as my cat went for something he should not. 

Have even thought of touching.

I love my pet but somedays it is tiresome.

To not have anything to talk to about life.

And it was natural to yell at him.

Although not obscenities

She put me on a permeant unfriendly status.

I can't make a single phone call. 

Without knowing she was eavesdropping

On my home environment 

And made a decision based on her opinion

Of what i was supposed to be doing 

While on hold.

I know a lot of people would have done worse.

But either did not get caught

Or were further away from the receiver than I was.

Who heard of such a thing? 

Customer quality or something 

She called herself and they do exist.

One of these days 

I will wake up back at the old homestead.

Smell the sea air.

And the roses

As well as coffee brewing

Knowing it has safely been captured.

Back from the thieves called Ferrels.

And pirates named Sandoval's.

Jimmy hates roses 

Because then the place looks 

Cared for and not abandoned.

Why he gets to make any comment

As every judge told him he could not take 

The place away but my mother's old aunt

Was devastated when I bought her what she wanted.

The memories of her childhood

Having been born out on a piece of property

No one else wanted as it was too fare from anything.

It was originally gotten to by water. 

Later by train and buggy

And then of course by car

She among others cuould not udnerstand

Who these other people were living on her parents

Inherited piece of property

She was taken away from me 

And put in a nursing home

Where she died after my mother

So, my mother who was. disinherited

For being mad

Never did get to own the place.

But sold it too everyone she could.

Because she was crazy

Her family knew it but who keeps. 

Taking advantage of someone like that?

Jimmy of course is going to pay.

For any damage done to the property

No matter how long it takes.

And if he gets me arrested or anything

There is the little mater of him not having.

A real Identification

No birth certificate either

Just an illegal alien committing crimes....

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...